Erectile dysfunction is a condition that is seen in men. Now this condition has become quite common at a young age itself. During this condition, the male's penis does not get enough blood flow to get fully aroused. The main reason for erectile dysfunction can be some diseases such as heart disease or hormonal disturbances due to which men have to face unsatisfied intercourse. Today in this article, we will know the reason for erectile dysfunction at a young age.

You can know the erectile dysfunction treatment by clicking on the link given here.

Today in this article, it has been explained in detail why there is a problem of erectile dysfunction at a young age -

(Read More - Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction)

  1. Causes of impotence at a young age
  2. How can the risk of erectile dysfunction be reduced at a young age?
  3. How is erectile dysfunction related to age?
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Age

It is entirely possible that this disease can be seen in young men as well. According to some studies, this disease affects 8% of men between the ages of 20 and 30 and 11% in the age group of 30 to 40. The cause of erectile dysfunction at a young age is mental problems such as depression or There can also be diabetes etc. Let us know in detail the causes of this defect -

Heart disease

To get excited, it is most important to have good blood circulation. If the blood does not reach the different parts of the body properly, then blood can accumulate in the arteries. This condition is known as Atherosclerosis. If the heart is not healthy, then the chances of having erectile dysfunction increase manifold, even if you are young.

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Hormonal imbalance

Some hormones like testosterone play a special role in getting sexually aroused. If there is a deficiency of these types of hormones in the body, then also the risk of this disease can increase. Along with this, the production of a hormone called prolactin in excess also increases the risk of this disease.

(Read More - Homeopathic treatment for ED)

Not mentally fit

Depressionstress, work anxiety, and pressure are being seen a lot among the youth. Because of this, his mental health is getting worse. If you find yourself worrying all the time, then you will not be able to find joy in anything. If you are not able to feel as enthusiastic as before even during sex, then the reason for this can also be your poor mental health.

(Read More - Which Deficiency Causes Erectile Dysfunction)

Having diabetes

During diabetes, the blood sugar level increases significantly. If blood sugar increases, it can also damage your blood vessels. Some of these blood vessels may also be the ones that supply blood to your penis. That's why diabetes is considered the main cause of erectile dysfunction. Nowadays the problem of diabetes is being seen even at a young age.

(Read More - Ayurvedic treatment for ED)

Being physically unwell

If you do not keep yourself active or you do not have a healthy lifestyle, then along with diseases like obesity, blood pressure, you may have problems with erectile dysfunction. That's why keep yourself healthy.

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The brain, nerves, hormones and muscles, the circulatory system all supply blood to the erectile tissue. When any one of these does not work properly then there is a problem of erectile dysfunction. There are many reasons for erectile dysfunction. Many of which can be corrected with treatment. But there are some treatments for erectile dysfunction at a young age like oral medication, Intracavernosal injections, etc. But to avoid any disease, you need to keep your lifestyle healthy.

If your lifestyle is healthy then your weight will be balanced. Due to this, your risk of diabetes and obesity will reduce. All these are considered to be the causes of erectile dysfunction. If you reduce the risk of causes of erectile dysfunction, then you can avoid this disease at a young age.

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The risk of erectile dysfunction does not increase at a young age but increases with age. On average, it starts in men at the age of 40. The risk of erectile dysfunction increases by 10% every 10 years. As your age increases, the risk of other diseases like the accumulation of plaque in the arteries also increases. These diseases are considered the main cause of erectile dysfunction.

At this age, men also start consuming more medicines due to which changes are also seen in some essential hormones. But nowadays this condition is becoming equally common in 20-year-old boys as well.

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The main reason for erectile dysfunction at a young age is poor physical and mental health, obesity, diabetes, and lack of proper lifestyle. So try to stay healthy physically and mentally because due to erectile dysfunction at a young age, men start to lack self-confidence and they can start feeling guilty. Therefore, if you feel symptoms, do consult a doctor and get the treatment started on time.

(Read More - Ayurvedic treatment for PE)

Dr. Purushottam Sah

Dr. Purushottam Sah

40 Years of Experience

Dr. Anurag Kumar

Dr. Anurag Kumar

19 Years of Experience

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