Urticaria, also known as hives, is a skin condition in which itchy swellings appear on the skin. Factors like a sudden increase in body temperature, exercise, stress, irritating chemicals from soap or cosmetic products, and sunlight can cause urticaria. It can also occur as a symptom of an underlying disease. Hives appear in the form of pink or red blotches on any part of the body. If urticaria occurs as a reaction on the entire body, it causes symptoms like wheezing, swelling of the tongue, tightness in the chest and breathing difficulties. Hives typically fade themselves within 8 to 12 hours. However, recurrent or chronic hives can occur for weeks or months. Conventional medications for urticaria include medicines to provide relief from itching and to suppress the immune system to prevent recurrent hives.

Homeopathic treatment for urticaria is more personal. Experts recommend remedies depending on whether the condition is acute or chronic. Also, apart from the symptoms, a person's health (both physical and mental), age and other factors are taken into account before suggesting them a treatment. Some homeopathic remedies that are used for the treatment of urticaria include apis mellifica, rhus toxicodendron, camphora, sulphur, arsenicum album, copaiva officinalis, antimonium crudum and bovista lycoperdon.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for Urticaria
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for Urticaria as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for urticaria
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatment for Urticaria
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Hives

The following are some of the homeopathic remedies that are used for the treatment of urticaria:

  • Apis Mellifica 
    Common Name:
    The honey-bee venom
    Symptoms: This remedy reduces urticaria by acting on the swollen tissues and skin. It can also help manage the following symptoms:
    • Stinging pain and burning sensation in the skin
    • Swelling 
    • Sensitive skin
    • Swelling occurring due to insect bites
    • Multiple boils on the skin with a burning sensation
    • Intolerance to heat
    • Erysipelas (a skin infection of the upper dermis layer of the skin) with swelling and sensitivity
    • A sensation of stiffness in skin
    • Numbness in fingertips
    • Intolerable itching in arms and legs due to hives
    • A rosy hue on the skin along with swelling

Symptoms become worse in the afternoon, after sleeping in heated and closed rooms, while lying on the right side, and while touching. They become better after the patient takes a cold bath, or spends some time in open air.

  • Camphora
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited for people who are very sensitive to touch and cold. They have violent convulsions and experience chilliness and sneezing. Camphora is beneficial in treating urticaria as well as reducing the following symptoms:
    • Bluish or livid (dark-bluish greyish skin) skin
    • Cold skin
    • Cold sweats on the face

Symptoms become worse at night and in cold weather. They become better in the presence of warmth.

  • Copaiva Officinalis
    Common Name:
    Balsam of copaiva
    Symptoms: Copaiva Officinalis acts best on the mucous membranes of the skin, urinary tract and respiratory organs. It is useful in reducing hives that are accompanied by constipation and fever. It is beneficial in treating chronic hives in children as well. Additionally, this remedy provides relief from the following symptoms:
    • Mottled appearance of the skin
    • Erysipelatous inflammation (deep-red inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes)
    • Roseola (a viral infection that causes skin rashes and high fever)
    • Chronic urticaria in children
  • Rhus Toxicodendron
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited for people who experience tearing pains. They feel better when their body limbers up after sitting for a long time. Rhus toxicodendron helps reduce urticaria and provides relief from intense itching. This remedy also benefits the following symptoms:
    • Reddish coloured skin with swelling
    • Cellulitis
    • Vesicles (small pus-filled eruptions) appearing in herpes
    • Eruptions on the skin that might burn and form scales
    • Erysipelas
    • Pemphigus (a skin disorder that causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes)
    • Painful skin on getting exposed to cold fresh air

All the symptoms worsen at night and in cold and rainy weather. Sleeping and lying on one's back or right side also aggravate the symptoms. The patient feels better on walking, warm applications, and in warm and dry weather.

  • Arsenicum Album
    Common Name:
    Arsenious acid
    Symptoms: Arsenious acid is best suited for people who constantly worry and are scared. This remedy is beneficial in treating urticaria, and associated symptoms including restlessness and burning sensation. It also provides relief from the following symptoms:
    • Swellings with a burning and itching sensation
    • Psoriasis
    • Icy cold sensation in the body
    • Inflammation along with gangrene formation
    • Scirrhus (a slow-growing tumour that is hard to the touch)
    • Anthrax (a bacterial infection that causes skin ulcers and shortness of breath)
    • Ulcers with discharge
    • Scaly, rough and dry skin that worsens when scratched and in the presence of cold
    • Skin epithelioma (abnormal growth of the epithelial layer of the skin)

Symptoms become worse at midnight, in rainy and cold weather and at the seashore, and on consuming cold foods and drinks. They become better after having warm drinks and in the presence of heat.

  • Sulphur
    Common Name:
    Sublimated sulphur
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited to people who do not like water. They have dry skin, tend to keep themselves dirty and are prone to skin infections. Sulphur reduces itching and burning sensation of the skin associated with urticaria. It also helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Scaly and dry skin
    • Skin injuries that form pus
    • Pimple-like skin eruptions
    • Pustules (red-coloured tender bumps with white pus at their tips)
    • Itching that occurs in the presence of warmth and in the evenings

Symptoms become worse in the morning and night, while standing, taking a bath, and while resting. They become better after lying on the right side and in the presence of warm and dry weather.

  • Bovista Lycoperdon
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suitable for children with stammering issues and old women who experience palpitations. It helps treat urticaria that occurs due to getting excited and is accompanied by palpitations and diarrhoea. It also helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Thick crusts on the skin due to eczema
    • Deep impressions on the skin due to blunt instruments
    • Pimples all over the body
    • Itching that is triggered due to warmth
    • Pellagra (a skin disease caused due to vitamin B3 deficiency)
    • Itching in the legs and feet

Urticaria that begins in the morning time while taking a walk and becomes worse after taking a bath

  • Antimonium Crudum
    Common Name:
    Black sulphide of antimony
    Symptoms: Antimonium Crudum is best suited for a person with excessive restlessness and irritability. Individuals who benefit from this remedy are unable to bear the sun and tend to gain fat. It reduces urticaria associated with measles-like eruptions on the skin. This remedy also benefits other symptoms like:
    • Gastric problems caused due to eczema
    • Honey-coloured, hard and thick scabs on the skin
    • Pimples
    • Skin sensitive to cold water
    • Dry skin
    • Warts
    • Dry gangrene
    • Scaly eruptions on the skin with itching and burning sensation that becomes worse at night
    • Itching that arises after being on a warm bed

Symptoms worsen in the presence of heat and in the evening time. They also aggravate on being exposed to water, wine and acids. They become better after the patient rests or spends some time in open air.

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Most people experience urticaria at least once in their lifetime. It can occur due to a food allergy or an insect bite and might resolve in a few days. However, urticaria can also be a long-standing condition. In any case, along with the homeopathic remedies, experts also suggest certain lifestyle and dietary changes to help the patient recover better. Let's have a look at some of them:


  • In acute cases of urticaria, gratify your desires of eating and drinking anything (in moderation) without any hesitation.
  • Adjust the room temperature as per your desire.
  • In chronic cases of urticaria, eat nutritious food, live an active lifestyle and keep your surroundings clean.

Read more: Balanced diet chart


  • In instances of chronic urticaria, do not consume coffee, herbal teas, beer prepared using vegetables that contain medicinal properties, drinks or foods that have medicinal properties, punches and spices.
  • Do not use odorous water and scented items.
  • Do not stay in heated rooms, marshy places and damp places.
  • Do not read while lying down.
  • Try not to worry too much or become angry.
  • In acute cases of urticaria, do not exert your mind excessively.

Homeopathic treatment helps manage urticaria and allergic reactions without using any suppressive creams or medications.

A study to assess the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in improving the quality of life was conducted on about 134 patients with urticaria that attended the outpatient department of the State Homeopathic Dispensary in different states of India. The patients were given homeopathic remedies of rhus toxicodendron, sulphur, natrum muriaticum and apis mellifica. The chronic urticaria–quality of life questionnaire and urticaria activity score for 7 days were used to assess the patients. After 12 months, the patients showed significant improvement in pruritus, the intensity of wheals, sleeping pattern, concentration and mood. The study concluded that homeopathic remedies could help improve the quality of life in people with urticaria.

Homeopathic remedies are said to be safe for the treatment of urticaria. Since these remedies are made from natural substances and are given in highly diluted doses, it is suggested that they do not produce any side effects. However, it is best not to self-medicate and consult a qualified homeopathic doctor before taking a homeopathic remedy.

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Urticaria is characterised by the presence of itchy and red rashes on the skin. The condition usually resolves on its own but causes a lot of discomfort while it lasts. Conventionally, urticaria is treated through immune system suppressing medications to stop itching. However, these medicines usually have side effects when used for long. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and are said to have almost no side effects when taken under the guidance of an experienced doctor. 

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. Health Harvard Publishing. Harvard Medical School [Internet]. Hives (Urticaria). Year published. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  2. Oscar E. Boericke. Repertory. Médi-T; [lnternet]
  3. Rashmi Sharma et al. Assessment of the effectiveness of homoeopathic remedies in improving quality of life of chronic urticaria patients in a typical clinical setting. Year : 2018, Volume : 12, Issue : 3, Page : 139-148
  4. Homeopathy For Women. Homeopathy for Hives - Urticaria. USA; [internet]
  5. Hahnemann Samuel. Repertotium Homeopathicum. Médi-T; [Internet]

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