Heartburn is a common thing these days, because nowadays we have started choosing tasty food instead of healthy food. This food causes burning sensation in the chest, due to which you start feeling uncomfortable, nausea and vomiting. But now you will not have to go through these problems, because we have brought some excellent home remedies that will make your heartburn disappear instantly.


(Read more - Heartburn Diet)

So let us tell you home remedies for heartburn –

  1. Use Baking Soda For Heartburn
  2. Include Vinegar To Cure Heartburn
  3. Use Herbal Tea For Heartburn
  4. Milk Is Useful To Cure Heartburn
  5. Mustard Is Beneficial For The Remedy Of Heartburn
  6. The Remedy For Heartburn Is Honey
  7. Cold Water Is Beneficial When There Is A Burning Sensation In The Chest -
  8. Mulethi Root Is Beneficial In Case Of Burning Sensation In The Chest
  9. Prevent Heartburn Problem With The Benefits Of Almonds
  10. Heal Heartburn With The Use Of Banana Or Apple
  11. Aloe Vera Is Effective For Heartburn
  12. Some Important Tips For Heartburn
  13. Summary

Material -

Method -

  • First of all, mix baking soda in water and stir the entire mixture well.
  • Now drink this mixture to get rid of heartburn.

How long should you use it –

  • Just one glass of water is extremely beneficial for heartburn.

Advantages –

  • Baking soda is also called sodium bicarbonate. It is a natural antacid, which helps in reducing the symptoms of sinus irritation.

Caution -

  • Do not use baking soda daily for heartburn, because baking soda contains high amounts of salt.

(Read more - Indigestion during pregnancy)


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Material -

  • One or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. (Read more - Benefits of apple cider vinegar)
  • One spoon of honey.
  • A glass of water.

Method -

  • First of all, mix vinegar and honey in water and mix well.
  • Drink this mixture to relieve heartburn.

Advantages –

  • Drink this daily to get rid of heartburn.
  • Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for heartburn. This remedy has been used by many people to reduce the symptoms of heartburn and this remedy has been quite beneficial for them. Due to this the gastric level becomes normal.

Material -

  • A chamomile or green tea bag. (Read more - benefits of green tea)
  • A cup of hot water.

Method -

  • First of all, soak green tea in hot water.
  • Then leave it like this for a few minutes.
  • Now remove the green tea bag and drink hot tea.

How long should you use it –

  • You can drink two to three cups of herbal tea daily.

Advantages –

  • It provides relief from heartburn and reduces gastric acidity, thus giving you relief from heartburn. At the same time, green tea has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. All these properties cleanse toxins, kill stomach bacteria and normalize acid levels.

(Read more –Yoga for irritable bowel syndrome)



Material -

  • A glass of creamy milk. (Read more - benefits of milk)

Method -

  • Drink a glass of creamy milk before sleeping at night.

How long should you use it –

  • Drink one or two glasses of milk throughout the day.

Advantages –

  • Creamy milk provides relief from heartburn and also prevents further irritation.

Caution -

  • Do not try this remedy too much, because milk can make the problem of heartburn worse.

(Read more - Is milk good for diabetic patient?)

Material -

  • One spoon of yellow mustard. (Read more - Benefits of mustard greens)

Method -

  • Eat some amount of mustard with a cup of water.
  • You can take two spoons of mustard powder and add it to a glass of buttermilk and drink it.

How long should you use it –

  • Use this remedy whenever you feel heartburn.

Advantages –

  • Mustard naturally contains alkaline which normalizes stomach acid.

(Read more - Home remedies for stomach pain)

  • One spoon of raw honey. (Read more - Shahad ke fayde)
  • A glass of lukewarm water.

Method -

  • First of all, mix honey in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Then drink this mixture one hour before eating food.

How long should you use it –

  • To treat heartburn, drink two to three glasses of this mixture daily.

Advantages –

  • It repairs the damaged lining of the esophagus. Its anti-inflammatory properties provide relief to the throat and chest. Also, the potassium present in it balances the stomach acid.

(Read more – Bloating)


Material -

  • A glass of cold water.

Method -

  • Whenever you feel heartburn, drink a glass of cold water and go for a walk.

How long should you use it –

  • Whenever you have heartburn, try this remedy first.

Advantages –

  • Cold water provides relief from burning sensation in the chest and throat. This also keeps the body fluids stable and helps in reducing the symptoms of heartburn.

Caution -

  • Do not drink very cold water.

(Read more - What to do for indigestion?)

Material -

  • Liquorice root tablets. (Read more - Benefits of Mulethi)

Method -

  • Chew two tablets 20 minutes before meals.

How long should you use it –

  • Take these pills three times a day.

Advantages –

  • Liquorice provides a protective layer to the esophagus and intestine, providing relief from irritation in the stomach. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which are very beneficial for heartburn.

Caution -

  • Talk to your doctor before using these pills, as too much glycyrrhizic acid can cause metabolic complications.

(Read more - Foods that increase metabolism)


Material -

  • Three to four raw or roasted almonds. (Read more - benefits of almonds)

Method -

  • Eat three to four almonds after meals.
  • You can eat three to four almonds after whatever you eat.

How long should you use it –

  • To get relief from heartburn, include almonds in your daily diet.

Advantages –

  • Almonds contain alkaline which normalizes stomach juices (enzymes) and gives you relief from heartburn.

Caution -

  • Do not eat almonds in large quantities.
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Material -

  • A peeled banana or apple.

Method -

  • Eat two fruits daily.
  • It is very good to eat bananas in the morning, whereas you can eat apples anytime throughout the day.

How long should you use it –

  • Include these fruits in your daily diet.

Advantages –

  • Banana has low acid levels and acts as a natural antacid. It also gets rid of bacteria, which causes acid reflux. Apple contains organic acid which stabilizes the stomach juice and provides relief from heartburn.

(Read more - IBS symptoms in female)


Material -

  • Half cup aloe vera juice. (Read more - benefits of aloe vera)


Method -

  • Drink this juice half an hour before eating.

How long should you use it -

  • If you have severe heartburn then repeat this remedy daily.

Advantages -

  • Aloe vera juice reduces swelling in the stomach and relieves heartburn.

(Read more - Foods to reduce swelling)

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  • 1. Do not eat too much -

Do not eat too much food, it increases the amount of acid and causes burning sensation in the chest.

  • 2. Reduce weight -

If you are overweight, the amount of acid in the stomach increases, due to which the problem of heartburn increases. (Read more - weight loss tips)

  • 3. Take low carbohydrate diet –

Indigestible carbohydrate foods also cause heartburn, so eat a low carbohydrate diet.

  • 4. Reduce alcohol consumption –

Consuming alcohol also increases the production of acid and causes a burning sensation in the chest.

  • 5. Do not drink too much coffee –

Drinking too much coffee can also increase the amount of acid in the stomach and thus cause heartburn.

  • 6. Do not eat chewing gum -

If you eat too much chewing gum then stop eating it now, because chewing gum also produces acid in the stomach.

  • 7. Do not eat raw onion -

Eating raw onion while eating can also cause heartburn, hence do not eat raw onion.

  • 8. Do not drink carbonated beverages -

Carbonated beverages also cause acid reflux. So to avoid acid, do not drink carbonated beverages.

  • 9. Do not drink citrus juice half -

Orange or grapefruit juice can make acid reflux symptoms worse, so avoid citrus juices to avoid heartburn.

  • 10. Don't eat too much chocolate -

Eating excess chocolate increases the amount of acid in the esophagus and thus can cause heartburn.

(Read more - Indian Low-Carb Diet for Weight Loss)

Heartburn is a common problem that can make you feel uncomfortable and unwell. There are several possible causes, such as indigestion, asthma, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), asthma, heart disease or breathing problems (tracheal disorders). Heartburn may be directly caused by a disease that requires treatment. Apart from this, consumption of certain food items, stress, smoking and alcohol can also cause heartburn. To resolve this problem, it is important to make changes in diet and lifestyle, take medications, and seek medical advice. Do not ignore this problem and take the right advice, so that you can get rid of it and live a healthy life.

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