Dizziness is something that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It can cause lightheadedness, instability or loss of balance, which can cause you to fall. Dizziness is not a disease. It is a symptom of certain health conditions such as low blood pressure, heart muscle disease, neurological disorder, anemia, allergy, low blood sugar, tinnitus, ear infection, stroke, vision-related disorders, migraine, anxiety and head injury.

This problem can occur due to dehydration, motion sickness, stress, excessive exercise, hormonal changes in the body and side effects of any medicine. Sometimes dizziness can cause tingling in the ears, chest pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting, feeling pale or losing balance. If you get dizziness occasionally or feel its symptoms, then you can use some home remedies. However, if the symptoms come very frequently, then you must consult your doctor.So let us tell you some home remedies for dizziness -

(Read more - Acupressure for Dizziness)

  1. Home Remedies For Dizziness
  2. Tips To Prevent Dizziness
  3. Summary

Take Care Deep Breaths To Prevent Dizziness

Breathing fast is the best way to cure dizziness. It gives full oxygen to the brain, in return the nervous system gets relaxed and the problem of dizziness goes away.

How to do the process of deep breathing -

  • First of all, sit comfortably.
  • Now place one of your hands on the lower part of the stomach and place the thumb of the other hand on one of your nostrils and then close the mouth.
  • Now slowly breathe through the other nostril and fill your stomach with air.
  • Hold the breath, close both the nostrils and compress the lips.
  • After two to three seconds, exhale and try to expel the air from the stomach.
  • Do this process ten times.
  • Then sit quietly for five minutes and breathe slowly again.

Drink More Water To Prevent Dizziness

Dehydration is the most common cause of dizziness. This problem occurs due to not drinking water for a long time or not drinking water after or during exercise. Dehydration can cause vomiting or diarrhea -

When you feel dizzy, try to drink a glass of water. Drink as much water as possible throughout the day to prevent dehydration and dizziness.

Apart from this, you can drink herbal tea mixed with honey, consume soup or fruit juice.

Eat Food To Prevent Dizziness

The problem of dizziness can also be caused by low blood sugar level, especially in diabetes patients. Staying hungry can increase the chances of dizziness. So whenever you feel dizzy, try to eat something.

What to eat when you feel dizzy -

  • Eat a snack that is rich in carbohydrates or sugar such as chocolate or banana. Also consume any fruit that is rich in water.
  • Fruit rich in yogurt is also a good option.
  • A handful of nuts such as cashews, almonds or walnuts also work well in the problem of dizziness.
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Eat Ginger To Prevent Dizziness

Ginger is a very good remedy for dizziness or nausea. It stimulates blood circulation to the brain and other parts of the body, which relieves the problem of dizziness.

Use ginger in three ways -
First way -

  • Cut fresh ginger into small pieces and then chew it. Or eat ginger toffee to reduce dizziness.

Second way -

  • Drink ginger tea two or three times a day to reduce the problem of dizziness.

Third way -

  • Apart from this, you can also take ginger supplements, but before taking it, talk to your doctor.

(Read more - Dizziness : Advice for Managing Lightheadedness)

Lemon Juice To Prevent Dizziness

Lemon is an effective remedy for dizziness. It contains vitamin C which keeps the immunity right and also fights any disease. Along with this, other nutrients present in lemon help in giving energy in a natural way. It keeps your body hydrated very quickly, due to which you start feeling fresh.

Use lemon in two ways -

First way -

  • First of all, squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water. Then add two teaspoons of sugar to it.
  • Then drink this mixture.

Second method -

  • Apart from this, add a pinch of black pepper powder and salt to one teaspoon lemon juice. Now mix this mixture in a glass of water and drink it.
  • Drink this mixture three times a day.

(Read more - Vertigo)

Eat Amla To Prevent Dizziness

Amla is also called Amla which is a very old remedy for the problem of dizziness. Amla is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C which helps in increasing immunity, improves blood circulation and also prevents dizziness.

How to use Amla -

  • First of all, mix two Amla in a mixer without seeds and then prepare a paste of it.
  • Now add two teaspoons of coriander seeds and one cup of water to it.
  • Leave this mixture overnight.
  • Next morning, filter this mixture and then drink the water.
  • Repeat this process daily for a few days.

(Read more - Why Do We Feel Dizzy During Menstruation)

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Use Honey To Prevent Dizziness

Due to the presence of natural sugar in honey, it increases the energy level and also prevents dizziness. Honey does not let the blood sugar level - which is the biggest reason for dizziness - go down.

Use honey in three ways -

First way -

  • First of all, mix two teaspoons of honey with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Now mix this mixture in a glass of water and drink it.
  • Drink this mixture twice a day.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, mix one teaspoon of honey and lemon juice in a glass of warm water.
  • Drink this mixture quickly to avoid dizziness.

Third way -

  • Along with this, mix one teaspoon of honey with cinnamon powder and eat this mixture in the morning.
  • Take this mixture every morning for a few weeks.

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Take Ginkgo Biloba Herb To Prevent Dizziness

Ginkgo biloba herb is another effective home remedy to cure dizziness. It improves blood circulation to the brain and also prevents dizziness. Along with this, this herb also treats tinnitus which causes dizziness. This herb is available in the market in the form of tablets, juice and dry leaves. Take 120 to 150 mg of Ginkgo Biloba juice dosage. Take three doses daily for a few months.

Note - Before taking Ginkgo Biloba, talk to your doctor.

(Read more -Benefits of Sama Rice)

Take Feverfew Herb To Prevent Dizziness

Another great home remedy to cure dizziness is a feverfew herb. It treats the symptoms of dizziness such as headache, nausea and vomiting. It improves blood circulation.

Use feverfew in three ways -

  • First way - Whenever you see some symptoms of dizziness, peel fresh leaves of feverfew.
  • Second method -First, boil one teaspoon of dried feverfew leaves and mint leaves in a cup of hot water for 15 to 20 minutes and then strain it.Try drinking this tea several times a day for a few weeks.
  • Third method - Apart from this, you can take some supplements after asking the doctor.

Eat Healthy Food To Prevent Dizziness

To get rid of dizziness and its symptoms, definitely eat a healthy diet. You can prevent dizziness caused by anemia, low blood pressure and low blood sugar by consuming foods rich in iron, vitamin A, folic acid and fiber. Along with this, choose foods that are low in sugar and fat.

What kind of foods to eat -

  • Eat iron-rich foods such as liver, spinach, almonds, dates, fortified breakfast and asparagus. Apart from this, you can also take iron supplements after talking to the doctor.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C like oranges, lemons, broccoli, grapefruits and spinach. You can also take vitamin C supplements after talking to your doctor.
  • Also eat foods rich in folic acid like green vegetables, sprouts, fortified cereals, peanuts, bananas and broccoli.
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol and wine as these can cause obstructions in blood circulation.
  • Eat small meals throughout the day. Never skip meals, especially breakfast.


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  • Whenever you feel dizzy, sit or lie down comfortably.
  • If your body feels unbalanced due to dizziness, lie down and start looking at some stable object around you. This will distract your mind a little from dizziness.
  • Do some light exercise daily so that the blood circulation of your body improves and you can get rid of the problem like dizziness.
  • Get your body massaged once a week so that the blood circulation is good.
  • If you have such problems, try to rest as much as possible.
  • To get rid of this problem, do yoga or meditation daily.
  • If you have felt dizzy a while ago, do not try to stand or sit immediately.
  • If you feel dizzy while sitting in a car, do not sit in the car.
  • Do not consume caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, this can worsen your condition.

When you feel dizzy, first of all you should sit or lie down in a safe place, so that there is no risk of falling. Take a deep breath and relax the body. There can be many reasons for dizziness, such as weakness, low blood pressure, dehydration, or standing up suddenly. In this situation, drink water and eat something sweet, which will give you energy. If dizziness is recurring or does not go away for a long time, consult a doctor, as it can also be a sign of a serious problem. Resting and avoiding stress can also be helpful in this situation.

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