Gout can occur due to increased uric acid in the blood. This problem is also called gout. It is a type of arthritis. When gout occurs, the joints of the bones in the body are mainly affected. Gout is a very painful condition, patients suffering from it have to face a lot of pain. When suffering from gout, one can usually experience redness, swelling and severe pain in the joints. Often this problem starts from the toes.

(Read more - Home remedies for gout pain)

If gout is not treated on time, it can affect your kidneys. Therefore, timely treatment of gout is necessary. Gout can be treated in many ways.

Apart from allopathy, treatment of gout in homeopathy is also possible with medicines like colchicum, benzoic acid, arnica, rhus toxicodendron and ledum palustre. Today in this article we will learn about the homeopathic treatment of gout.

(Read more - High Uric Acid Levels in the Blood)

  1. Benefits Of Homeopathic Medicines For Gout
  2. Summary
Doctors for Homeopathic Medicine for Gout: Natural Relief and Healing

To reduce the problems of gout, you can take medicines present in homeopathy. Benzoic acid, colchicum, Ledum palustre etc. are such medicines, which can give you relief from the problems caused by gout. These medicines have also been described as beneficial in research. Let us know in detail about the homeopathic treatment of gout.


If you want to get rid of the problems caused by gout, then you can use colchicum. In homeopathy, this medicine is given to gout patients when the patient's joints are red and feel very sensitive when touched. This homeopathic medicine can prove to be effective in reducing the pain of gout. When the problem of gout increases, it becomes difficult to move or touch the big toe or heel, because in this situation there can be quite unbearable pain. Gout patients have more pain in the evening or at night. Apart from this, there is a high possibility of increasing pain in cold, damp weather and the problem of gout increases a lot in weather change or spring season. In such a situation, homeopathic doctors can give colchicum medicine to the patients. 

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Benzoic Acid

Benzoic acid In homeopathy, it is used for gout. Especially when the problem increases in the knee or big toe, homeopathic doctors can give you this medicine. With its use, an attempt is made to relieve joint pain, acute arthritis and arthritis with stiffness, swelling and lameness etc. Apart from this, the doctor can also advise you to use benzoic acid to relieve other symptoms of gout. Research has shown that benzoic acid can be used to reduce severe symptoms of gout.


To reduce the problems caused by gout, you can be given arnica in homeopathy. Its use can reduce the painful pain, rashes and pain while walking in gout. Actually, due to the pain in gout, a person feels afraid of contacting or touching the affected part. Arnica can be used to stay away from such a situation.

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Ledum Palustre

In case of gout, there may be excessive swelling in the big toes of the feet. This swelling can gradually increase to the knees or above. In such a situation, to reduce this problem, homeopathic doctors can advise you to use Ledum palustre. This can reduce the swelling and pain increasing due to cold.

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Berberis Vulgaris

Berberis vulgaris can be used to reduce pain and cramps in the joints. Due to this, the complaint of pain and cramps while walking due to gout can be reduced. Also, its use can reduce the risk of back pain and kidney stones.

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This medicine can be beneficial in reducing the redness and swelling of the joints due to gout. If your problem is increasing due to a cold, then you can use this medicine on the advice of the doctor.

Rhus Toxicodendron

There may be trouble in bending the joints in gout. Apart from this, there may be swelling and heat in the joints. To reduce this problem, the doctor can advise you to use Rhus toxicodendron.

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To reduce the problems of gout, you can take the help of homeopathic medicines. Benzoic acid, colchicum, Ledum palustre etc. are such medicines, which can benefit you a lot. But keep in mind that before adopting homeopathic treatment, take proper advice from the doctor once. At the same time, choose medical options based on your severity.

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience

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