Acne is a common skin problem. The problem of acne usually occurs in people with oily skin or it can also be due to hormonal imbalance. Stress, pollution, and diet can also be the reasons for this. Due to pimples, the face starts looking bad and because of this the beauty and confidence of the face are also affected.

To know an Ayurvedic treatment for acne please click on the link given here.

Today in this article, we have come up with some remedies, with the help of which acne will disappear overnight -

(Read More - Forehead pimple treatment)

  1. Toothpaste for acne
  2. Lemon for acne
  3. Aspirin for acne
  4. Ice for acne
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Home remedies to make a pimple go away overnight

If you apply toothpaste directly on the acne, then the swelling around them will reduce and it will also help in drying them. This will also reduce the problem of oily skin. This remedy is extremely effective for people who are suffering from acne, whiteheads, or blackheads. Do not use toothpaste that is made of gel or contains hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals. Because such toothpaste can harm your skin.

To use toothpaste -

  • Apply ice before applying toothpaste on pimples, this will reduce the swelling.
  • Now apply some amount of toothpaste on the pimples.
  • After applying, leave the toothpaste like this for half an hour.
  • Now wash the skin with water.

(Read More - Ayurvedic remedies for pimples)

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Lemon contains vitamin C and has acidic properties that fight the bacteria that cause acne. Lemon is considered to be the best remedy to get rid of acne.

Use lemon like this -

  • Squeeze a lemon in the bowl and now dip the cotton in it.
  • Apply cotton on the affected area and after applying leave it like this for the whole night.
  • Then wash the skin with lukewarm water.

(Read More - How to remove pimples)

Use aspirin to get rid of acne. Aspirin contains salicylic acid. Pimples become dry with their use and the swelling around them also reduces.

To use aspirin -

  • Take one to two aspirin first.
  • Now crush the aspirin and then mix it with some amount of water.
  • Keep stirring the mixture until a paste is formed.
  • Now apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping at night.
  • If your skin is sensitive then wash the skin after a few minutes. If it is not so, then you can wash the skin with water in the morning.

(Read More - 8 Best creams for pimples)

Ice reduces the swelling and redness around the pimples. Ice also helps in increasing blood circulation to the affected area. Apart from this, ice shrinks the pores of the skin and this reduces the production of oil.

How to use ice -

  • First, take a piece of ice and then tie it with a cloth.
  • Then apply ice to the affected area for a few seconds.
  • After five minutes, repeat this process in the same way.

To know an Ayurvedic treatment for fungal infection please click on the link given here.

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Due to acne, the beauty of the face starts deteriorating. Therefore, it is better to get rid of acne as soon as possible. Therefore, here we have listed some easy home remedies that can get rid of acne quickly. Along with these tips, taking a good diet and doing daily exercise, yoga, and meditation are also beneficial. If the pimples are still not cured, then a doctor should be consulted.

(Read More - Ayurvedic herbs for acne)

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

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