Many times people ignore the condition of pre-diabetes or diabetes lightly. People do not pay attention to diabetes until the situation worsens. If diabetes is not noticed and treated in time, it can cause many serious health problems. This includes heart disease and kidney failure etc.In this article you will know what are the risks if diabetes is not treated -

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  1. Side Effects Of Uncontrolled Diabetes
  2. Summary
Doctors for Health Risks of Diabetes: Diseases Caused By Diabetes

If diabetes is not treated in time, it can cause many health related problems, which are as follows -

Heart Disease Due To Diabetes

Compared to a normal person, a patient suffering from diabetes has double the risk of getting heart disease. In fact, as time passes in diabetes, high blood sugar levels start damaging the blood vessels and nerves that control the heart. At the same time, if there is high blood pressure along with diabetes, then this risk increases further. 

(Read more - How to manage Diabetes?)

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Kidney Failure Due To Diabetes

Having diabetes can affect the filtering ability of the kidneys. Due to this, there is a higher risk of kidney related problems or kidney damage in diabetes. Therefore, if you notice any change in the color or texture of urine during diabetes, do not ignore it. Kidney problems caused by diabetes are also called diabetic neuropathy

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Eye Problem Due To Diabetes

One of the common complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is eye-related problems. Diabetic conditions can affect the blood vessels of the retina. In such a situation, other serious eye related problems like cataract and glaucoma can also occur in diabetes.

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Nerve Damage Due To Diabetes

Many people suffering from diabetes suffer from nerve damage, which is also called neuropathy. In this condition, most of the nerves in the legs can be affected, due to which tingling and numbness in the legs can be felt. It is possible that nothing may be felt in the affected part for hours.

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Infection Due To Diabetes

High blood sugar levels can also cause dry skin. In such a situation, it becomes difficult for the body to fight bacterial and fungal infections during this period. It is better to moisturize your skin well during this time. Not only skin infections, but other infections can also occur because the immunity of a diabetic patient is weak. In such a situation, they may be at risk of getting any kind of bacterial or viral infection.

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Foot Problems Due To Diabetes

Diabetes can affect the nerves of the feet. In such a situation, there may be a change in the shape of your feet or the blood flow in the feet may be affected. In such a situation, there may be problems related to feet. If these problems are not treated quickly, they can cause serious infections. Sometimes the problem increases so much that in severe cases the patient's leg may have to be amputated.

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Brain Problems Due To Diabetes

Diabetes has also been shown to cause cognitive problems and changes in brain or mental health. Diabetic patients may also be at risk of Alzheimer's disease. In Alzheimer's disease, the patient suffers from amnesia. With time this situation becomes more serious.

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We do not want to scare you by telling you all this. By telling you these complications, we want to alert you, so that you pay attention to diabetes in time. This is not only for patients suffering from pre-diabetes and diabetes, but also for normal people. Just as it is necessary for everyone to check blood pressure regularly, it is also necessary to check blood sugar regularly. If any kind of fluctuation is seen in the blood sugar level, whether it is more or less, then in both the cases talk to a doctor or expert. Remember that low blood sugar can also cause other health problems.

Dr. Narayanan N K

Dr. Narayanan N K

16 Years of Experience

Dr. Tanmay Bharani

Dr. Tanmay Bharani

15 Years of Experience

Dr. Sunil Kumar Mishra

Dr. Sunil Kumar Mishra

23 Years of Experience

Dr. Parjeet Kaur

Dr. Parjeet Kaur

19 Years of Experience

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