You all mention the problem of shortness of breath at one time or another. Its medical name is dyspnea. Shortness of breath means that you are having trouble breathing and you are feeling a kind of suffocation. Shortness of breath can be mild, severe or even very severe. In some cases, people also experience anxiety or stress, which makes this condition even worse.

This is very common when your physical activity exceeds your capacity or when you climb hilly areas where there is a lack of oxygen. In such cases, breathing returns to normal after some rest. The problem of shortness of breath, however, can also be caused by many health problems. This problem can also be caused by anemia, infection or disease in the respiratory system, bronchitis, heart disease and allergies. These symptoms are also very common in people who have lung cancer.

(Read more - Difficulty Breathing)

In many people, shortness of breath is not very serious. However, if it occurs for no apparent reason or bothers you while resting and throughout the night, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Also, talk to your doctor if you also notice symptoms such as fever, chest pain, tightness in the throat or wheezing in the chest.

(Read more - First aid for difficulty breathing)

When you suffer from dyspnea, doing any simple task seems extremely difficult. It affects your daily activities as well as your health. But you can overcome it by changing your lifestyle and diet with the help of some simple home remedies. Along with this, talk to your doctor for the right treatment.So let us tell you the home remedies for shortness of breath -

(Read more - Understanding the Importance of Respiratory Rate)

  1. Take A Deep Breath To Control Shortness Of Breath
  2. Pursed Lip Breathing Technique For Shortness Of Breath
  3. Drink Black Coffee To Prevent Shortness Of Breath
  4. Taking Steam When Short Of Breath
  5. Benefits Of Ginger For Shortness Of Breath
  6. Benefits Of Beetroot For Shortness Of Breath
  7. Consume Fennel To Avoid Shortness Of Breath
  8. Quit Smoking To Avoid Shortness Of Breath
  9. Walking Regularly Reduces Shortness Of Breath Problem
  10. Benefits Of Relaxation Therapy To Avoid Shortness Of Breath
  11. Some Tips For Shortness Of Breath
  12. Summary

Apart from deep breathing and abdominal breathing, it is also called diaphragmatic breathing, which cures your shortness of breath. This technique proves to be very helpful, especially when you have shortness of breath.

How to do -

  • First of all lie down on your back, place your hands on the stomach and relax the muscles.
  • Now take a deep breath with the help of the nose, move the stomach forward and fill the lungs with air.
  • Now hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Now slowly exhale through the mouth and empty the lungs completely.
  • Repeat this process like this for five to ten minutes.
  • Repeat this breathing exercise two to three times throughout the day.

(Read more - Acute respiratory distress syndrome)

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Pursed lip breathing is another great technique that helps in reducing the problem of shortness of breath. It quickly reduces your shortness of breath and brings normal breathing into rhythm. Along with this, it also relieves stress and anxiety.

How to do it -

  • First of all, sit comfortably and relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders.
  • Then press your lips tightly.
  • Then try to breathe through your nose for a few seconds.
  • Now open the lips a little and exhale slowly.
  • Inhale and exhale again in the same way. Repeat this process for about ten minutes.
  • You can do this technique anytime or whenever you feel that you are short of breath, do it comfortably. You will start feeling good in a few minutes.

(Read more - Respiratory Depression)

A cup of black coffee helps to treat the problem of shortness of breath. The caffeine present in coffee strengthens the respiratory system and improves the functions of air coming in and out of the body. Along with this, it also relieves the symptoms of asthma. Drink one or two cups of strong black coffee to get relief from the problem of shortness of breath and keep the normal breathing process going on. But do not consume too much coffee, it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure.

(Read more - Respiratory failure)

If respiratory problems are increasing the problem of shortness of breath, then the home remedy of taking steam is considered a very good option. This keeps your nasal passages clear and there is no problem in breathing. Along with this, the heat and moisture of the steam reduces the mucus, which does not cause any difficulty in breathing.

How to use -

  • First of all, fill a big bowl with water.
  • Now add any essential oil in it like eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil.
  • Now take your face near the bowl and cover your head with a towel.
  • Now start taking steam and take deep breaths like this for a few minutes.
  • If your nose is blocked then repeat this remedy daily.

(Read more -Emphysema)

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Ginger is another effective remedy that helps to treat mucus in the chest or nose, which increases the problem of shortness of breath. Many components present in ginger remove mucus. This makes you breathe easily. Along with this, it also protects against neck and respiratory tract infections. Drink ginger tea daily for its better benefits.

To make tea - Put one teaspoon of ginger pieces in two cups of boiling water. Then cover the vessel for five to ten minutes. Now filter the mixture and then add honey to it. Then drink this mixture. Along with this, you can also chew ginger pieces to get rid of mucus. 

(Read more - Asthma)

If you have shortness of breath due to anemia, then you can eat beetroot. Beetroot contains high amounts of iron, as well as fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamins.

How to use -

  • First of all, mix a medium-sized beetroot, three carrots, a handful of spinach and half a sweet potato together and put them in a mixer. Then drink it. Drink this mixture once a day.
  • Apart from this, roast one or two beetroots on the gas with peels. Then cool the beetroot, peel it and eat it by adding salt and pepper.
  • Along with this, add more iron-rich foods to your diet.

(Read more - Chest Congestion)

According to Ayurveda, fennel helps in treating breathing problems. Its expectorant properties remove mucus and treat respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and cough. Along with this, the iron present in fennel also treats anemia.

How to use -

  • First of all, put one teaspoon of fennel in hot water.
  • Then keep it covered for five to ten minutes.
  • Strain the entire mixture and drink this fennel tea two to three times a day.
  • You can also roast fennel and eat it slowly.

(Read more - Tips and Remedies for Shortness of Breath)

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If you smoke occasionally or daily, then know that smoking causes many health problems, such as dyspnea. The harmful chemicals present in it can easily increase respiratory problems and shortness of breath. So quit smoking now and also avoid going in front of a person who is smoking. As your breathing problems get better, the risk of lung cancer will also decrease.

(Read more - Bronchitis)

Walking is considered a very good treatment for the problem of shortness of breath. It is very common among overweight people. Walking daily improves your stamina and also reduces the problem of shortness of breath. It also reduces your weight. Walk for 30 to 60 minutes five times a week, this will increase both your metabolism and stamina.

(Read more - How To Increase Lung Capacity)

Relaxation therapy such as yoga and meditation helps to get rid of the problem of shortness of breath. This type of therapy supplies blood and oxygen properly to the whole body and also reduces the heart rate. Along with this, it also reduces stress and anxiety. If possible, do yoga and meditation in an open space, so that you can get fresh and pure air.

(Read more - First aid for asthma attack)

Some tips to overcome the problem of shortness of breath -

  • Keep in mind at what time or which activity causes you to have shortness of breath.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, sleep by placing several pillows around your head. Along with this, you can also sleep by placing a pillow on your side and between your legs.
  • Do not sleep in a very hot room, this can make the situation even worse. You can change your position to get relief from the problem of shortness of breath.
  • When you start feeling short of breath, stop doing the work you are doing at that time. Until your breathing becomes normal.
  • Instead of focusing on your breath, try to focus your attention somewhere else. This will help you control your breath.
  • Try to take small breaks between strenuous activities to prevent shortness of breath.
  • Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals. 
  • Eat fruits and vegetables well every day.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep the body hydrated and thin the mucus. This will make it easier to remove the mucus and you will not have trouble breathing.
  • Take breaks in between work. Sit on a chair and keep your hands on your knees and relax your shoulder and arm muscles.
  • If there is a table in front of you, place a pillow on the table and keep both hands on the table. Now keep your head comfortably on the pillow. Leave your body completely loose.
  • You can also stand leaning against a wall and leave your body completely loose. This will help relax your body and your breathing will also continue normally.
  • You can relax your shoulder and neck muscles by keeping your head down with your hands on the table.
  • Do not take any kind of medicine or supplements without consulting a doctor.
  • People who have asthma should use an inhaler before exercising. 
  • Use a humidifier at home, especially in winter, as the air becomes dry at that time and dries up the mucus, due to which you are unable to breathe.

(Read more - Deep breathing exercises and their benefits)

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Some home remedies can be effective in reducing the problem of shortness of breath. First of all, taking steam regularly helps in keeping the respiratory tract clear, making it easier to breathe. Drinking a mixture of ginger and honey or a decoction of basil leaves can relieve shortness of breath, as they are rich in natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Pranayama and deep breathing exercises are also helpful in increasing lung capacity. Also, the use of turmeric, garlic and black pepper in food helps in keeping the lungs strong and reducing the problem of shortness of breath. If the problem is serious, then definitely consult a doctor.

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