Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that form at the site where the skin has healed from an injury. In some cases, keloids occur without any injury. These are known as ‘spontaneous keloids’.

Keloids are commonly seen on the breastbone, earlobes, face, upper chest and back. The main causes for a scar to become a keloid include acne, burns, chickenpox, ear piercing, tattoos, minor scratches, cuts from surgery or trauma, insect bites and vaccinations. However, it is not necessary that everyone with a scar will develop a keloid.

Keloids are commonly observed in younger individuals, typically in the ages of 10 to 30. People with coloured skin such as Asians, Africans, Hispanics and those of Mediterranean descent are more prone to keloid formation and these scars are often seen to run in families. Keloid scars usually grow much larger than the original wound. Some keloid scars continue to grow, but they do not turn into cancer.

Keloids usually do not need treatment as they are harmless. However, if they bother the individual with their unsightly appearance or are painful and itchy, then treatment may be sought. The conventional treatments to reduce the size of a keloid include corticosteroid injections, freezing, laser treatments, radiation and surgical removal.

Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that aims to restore the complete health of the individual instead of just treating a health condition. Homeopathic doctors prescribe medicines on the basis of the symptoms displayed by each individual along with their lifestyle, hereditary factors, personality as well as the history of the disease. Hence, not every remedy suits everyone equally and it is important to consult an experienced physician before taking a homeopathic remedy. Some important homeopathic remedies for the treatment of keloids are calcarea fluorica, causticum, fluoricum acidum, graphites, radium bromatum, phytolacca decandra, sabadilla and silicea terra.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for Keloids
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for Keloids as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for Keloids
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatment for keloids
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Keloid

Some of the recommended homeopathic medicines for the treatment of keloids are listed below:

  • Calcarea Fluorica
    Common Name:
    Fluoride of lime
    Symptoms: People who benefit from this remedy tend to suffer from depression and have a constant fear that they will face financial issues. Fluoride of lime helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Significant skin whiteness
    • Inflammation, cracks or fissures on skin
    • Itching of the scar tissue
    • Pus formation in the affected site
    • Ulcers with hard and raised edges and bruises around them
    • Hardened mammary glands in women
    • Stone-like hardening of tissues

The patient observes worsening of symptoms every time the weather changes and when they are resting. Symptoms improve on using warm applications.

  • Causticum
    Common Name:
    Hahnemann’s tinctura acris sine kali
    Symptoms: Causticum helps relieve health problems that occur due to long-standing grief. Individuals who respond well to causticum tend to be sad and hopeless and cry over extremely small things. These individuals show the following symptoms:
    • Old injuries that reopen and painful old burns that do not heal
    • Discomfort and pain in between thighs, in the folds of skin, and back of ears
    • Large, rough warts on the nose and fingertips which tend to bleed easily

Symptoms worsen in clear weather and on exposure to dry, and cold winds. The patient feels better with the warmth of the bed and in humid weather.

  • Fluoricum Acidum
    Common Name:
    Hydrofluoric acid
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from fluoricum acidum tend to be mentally happy but are indifferent towards their loved ones. They show the following characteristic symptoms:
    • Oedema (swelling) of limbs, especially in old people
    • Presence of varicose veins
    • Bloating of tissues
    • Itching in the scars of healed wounds
    • A sensation as if burning vapour is emitting from pores
    • Red-edged and vesicular ulcers
    • Excessive and offensive sweating
    • Atony (muscular weakness) of the capillary and venous system

Symptoms worsen in the morning and with warmth in general. The patient may feel better while taking a walk.

  • Graphites
    Common Name:
    Black lead, plumbago
    Symptoms: Graphites or plumbagi is indicated during the early stages of keloids. This remedy helps in the absorption of scar tissue. Individuals who benefit from graphites tend to be hopeless, and fearful. They tend to fidget a lot while working and show the following symptoms:
    • Unhealthy skin
    • Acne
    • Formation of pus even after a small injury
    • Swelling and hardening of glands
    • Burning, pain and itching of scar tissue

Symptoms worsen at night, with warmth, and during and after periods. The patient feels better on wrapping themselves and in the dark.

  • Radium Bromatum 
    Common Name:
    Radium bromide
    Symptoms: Patients who respond well to radium bromatum tend to be extremely scared of being alone in the dark and always want to be around other people. These individuals exhibit the following symptoms:
    • Irritability
    • Severe body pain
    • Pimples
    • Generalised (all over the body) itching
    • Skin ulcers
    • Necrosis or (cell death) of skin tissue
    • Burning skin, the patient feels as if their skin is on fire

Symptoms worsen while getting up while they get better while lying down, applying pressure on the affected area, and spending some time in open air.

  • Phytolacca Decandra
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Poke-root is most useful in the early stages of keloid. Individuals who benefit from this remedy tend to be restless and have an indifferent attitude towards life. Phytolacca is an effective remedy for the following symptoms:

    • Dry and pale skin
    • Itching of skin
    • Swelling and hardening of glands
    • Swollen and inflamed lymph nodes, usually in the groin
    • Presence of warts and moles
    • A predisposition to get skin boils

Symptoms worsen during rains and on exposure to humid conditions or cold weather. Symptoms improve with rest and in warm and dry weather.

  • Sabadilla
    Common Name: Cevadilla seed, asagraea officialis
    Symptoms: Sabadilla is a homeopathic remedy given to individuals who tend to be nervous and get startled easily. It helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Lack of thirst
    • Excessively dry skin
    • Thick and deformed nails
    • Hot, burning skin with a creeping and crawling sensation

Symptoms worsen near the full moon and with cold in general. Symptoms are relieved on wrapping oneself up and on taking warm food and drinks.

  • Silicea Terra
    Common Name:
    Silica, pure flint
    Symptoms: This remedy works slowly but it absorbs the scar tissue that results in the formation of keloid. Silicea Terra helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Pale, shiny and delicate skin
    • Cracked skin on fingertips and breaking off of nails
    • Pus formation even after a small injury
    • Painless swelling of glands
    • Sudden pain in scars
    • Itching of eruptions only during the day and evening
    • Offensive sweat on feet and hands
    • Sensitiveness to cold air

Symptoms worsen in the morning, during periods, on lying down, and in damp and cold areas. Symptoms get better in humid weather, with warmth, and wrapping up one's head.

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There are certain factors related to our daily activities and dietary habits that interrupt the action of homeopathic medicines. It is essential to be aware of such factors and avoid them in order to achieve the maximum benefit from these medicines. Here are some instructions your homeopathic doctor will give you while you are using homeopathic remedies:



  • Restrict the intake of beverages such as coffee, alcohol and flavoured sodas.
  • Avoid highly spiced food, foods with medicinal qualities and celery, onion, spoilt meat or cheese.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating food.
  • Foods that are too salty or sugary must be avoided.
  • Avoid staying in damp, unclean and humid rooms.
  • Avoid strong-scented perfumes, talc and flowers.
  • Avoid smoking and stress.

Conventional treatment for keloids rarely gives satisfactory results. Moreover, the surgical removal of a keloid may sometimes lead to the reappearance of bigger keloid scar in the same place. In contrast, homeopathic treatment of keloids is said to give everlasting results without the need for surgical procedures or injections. Homeopathyic remedies works by stimulating the immune system and strengthening the body’s ability to heal itself. Another advantage of using homeopathic treatment is that it eliminates the tendency of keloids to recur. It also reduces the itching and pain that is associated with keloids. Furthermore, these medicines are safe and easy to administer to people of all ages, including pregnant women. 

A research study on 100 patients with post-burn scars (which can lead to keloid formation) showed that two low-cost homeopathic medicines, graphites and causticum, resulted in complete remission in 82 cases.

Another study also found that graphites improve wound healing and help avoid keloids after abdominal surgeries. 

In a case study, post-herpetic neuralgia with keloids in a 34-year-old male was effectively treated with a combination of homeopathic remedies.

Since homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and prescribed after carefully considering the patient’s history, they are very safe to use and do not produce any side effects.

They are highly diluted preparations that are not known to produce any side effects. However, it is important to take the advice of a qualified homeopathic doctor, as the dosage and potency of these remedies are decided based on the condition of the patient.

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A thick and raised overgrowth of scar tissue is called a keloid. A keloid is much bigger than a normal scar and it can be itchy and painful. Conventional treatment of keloids does not guarantee the permanent removal of the scar. Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that is suggested to be safe and effective in the treatment of keloids. It not only relieves the symptoms of a condition but also treats the underlying cause of the problem by stimulating the immune system. Homeopathic medicines help keloids to regress and uproot them entirely. A detailed case history assists the homeopathic physician to select an appropriate remedy for the patient. Homeopathic remdies can be taken along with conventional medicines or as a standalone therapy for keloids. 

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. British Homeopathic Association. Is homeopathy safe? Is homeopathy safe?. London; [Internet]
  2. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  3. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar, Arati Sharma. A case of post-herpetic neuralgia with keloids. Volume 21 Issue 3 15th October 2013
  4. Better health channel. Department of Health and Human Services [internet]. State government of Victoria; Homeopathy
  5. Michigan Medicine: University of Michigan [internet]; Keloid Scars
  6. American Academy of Dermatology. Keloids. USA; [internet]
  7. HealthLink BC [Internet] British Columbia; Keloid Scars
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