Any kind of skin problem on the face can cause a lot of immediate discomfort and hurt one’s confidence. In such a situation, it is necessary to deal with skin-related problems in time. The most common issue faced is that of pimples. Along with home remedies, the use of face wash can also prove to be very useful in getting rid of pimples as soon as possible.

This is because the dirt, oil, makeup and sweat stuck on the face can all be removed with the right face wash. As a result, the problem of pimples can also be solved. But first, it is important to know how to use face wash to get relief from the problem of pimples.

(Read more: Skincare routine for flawless skin)

In this article, we will discuss some components that are necessary in a face wash for it to be able to fight off pimples.

  1. Best face wash for pimples
  2. Other ways to keep pimples at bay
  3. Summary
Doctors for Best face wash for pimples

A face wash that can help relieve pimples often contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alphy hydroxy acids, sulfur, apple amino acids or hyaluronic acid. Learn more about what these ingredients do for your skin below:

Face wash with benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most important components as it is a chemical compound that can get rid of pimples. Antimicrobial properties are found in benzoyl peroxide, which is useful in eliminating bacteria that cause acne. Benzoyl peroxide can also provide relief from pimples along with getting rid of dead skin cells.

(Read more: How to get rid of acne scars)

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Face wash with salicylic acid

Use a face wash that contains salicylic acid as it can help get rid of the dead cells clogging your pores. Dead cells of the skin are also one of the causes of pimples. In such a situation, along with the pimples, salicylic acid can also get rid of blackheads and whiteheads.

(Read more: Home remedies to remove blackheads)

Face wash with Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Alpha hydroxy acids are one such component that can remove dead skin cells as well as prevent clogging of pores. The use of these increases collagen production and removes excess sebum from the skin. Excess sebum production can lead to the appearance of signs of ageing and oily skin.

(Read more: Home remedies for acne or pimples)

Sulfur-rich face wash

Sulfur-rich face wash can get rid of acne problems. The use of sulfur can remove excess sebum present on the skin and excessive dead cells that clog the pores can also be removed. Sulfur skin products are milder on the skin than face washes that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

(Read more: Anti-acne diet)

Face wash with Apple Amino Acids

Apple amino acids can help hydrate sensitive skin. Apart from this, the pH of the face can be balanced by its use. As such, you can choose a face wash that contains apple amino acids to get rid of the problem of pimples.

(Read more: How to get soft and smooth skin)

Hyaluronic acid

A face wash containing hyaluronic acid can help moisturize the skin. It is a kind of hydrating ingredient that can get rid of both eczema and pimple problems. Its use also soothes the skin to manage any redness associated with pimples.

(Read more: Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Acne)

There are some other tips that can help protect you from pimples, such as:

  • Face wash should be used in the right way.
  • It is important to know your skin type before choosing a face wash.
  • It is important to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Use a limited amount of makeup and remember to take it off well.
  • Avoid touching your face repeatedly.
  • Use tea tree oil to get rid of pimples.
  • Don’t be excessively exposed to sunlight.

(Read more: How to get glowing skin)

The problem of acne can be overcome with the use of face wash. But it is important to choose the right face wash. In such a situation, some face washes mentioned above can be very useful for you. But before using them, do take the advice of an expert once.

(Read more: Skin disorders and diseases)

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

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