Acute respiratory infection is an infection that causes difficulty in normal breathing. It may affect just your upper respiratory tract, which starts at your sinuses and ends at your vocal cords, or just your lower respiratory tract, which starts at your vocal cords and ends at your lungs. But it ends. This infection is especially dangerous for children, the elderly and people with immune system disorders.

Read more - (Lung Infections symptoms, causes, treatment)

  1. Symptoms Of Acute Respiratory Infection
  2. Cause Of Acute Respiratory Infection
  3. Who Is At Risk For Acute Respiratory Infection?
  4. Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Infection
  5. Treatment Of Acute Respiratory Infection
  6. Prevention Of Acute Respiratory Infections
  7. Summary

Symptoms of acute respiratory infection include:

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There are many different causes of acute respiratory infection such as –

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It is almost impossible to avoid viruses and bacteria, but certain risk factors increase the chance of developing acute respiratory infections. The immune systems of children and older adults are more likely to be affected by the virus.

Children are especially at risk because they are in frequent contact with other children who may be virus carriers. Children often do not wash their hands regularly. They are also more likely to rub their eyes and put fingers in their mouth, which results in spreading the virus.

People with heart disease or other lung problems are more likely to get acute respiratory infections. Anyone with a weakened immune system is at risk. Smokers are also at higher risk and have more trouble recovering.

Read more - (Pneumonia in babies and children)

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In a respiratory test, the doctor focuses on your breathing. They check for fluid and swelling in the lungs by listening to abnormal sounds in your lungs when you breathe. The doctor may examine your nose, ears, and throat. An X-ray or CT scan may also be done to check the condition of the lungs.

Pulse oximetry, also called pulse ox, can check how much oxygen gets into the lungs. A doctor may also take a sample from your nose or mouth, or ask you to take a spit sample, to check for the type of virus or bacteria causing the illness.

To treat this, your doctor may prescribe medications to manage your symptoms while monitoring your condition. If your doctor suspects a bacterial infection, they may prescribe antibiotics.

Read more - (Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI))

Possible Complications Of Acute Respiratory Infection
Complications of acute respiratory infections are extremely serious and can result in permanent damage and even death. Which includes:

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Most causes of acute respiratory infection cannot be treated. Therefore, prevention is the best way to avoid harmful respiratory infections. Getting vaccinated against MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and whooping cough will significantly reduce the risk of respiratory infections. You may also benefit from influenza vaccination and Pneumovax.

Read more - (Acute respiratory distress syndrome )

Some effective home remedies that may prove helpful are:

  • Steam: This is one of the best methods to treat nasal congestion. Steam helps clear mucus membranes and makes breathing easier.
  • Salt-water gargles: Gargling with salt mixed with warm water provides relief from sore throat.
  • Consumption of Ginger: Ginger and its antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties help in reducing various infections.
  • Eucalyptus: Boil some eucalyptus leaves and take steam to get relief from nasal discomfort. You can also use eucalyptus oil and smell it for better results.
  • Honey: Like ginger, honey also soothes the throat and kills infection-causing bacteria. It is suitable for children suffering from respiratory infections.
  • Hot beverages: This is one of the most common methods for treating viral infections. Lemon: Consuming lemon tea or just lemon juice can help fight bacteria and keep you healthy.
  • Rest: It may not seem like a remedy, but sleep and rest can help relax the body and boost the immune system. This, in turn, may help fight bacteria.

Acute respiratory infection is an infection that causes trouble with your breathing and can affect your upper or lower respiratory tract. This disease can be dealt with better by knowing its types, symptoms, causes and treatment. Avoiding smoking and including plenty of vitamins like vitamin C in your diet can help improve your immune system.


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