Uric acid is a waste product formed in body by the breakdown of a protein called purine. It is eliminated through the filtration process in kidneys. However, deterioration in kidney function or an inability of the body to clear out the uric acid as fast as it forms leads to hyperuricemia. Foods rich in purines, seafood, red meat, liver, fructose-rich foods and alcoholic drinks (mainly beer) can also increase uric acid levels.

High uric acid levels in body lead to formation of uric acid crystals, which settle in joints and cause a painful form of arthritis called gout. Gout typically presents with redness, swelling and intense pain in joints, often the big toe. If left untreated, it can also affect kidneys.

A blood investigation helps to determine the levels of uric acid in body. Remedies like arnica montana, bryonia alba, colchicum autumnale, rhus toxicodendron, ledum palustre, belladonna and berberis vulgaris have been found to be of great help in the treatment of gout and high uric acid levels.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for high uric acid
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for high uric aicd patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for high uric acid
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for high uric acid
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for High Uric Acid

Depending on individual symptoms, the following remedies can be prescribed for treating high uric acid:

  • Colchicum Autumnale
    Common name: Meadow saffron
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Tearing pain in body
    • Stinging pain during cold weather
    • Pins and needles in hands
    • Numbness of fingertips
    • Weakness and tingling in limbs
    • Pains worsens in the evening and in warm weather
    • Stiffness of joints
    • Swelling of great toe
    • Gout of heel. The person cannot bear touch or pressure on the heel
    • Swelling and coldness of feet
    • Symptoms worsened by movements
    • Back pain, which improves with pressure and rest
    • Great exhaustion, feeling cold internally and a tendency to collapse
  • Uricum Acidum 
    Common name: Lithic acid
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy experience some of the following symptoms:
    • Eczema associated with gout
    • Tendency for lipomas (fat deposits) and uric acid deposits
    • Persistant gouty deposits
    • Dry itchy skin in areas where gout persists
  • Ledum Palustre
    Common Name: Marsh tea
    Symptoms: This remedy suits people who lack internal body heat. Individuals who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Gouty pains that shoot all through, from foot to leg
    • Predominant involvement of small joints
    • Swollen joints
    • Throbbing pain in right shoulder
    • Cracking in joints
    • Pain worsened by motion
    • Gouty nodosities
    • Swelling in the ball of the big toe
    • Symptoms that begin in the lower limbs and ascend upwards
    • Swollen and painful ankles and soles, which makes it difficult to place the foot down
    • Ankle sprains
    • Injuries like punctured wounds from sharp instruments or bites
    • Symptoms worse from heat and better by putting feet in cold water
  • Acidum Benzoicum
    Common name: Benzoic acid
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy report some of the following symptoms:
    • Gout with very painful nodes
    • Gouty deposits in joints
    • Ganglion (a lump in the wrist)
    • Pain and swelling in knees
    • Tearing pain in the great toe
    • Cracking of joints with motion
    • Pain in the Achilles tendon (tenden that attaches muscles at the back of the leg to the heel)
    • Symptoms worsen when the affected parts are left uncovered
    • Swelling of great toe
    • Deposits of uric acid crystals, mainly in kidneys or bladder
    • Dark, offensive urine
    • Reduced kidney function
  • Guaiacum
    Common name: Gum resin of lignum sanctum
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy experience some of the following symptoms :
    • Gout with rheumatic symptoms, which affect bones
    • Constipation
    • Gouty nodosities on joints
    • Gout of the knee
    • Bone pain from left shoulder to the wrist
    • Tingling sensations in lower limbs
    • Abscess and eruptions that break open and are very offensive
    • Increased sensitivity of the affected parts to touch
    • Growing pains in children
    • Sadness and depression
    • Nerve pain
    • Violent hunger with marked flatulence
  • Lithium Carbonicum
    Common name: Carbonate of lithium
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Nodular swelling of toes and other small joints
    • Tenderness of toes and small joints
    • Pain in shoulder joint, arms and fingers
    • Peculiar pain in the hollow of the foot
    • Paralytic stiffness all over the extremities
    • Itching in joints
    • Symptoms including swelling improve with hot water
    • Pain in ankles that increases on walking
    • Most symptoms worsen in the morning
    • Symptoms improve by moving about
  • Lycopodium Clavatum
    Common name: Club moss
    Symptoms: This remedy mainly helps in relieving swelling and pain. It suits individuals who are weak, both physically and mentally. Individuals who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Numbness and drawing type of pain in joints
    • Tearing pains in joints, which increase at night
    • Heaviness in arms
    • One foot hot and the other cold
    • Chronic gout
    • Excessive sweating of feet
    • Pain in heels on treading as if from the pressure of a pebble
    • Formation of painful callus on soles
    • Pains worse from lying on the affected side
    • Cramps in calves and toes at night
    • Numbness of limbs
    • Predominantly right-sided symptoms
    • Symptoms worse between 4 pm and 8 pm
    • Pains aggravated by heat and improve on moving about
  • Rhododendron Ferrugineum
    Common name: Snow rose
    Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy have some of the following symptoms:
    • Swelling of multiple joints
    • Gouty swelling of the great toe
    • Tearing pain in limbs
    • Predominantly right-sided symptoms
    • Stiffness of neck
    • Pain in shoulders, arms and wrists
    • Pain that increases when the affected part is at rest
    • Localised bone pain in extremeties
    • Symptoms reappear whenever there is change in weather
    • Symptoms worsen before a storm
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  • In acute diseases, it is necessary to instruct the attendants to give the patient whatever he or she demands. The person’s need for food and drinks that give him or her comfort must be met as they might provide some amount of relief.
  • It is necessary that the person take rest both physically and mentally.


  • Do not use any substance that can interfere with homeopathic medicines, as they are given in their minutest doses. The following things can affect the efficacy of these medicines:
    • Medicinal substances in herbs, spices, toothpaste or mouthwashes
    • Highly seasoned food and sauces
    • Strong-smelling coffee or herbal tea
    • Frozen foods like ice-creams
  • Do not allow the person to be subjected to any mental stress or exciting emotions.

In a clinical study, gout patients receiving homeopathic treatment were reported to experience almost a 50% relief from symptoms like joint pain and swelling. By altering uric acid metabolism, homeopathic remedies reduce formation and crystallisation of excess uric acid, thereby preventing inflammation. Many remedies like berberis vulgaris, lycopodium, colchicum, uricum acidum, lithium carbonica, guaiacum and benzoic acidum have been studied in depth and have shown good results in the treatment of gout and hyperuricaemia. Lycopodium has been known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Guaiacum is known for relieving stiffness. Berberis vulgaris is a good choice for urolithiasis (urinary stones) and is also helpful in dissolving the nodosities or lumps formed in joints. Remedies like uricum acidum help treat gout associated with skin symptoms like eczema

It has always been known that homeopathic medicines are safe and cure diseases from the root. However, this is true only if they are taken with a proper prescription from a qualified homeopathic doctor. There have been no documented side effects of homeopathic remedies, but one must consult a doctor to know the right remedy based on disease symptoms and individual miasms. This not only prevents side effects but also ensures a proper, rapid and permanent cure.

High uric acid levels or hyperuricaemia is a condition that occurs due to disturbances in uric acid metabolism. Crystallisation and accumulation of excess uric acid in body mainly affects joints, leading to gout. However, it may also affect kidneys and cause kidney stones or kidney damage. Consumption of alcoholic drinks or purine-rich foods can further increase uric acid levels.

Homeopathic emedies help reduce uric acid accumulation and aid in symptomatic improvement in case of hyperuricemia. A homeopathic doctor prescribes constitutional remedies, depending on the tissue involved and individual symptoms like benzoic acid is given when kidneys and bladder are affected, uricum acidum when there is skin involvement, lycopodium in case of excessive inflammation and colchicum when the great toe is affected. For a safe and effective treatment, it is best to check in with a doctor before taking any remedy.  

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. Cleveland Clinic. [Internet]. Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, United States; High Uric Acid Level.
  2. Jyothilakshmi V. Preliminary investigation on ultra high diluted B. vulgaris in experimental urolithiasis.. Homeopathy. 2013 Jul;102(3):172-8. PMID: 23870376
  3. National Center for Homeopathy. [Internet]. Mount Laurel NJ. Uricum acidum.
  4. National Center for Homeopathy. [Internet]. Mount Laurel NJ. Guaiacum.
  5. William Boericke. MD. Homeopathic Materia Medica.. 9th edition;
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