If you are a little careless while walking or do not place your feet on the ground properly, then the feet get sprained and the pain caused by sprain is very unbearable. Actually, the joint between the feet and legs is the heel. According to doctors, as soon as there is pain in the heel, walking becomes difficult, but ignoring it as a simple problem can increase the pain.

Sprain causes extreme pain. The reason for this is that ligaments (tissues that connect two or more bones) get damaged. Generally, sprain is not a very serious problem, but if it is not taken care of, then these problems can also increase. There can be many reasons for this type of injury such as exercise, injury due to accident, twisting of the foot, dehydration and deficiency of minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium etc.

Due to sprain, you may feel swelling, muscle pain and stiffness. As long as these problems persist, the person is unable to use that area for a few days. This problem can happen to a person of any age. But you can treat this problem with the help of some home remedies.

Care in case of sprained heel

If symptoms like sprained heel, swelling in the foot, extreme pain, blueness in the heel and difficulty in walking are seen, then a doctor should be contacted immediately. In case of severe pain, an X-ray of the foot should also be done so that the correct condition can be known.

If there is a lot of pain after a sprain, then painkillers can be taken, but such medicines contain a lot of steroids, which can have some side effects. Therefore, such medicines should not be consumed in large quantities. The foot which is sprained should be given maximum rest. One should not try to put too much pressure on the foot. Walking at this time can increase the pain.So let us tell you home remedies for sprain -

(Read more - Understanding Sprained Ankles)

  1. Benefits Of Ice To Cure Sprain
  2. Use Of Elastic Bandage To Cure Sprain
  3. Benefits Of Rock Salt To Cure Sprain
  4. Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar To Cure Sprains
  5. Benefits Of Castor Oil For Sprain
  6. Benefits Of Olive Oil To Cure Sprain
  7. Use Molasses To Cure Sprain
  8. Benefits Of Clove Oil To Cure Sprains
  9. Benefits Of Onion To Cure Sprains
  10. Use Of Warm Compress To Cure Sprain
  11. Other Home Remedies For Sprain Treatment
  12. Summary

The fastest and easiest way to treat sprain is an ice pack. The cold temperature tightens the blood vessels and helps reduce blood circulation to the affected area. With its help, swelling and pain also gradually start to go away.

How to use ice -

  • First wrap the ice in a towel.
  • Now apply it on the affected area.
  • Do this process for 15 minutes.
  • Do this process every two hours. Then gradually reduce the process as you get relief.

You can use elastic bandages for sprains. Bandages reduce sprains and thus provide relief from swelling and pain.

How to use elastic bandages -

  • First of all, buy elastic bandages from the market.
  • Then, tie this bandage on the affected area slowly. Be careful not to tie the bandage too tight on that area or else it may stop circulation.
  • If the pain increases after tying it, loosen the bandage.
  • Tie that area for 72 hours and till the swelling goes away completely.
  • This remedy will be more effective if you do it along with ice therapy. Along with this, keep the affected area in an elevated position so that blood circulation does not reach that area.

Rock salt cures muscle pain very effectively. Rock salt is made from magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is a natural relaxant that helps remove excess fluid from the tissues and relieves swelling or pain.

How to use rock salt -

  • First of all, put two cups of rock salt in a bath tub or bucket. Then add hot water to it.
  • Now take a bath with that water for half an hour or keep the affected area immersed in it for half an hour.
  • Now wipe that area with a towel and tie it with an elastic bandage.
  • Repeat this process once a day for a few days. Until the sprain problem is completely cured.

(Read more - First aid for sprain)

Apple cider vinegar is used to treat muscle stiffness and leg cramps. It has anti-inflammatory and alkalizing properties that relieve swelling and pain.

Use apple cider vinegar in two ways -

First way -

  • Put two cups of apple cider vinegar in a bathtub or bucket.
  • Then add warm water to it.
  • Now take a bath with that water for half an hour or keep the affected area immersed in it.
  • Repeat this process once a day for a few days.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and then add honey to it and drink it.
  • Drink this mixture once a day every day.

(Read more - Understanding Wrist Sprains)

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Castor oil is a traditional remedy to relieve pain and swelling caused by sprain. Castor oil contains triglyceride and ricinoleic acid, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

How to use castor oil -

  • First of all, fold a cloth properly. Now dip this cloth in castor oil.
  • Then apply the cloth on the affected area and cover it with a plastic wrap.
  • Then place a hot bottle over it for half an hour.
  • Keep your ankle in an elevated position for a few minutes.
  • Now remove the pack from that area and massage the skin lightly with the remaining oil.
  • Repeat this process two or three times throughout the day.

(Read more - How to Heal a Sprained Thumb)

Olive oil contains phenolic compounds that reduce inflammation, which helps in relieving ankle sprain. Along with this, olive oil also has healing properties, which reduce this problem rapidly.

Use olive oil in two ways -

First way -

  • First of all, heat the olive oil and then wait for it to cool down a bit.
  • Then apply lukewarm oil on the affected area and massage slowly for a few minutes.
  • This relaxes your muscles and also relieves pain.
  • Do this process three to four times a day for a few days.

Second method -

  • First of all, mix one teaspoon of olive oil well with one egg yolk.
  • Now apply this mixture on the affected areas and then cover it with a cotton pad.
  • Keep this area bandaged for two days.
  • Repeat this process in this way for a few days.

(Read more - Ankle injury)

Molecular syrup is a good source of calcium and potassium. Both these nutrients are very beneficial for strong bones, joints and muscles. It is also a good source of iron which increases energy and metabolism.

How to use molasses -

  • Mix one or half cup of apple cider vinegar and honey in one-fourth of molasses.
  • Now add another half teaspoon of ginger paste to it.
  • Then add water to this mixture and now keep it in the fridge.
  • Drink this mixture after some time.
  • To treat sprains, drink this mixture twice a day for a week.

Clove oil has anesthetic properties that relieve the pain of sprains. Along with this, its anti-inflammatory properties remove pain and swelling.

How to use clove oil -

  • First of all, take one or two teaspoons of clove oil and then keep it cool for some time.
  • Now apply this oil on the affected areas.
  • Repeat this process two or three times a day for a few days.
  • It cures muscle pain by increasing blood circulation to the affected area.

(Read more - Muscle Strain)

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of onion, it is used for ankle sprains, numb fingers and arthritis. Onion helps to relieve swelling and pain.

Use onion in two ways -

First method -

  • First of all, cut a large onion into small pieces.
  • Now keep these pieces in a silk cloth and then tie that cloth tightly.
  • Now keep that cloth on the sprained area for two hours.
  • Repeat this process several times throughout the day to relieve the symptoms.

Second method -

  • Apart from this, first keep the onion in the refrigerator for two hours.
  • Then after two hours take out the onion and cut it into small pieces.
  • Now add some amount of salt to it.
  • Now apply this mixture on the swollen ankle and then tie an elastic bandage on it.
  • Keep changing the compress to a new cloth after every seven to eight hours.
  • Do this process for one or two days.

(Read more - Ankle pain)

Warm compress is another effective remedy for sprain. Warm compress relaxes the muscles, which helps in reducing muscle spasms and also helps in removing stiffness from ligaments and tendons. Along with this, swelling gradually decreases.

How to use warm compress -

  • First of all, dip the towel in hot water. Now squeeze the towel well.
  • Then keep the wet and hot towel on the affected area for ten minutes.
  • Repeat this process two or three times throughout the day.
  • Taking a bath with hot water also helps in relieving sprain.

Note - Never use a heating pad on that area as it may increase your pain.

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  • If there is pain due to sprain in the heel, there are many home remedies, by which pain can be relieved. Taking medicine gives a little relief, but instead of this, home remedies are very effective.
  • Flaxseed oil will also give relief
  • Flaxseed oil contains an acid called alpha linoleic. Putting a few drops of flaxseed oil in lukewarm water and keeping the feet in it for some time gives relief from sprain pain.
  • Drinking turmeric milk will give relief
  • Drinking a glass of hot milk mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric and one teaspoon of honey gives relief from heel pain. Turmeric has anti-biotic properties, so its consumption cures the problems of injury or pain.
  • Ginger decoction is also effective
  • To make ginger decoction, boil 4 cups of water and add 2 teaspoons of ginger powder and one teaspoon of honey in it and keep drinking it two to three times a day, this also gives relief from pain.

(Read more -Skier's thumb)

Rest, proper treatment and patience are essential to heal a sprain in the body. First of all, rest the affected part and avoid excessive activity. Apply cold water or ice compress to reduce pain and swelling, but avoid applying it directly on the skin. Wrap the affected part lightly and keep it elevated to reduce swelling. Massaging with lukewarm oil increases blood circulation and relieves muscles. Consumption of turmeric and milk can be beneficial to reduce pain. Avoid heavy exercise until the sprain heals and gently stretch the affected part. If the pain persists for a long time, contact a doctor.

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