Diabetes can occur at any age. Especially in India, it is becoming a very common disease. According to the International Diabetes Federation, 70 million Indians are affected by diabetes, which makes India the third most diabetic country in the world.

Click on the blue link given here and know the ayurvedic treatment of diabetes.

Sugar can cause debilitation or fatal complications, such as blindness, kidney disease, and heart disease, but there is no need to panic about sugar, as it is now well-researched. Research has shown that this disease can be controlled and significantly improved with honest lifestyle changes - changes such as weight loss, eating right, and exercising - and of course, yoga can help in many ways. Today in this article you will know how diabetes can be controlled through yoga -

(Read More - Home Remedies for Diabetes)

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  1. Benefits of Yoga for Diabetic patient
  2. Yoga for Diabetes
  3. Keep these things in your mind
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Yoga for Diabetes

Regular yoga practice helps in reducing blood sugar levels. Yoga can help lower blood pressure, control weight, reduce symptoms, and slow the progression of diabetes, as well as reduce the severity of further diabetes complications.

(Read More - Type 2 Diabetes)

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Many yoga asanas are beneficial for diabetes patients, such as Kapalbhati Pranayama, Supta Matsyendrasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, and Shavasana. Let's know about them in detail -

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati Pranayama helps in activating the nervous system and rejuvenates the brain cells. It is very useful for patients suffering from diabetes, as it stimulates the abdominal organs. This pranayama also improves blood circulation and calms the mind. Do Kapalbhati Pranayama for 1-2 minutes and as the practice increases, it can be prolonged.

(Read More - Diabetes Swollen Feet)

Supta Matsyendrasana

Supta Matsyendrasana massages the internal organs and improves digestion. This asana puts pressure on the abdominal organs and hence is a very useful asana for people suffering from diabetes. Do Supta Matsyendrasana for 1-2 minutes.

(Read More - What is prediabetes)


Paschimottanasana massages and tones the abdominal and pelvic organs. Hence or helps people suffering from diabetes. This yoga pose also helps in balancing the prana in the body and calming the mind. Do this asana for 1 minute.

(Read More - Diabetic Nephropathy)

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana massages the abdominal organs increases the supply of oxygen to the lungs and brings flexibility to the spine. It also helps calm the mind and improves blood flow to the spine. Do this asana for 1 minute.

(Read More - Type 1 Diabetes)


Dhanurasana strengthens and regulates the pancreas. Therefore, if you have diabetes, Dhanurasana is highly recommended for you. Apart from this, it also strengthens the abdominal muscles and is effective in relieving stress and fatigue.

(Read More - Diabetes diet)


In Shavasana, you are in a state of rest. Therefore, it reduces your stress, which is also beneficial in reducing the level of sugar. Do this asana also for 5-10 minutes.

(Read More - Diabetic Foot Ulcer)

It is also necessary to take some precautions while doing yoga, which are as follows -

  • Remember that you get relief from yoga practice only after continuous practice and you get it slowly.
  • Yoga asanas do not increase joint pain, for this, during practice, take the help of objects, pillows, and other equipment to support the body, as necessary.
  • Don't push yourself beyond your physical capacity. If the pain increases, stop the yoga practice immediately and consult a doctor.

(Read More - How is Diabetes Managed)

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Any kind of physical problem can be solved through yoga. Yoga can be beneficial even if you have diabetes. Although there is no permanent solution to diabetes, it can be controlled through yoga. By doing yoga, diabetes can be prevented from taking a serious form. Also, healthy life can be enjoyed. Along with doing yoga, a diabetic patient must also take a balanced diet.

(Read More - Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes)

Dr. Pratyush kumar

Dr. Pratyush kumar

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Dr. J.N Naidu

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Dr.Jainaa Khedawala

Dr.Jainaa Khedawala

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Dr. Surbhi Agrawal

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