Sex drive simply means your sexual ability. Even today people do not openly talk about sex drive or sex-related problems, due to which they do not get proper information, and as a result, these problems persist. In such a situation, we need to know which foods can cause a decrease in sex drive.

Today in this article you will learn in detail about such food items -

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  1. Foods that reduce sex drive
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for Foods that lower sex drive

If you include these things in your diet, it may hurt your sex drive -

Red meat

According to research from the Cleveland Clinic, the saturated fats found in red meat affect LDL cholesterol levels, which can lead to a low libido in both men and women. Therefore, reduce the intake of red meat in your diet.

(Read More - How to increase libido)

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Dairy products

Dairy products contain xenoestrogens, which are a type of estrogen. This can spoil the process of making natural hormones in the body. According to a study, excessive xenoestrogens can reduce fertility and libido.

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Cheese is very tasty but it can affect the hormones testosterone and estrogen in men and women, due to which there is a decrease in libido. However, cheese enhances the taste of many dishes, so it is safe to consume it in small quantities.

(Read More - 7 Natural sex booster supplements)


Surprisingly, mint is also included in this list. It may reduce sex drive in men. Mint contains menthol which reduces testosterone thereby reducing sex drive.

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It is often used in candy, herbal teas, and other beverages. Liquorice contains phytoestrogen, which affects the testosterone levels in the body of both men and women, leading to decreased sexual desire.

(Read More - What to Eat to Increase Female Libido)


Quinine is commonly added to flavored drinks such as tonic water, but this also has negative effects on libido. If you want to enjoy your sex life then stay away from quinine.

(Read More - When women have strong sexual desire)


We all know that almost everyone likes chocolate. It cannot be compared with anything, but it also affects sex drive. Chocolate, while delicious, is full of methylxanthines (an alkaloid found in tea, coffee, and chocolate), which cause drowsiness and fatigue, resulting in a naturally decreased sex drive. Don't make the mistake of eating chocolate before sex.

(Read More - 7 Best homeopathic medicines for low libido)

Fried foods

Fried things are not only harmful to the body, but they can also affect our sex drive. Most fried foods contain trans-fat which increases abnormal sperm production in men and also affects the fertility of women. This reduces libido in both men and women.

(Read More - Natural ways to increase libido)

Just as it is important to take a healthy diet for good health, it is also important to keep some things out of your diet. Here in this article, we have told about some such food items, which can reduce sex drive. Therefore, pay special attention to your diet.

(Read More - Homeopathic medicines for sex power)

Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

15 Years of Experience

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

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Dr. Nizamuddin

Dr. Nizamuddin

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Dr. Tahir

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