The kidney is one of the most important organs of our body which processes about 190 liters of blood daily. Apart from this, it also works to remove excess water, waste and toxins present in the body so that our body continues to function smoothly. The kidney also removes the acid produced by the cells from the body so that a healthy balance of water, salt and minerals is maintained in the body.

(Read more- End-Stage Renal Disease)

If the kidney becomes unable to remove toxins and waste accumulated in the body, then the normal functioning of various organs of the body like liver, kidney and other organs will also be hindered, due to which a person may be at risk of many diseases like fatigue, stomach pain, headache, water retention in the body and kidney stones. In such a situation, in this article we are telling you about the way to clean the kidney and its home remedies.

(Read more - Kidney Infection)

  1. Why Is Kidney Detox Important?
  2. Benefits Of Water To Keep The Kidneys Clean
  3. Benefits Of Grapes To Keep The Kidney Clean
  4. Benefits Of Cherry And Cranberry To Keep The Kidney Clean
  5. Benefits Of Apple Vinegar To Clean The Kidney
  6. Benefits Of Fruit Juice To Keep The Kidney Clean
  7. Benefits Of Herbal Tea To Clean The Kidney
  8. Benefits Of Tulsi To Clean The Kidney
  9. Benefits Of Calcium To Clean The Kidney
  10. Benefits Of Green Leafy Vegetables To Clean The Kidney
  11. Summary
Doctors for Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Kidneys: Simple Home Remedies

When the kidney plays such an important role in cleaning our body and keeping us healthy, it is obvious that we should also take full care of its cleanliness. Although our kidneys are capable of detoxifying or cleaning themselves, sometimes it happens that the kidneys are not able to work properly, due to which the person has problems like fatigue, flatulence and insomnia. In such a situation, by making some changes in your lifestyle, consuming kidney-friendly food and drinks, you can help in cleaning or detoxing the kidney.

If you do not have any kind of disease, then you can keep your kidney clean and healthy by just consuming a balanced diet and adequate amount of water. However, there are some foods, herbs and supplements that you can consume to make your kidney clean and strong. Kidney cleaning is important for these 4 reasons:

  • If the kidneys are clean and detoxed, not only the kidneys are able to function better but there is also no problem of flatulence.
  • Keeping the kidneys clean improves the ability to process the things we eat, absorb nutrients and convert food into energy, which does not make us feel tired. 
  • When waste and toxins are removed from the body, the risk of potential infections and bladder problems in the body is reduced.

Keeping the kidneys clean also reduces the risk of kidney stones, there is no imbalance of hormones in the body and one also gets rid of problems like acne, eczema and skin rashes.

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We all know that the human body is made up of about 60 percent water. Every part of the body, from the brain to the liver, needs water to perform its function smoothly. As part of the body's filtration system, the kidneys need water to expel urine from the body. When we drink less water, the amount of urine is less. Due to less urine formation, the kidneys are not able to function normally, which can lead to the formation of stones in it. 

Therefore, it is very important that we drink enough water so that the kidneys can properly remove any excess waste material from the body. Drinking enough water is also especially important for cleaning the kidneys. In such a situation, every person should drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water daily.

Grapes contain a very beneficial plant compound called resveratrol. In a study conducted on animals, researchers found that treatment with resveratrol was able to reduce the problem of kidney inflammation in rats suffering from polycystic kidney disease. Apart from this, grapes, especially red grapes, also contain antioxidants called vitamin C and flavonoids, which help in reducing inflammation. Grapes are considered a kidney friendly fruit because they also contain high amounts of potassium. 

(Read more- Acute Kidney Failure)

Cherry and cranberry are often known for their health benefits related to the bladder. Many studies have shown that if you include cherry and cranberry in your daily diet for just 2 weeks, it helps in reducing the symptoms of urine infection (UTI). Cherry and cranberry also contain a sufficient amount of antioxidants which not only clean the kidney but also protect the body from many other diseases. If you want, you can eat cherries and cranberries dry or mix them in salad, oats, milkshake or smoothie. 

(Read more - Know How to Prevent Kidney Stones - myUpchar)

Apple cider vinegar is considered effective in preventing the process of oxidative stress in the kidney. It increases the level of antioxidants in the body, balances the blood sugar level and also reduces blood pressure, which creates a favorable condition for kidney health. Apple vinegar contains citric acid which eliminates kidney stones. Regular consumption of apple vinegar removes toxins from the kidney.

(Read more - Vegetables For Kidney Health)

Juice of lemon, orange, sweet lime etc. contains citric acid. This citric acid or citrate helps prevent the formation of kidney stones by binding with the calcium present in the urine. It also prevents the growth of calcium crystals which can cause kidney stones. Apart from this, drinking a cup of fresh fruit juice daily also helps in meeting the recommended amount of daily fluid intake.

(Read more - Diet for good kidney health)

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You will be surprised to hear this but it is true that tea can help in cleaning the kidney. You can improve the health of your kidneys along with enjoying a cup of tea. But for this, instead of drinking normal milk tea, you have to consume some herbal tea which helps you in cleaning the kidney like tea made from Kandali or scorpion booti, ​​tea made from hydrangea, a kind of flower dandelion or kukraundha tea etc. To clean the kidney, include these teas in your daily routine but do not consume them in large quantities.

Tulsi is known as an effective diuretic medicine. It helps in removing any kind of stone present in the kidney as well as improving the functioning of the kidney. Also, Tulsi also reduces the level of uric acid in the blood and improves kidney health. Elements like essential oil and acetic acid present in Tulsi are not only helpful in cleaning the kidney but also help in breaking the stone and removing it easily from the body. Tulsi also works as a painkiller.

(Read more - Acupressure Points For Kidney Stone Pain)

Many people think that if they do not consume calcium  they will not have the problem of kidney stones. But the reality is just the opposite. Too much urinary oxalate can cause kidney stones. In such a situation, calcium needs to bind with oxalate to reduce the absorption and excretion of this substance. Therefore, consume calcium-rich foods such as soy milk, almond milk, tofu, etc. so that there is no calcium deficiency in the body and the kidneys also remain clean.

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Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and greens are beneficial for our health in many ways. They are rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins, which help in cleaning the kidneys. But if you are consuming spinach, then consume it in limited quantities because sometimes eating too much spinach can also cause kidney stones.

(Read more - Fruits to eat and avoid in kidney stone)

Some home remedies can be helpful in keeping the kidney clean and healthy. First of all, it is extremely important to drink enough water, as it helps flush out toxins from the kidneys. Coconut water and lemonade are also beneficial for kidney cleansing. Drinking coriander or celery water is also considered beneficial for the kidneys. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, especially cucumber, watermelon, and leafy vegetables helps cleanse the kidneys. Reduce your intake of excess salt, processed foods, and caffeine, as these put extra pressure on the kidneys. Regular use of natural remedies like turmeric, ginger, and garlic also improves kidney health.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

4 Years of Experience

Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

2 Years of Experience

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