Halitosis or bad breath is a common oral health problem. It may occur due to intake of certain foods like onion and garlic, poor dental hygiene, breathing through the mouth, dry mouth, gum diseases or diseases of the salivary gland. Incorrect cleaning of dentures and oral cancer can also lead to halitosis. (Read more: Oral hygiene tips)
Non-oral causes of halitosis include diabetes; chronic bronchitis; post-nasal drip; liver diseases or kidney disease; gastrointestinal disorders; infection in the nose, throat or lungs; and chronic sinusitis.
Halitosis may manifest the following signs and symptoms:
- Dry mouth
- Bad breath in the morning with a burning tongue
- White coating on the tongue, especially at the back of the tongue
- Thick saliva
- Post-nasal drip or mucus
- A constant bitter, sour or metallic taste in the mouth.
Homeopathic treatment of halitosis aims at treating the underlying cause of the condition. Homeopathic doctors consider the characteristics of the patient’s personality and physiology before choosing the right remedy for them. Common remedies include carbo vegatabilis, kalium phosphoricum, kreosotum, mercurius solubilis, pulsatilla, pyrogenium and sepia. The dosage of the remedy is prescribed by the homeopathic physician based on each individual case.
A carefully selected medicine also helps the patient cope with the psychological stress associated with the condition. Also, many a time, halitosis may be imaginary (delusional) wherein the patient imagines having bad breath but neither the clinician nor the people around can confirm it. In such instances, homeopathic medicines help in treating the patient at the level of the mind to get rid of this delusion.