Heartburn is a very common problem that affects every person at some point or the other. It is also called heartburn in common language. However, it has nothing to do with the heart. When the acid present inside the stomach starts coming back into the food pipe, it starts burning in the food pipe, which we call heartburn.

There can be many causes of heartburn, such as smoking, drinking caffeinated beverages, eating citrus fruits and eating spicy food etc. Although this is a very common problem for which there is no need to go to the doctor, sometimes heartburn can be a sign of a serious problem. Many home remedies and other treatments can be done for this.This article describes what to do for heartburn and when to go to the doctor for it.

(Read more - Acid reflux)

  1. What To Do In Case Of Heartburn?
  2. When To Go To The Doctor For Heartburn?
  3. Summary

In case of burning sensation in the chest, you can do first aid in the following way -

  • Heartburn occurs when the acid present in your stomach starts coming into the food pipe and it is possible that due to tight clothes or belt, that acid cannot go back into the stomach, that is why you have a burning sensation in the chest. That is why it is important that if you are wearing tight clothes, then take them off and wear loose clothes. 
  • Instead of eating large meals 2-3 times a day, eat small meals in small intervals. 
  • Due to lying down or sitting, stomach acid can come into your food pipe, that is why if you are lying down or sitting, stand up straight.
  • Do not take such food or drinks which can increase your problem, such as spicy food or gas-filled cold drinks or soda etc. 
  • Try to keep a pillow under your head and neck while sleeping so that your upper body remains raised and you do not have the problem of heartburn while sleeping.
  • Eat food at least 2 to 3 hours before sleeping, so that the food gets enough time to digest. Do not sleep immediately after eating. 
  • Ginger is considered very good for heartburn and the feeling of nausea or vomiting caused by it. For this, you can chop ginger and add it to your food or if you want, you can also drink ginger tea. 
  • It has been found in many researches that people who are overweight have more problems with heartburn, so try to keep your weight normal. 
  • It is believed that chewing gum half an hour after eating causes more saliva to be produced in the mouth, which reduces the problem caused by the acid present in the food pipe. However, keep in mind that chewing too much gum can also cause gas in the stomach. 
  • You will be surprised to know that taking baking soda reduces the problem of heartburn. For this, mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it slowly. 
  • It is believed that you can also have a problem of heartburn due to stress or tension, so take as little tension as possible and keep your mind calm. 
  • Many medicines are available at medical stores to relieve heartburn, you can take these medicines if you want. 
  • Drinking alcohol can increase your heartburn problem, so do not consume alcohol at all. 
  • If you smoke, try to quit this habit, otherwise it can cause more heartburn. Do not stand near a person who is smoking, otherwise their cigarette smoke can also harm you. If you are unable to give up this habit, talk to your doctor about it. 

(Read more - Heartburn Diet)

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Although you do not need to go to the doctor for heartburn, but you should consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms -

  • Heartburn and other symptoms occurring repeatedly or increasing. 
  • Diarrhea or blood in stool. 
  • Difficulty or pain in swallowing. 
  • Severe stomach pain. 
  • Vomiting or feeling of nausea. 
  • Chest pain along with neck pain, pain in legs and hands and pain in the jaw.
  • Sudden weight loss without any reason. 
  • Sore throat.
  • Difficulty in doing normal daily chores due to chest burning. 
  • Chest pain accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, weakness and irregular heartbeat. 
  • Coughing for a long time, feeling a lump in the throat and feeling as if something is stuck in the throat.
  • Chest burning for more than a week even after taking medicines.
  • Noise in breathing.
  • Black stool. 
  • Blood in vomit or blackness in vomit.
  • Increasing symptoms of asthma

(Read more - Home Remedies for Heartburn)

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Heartburn is a common problem, which is often caused by indigestion or acidity. To cure it, it is important to pay attention to your diet first. Avoid oily, spicy, and heavy foods, and eat small meals at regular intervals. Avoid lying down immediately after a meal, and keep the head slightly elevated while sleeping. Natural remedies like ginger, cold milk, and lemonade can provide relief from heartburn. If the problem persists, it is important to consult a doctor so that the right treatment can be done.

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