Asthma is a lung disease in which there is a problem of prolonged irritation and inflammation in the lungs and due to swelling in the mucus membrane, the respiratory tract (airway) also shrinks. During this time, a lot of phlegm or mucus also starts forming in the respiratory tract. Talking about the symptoms of asthma, there is a wheezing sound while breathing (weezing), shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, feeling of tightness in the chest and continuous cough. Cough in asthma is very intense and occurs more especially at night.

Night cough is one of the most common symptoms of asthma and due to this, not only the patient's sleep is disturbed but the next day is also disturbed due to lack of sleep. The patient is not able to work properly due to not being able to focus on his work and he feels irritable throughout the day. Due to this, the lifestyle of the patient is also affected.

(Read more: Yoga for Asthma)

  1. What Is The Reason For Coughing At Night In Asthma Patients?
  2. How To Get Relief From Coughing At Night?
  3. Many Other Possible Reasons For Coughing At Night
  4. Summary
Doctors for Battling Night Time Cough in Asthma: What You Need to Know for Relief
  1. 1. The condition of asthma can worsen during sleep. However, no information has been received so far about what is the reason for this. According to the explanation available so far, some of the reasons are- coming in contact with allergens, cooling of the airway, lying down and secretion of hormones that follow the pattern of the body's internal clock.
  2. 2. Cough variant asthma is a type of asthma in which there is a dry cough. In this, cough can occur during the day as well as at night, but cough occurring at night is more severe.
  3. 3. If allergens are present in the pillow, bed sheet etc. in the bedroom or on the bed, then due to this also itching starts in the very sensitive airway and cough starts.
  4. 4. Acid reflux is a symptom that co-exists with asthma, due to which cough starts at night.
  5. 5. If asthma patients do not take their medicines on time or show any kind of negligence in taking medicines, then due to this also cough starts at night.
  6. 6. Cough at night can also be a sign of asthma attack.

(Read more: First aid for asthma attack)

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  • Proper treatment of asthma or cough-variant asthma:

Take the medicines given by the doctor to control asthma regularly. Do not stop taking medicines even when your symptoms are completely under control. If any kind of change is to be made in the medicines, then do it only after consulting your doctor, especially a pulmonologist.

  • Changing sleeping position:

If you sleep in a propped up position, then by sleeping in this position, the problem of acid reflux and post nasal drip can be controlled to a great extent.

  • Treatment of acid reflux:

Patients should not consume such food items which should not cause acidity problems. Do not lie down for at least 90 minutes after eating and if necessary, take medicines also.

  • Drink tea with honey:

If you drink tea with honey, it gives relief to your throat and there is no problem of congestion in the throat, it also helps in loosening the mucus and also gives relief from the symptoms of cough.

  • Maintaining humidity in the room:

If you control the humidity of the room up to 50 percent with the help of a device that controls the humidity in the air, it helps in relaxing the respiratory tract (airway) and the cough also remains under control.

  • Reducing allergens:

If there is dirt and dust in your house, especially in the bedroom, then clean it thoroughly because if there are allergy-producing elements in the bedroom, then due to this also there can be a problem of cough at night.

  • Use saline or decongestant nasal spray:

If you use a decongestant or saline nasal spray or nasal drops, it clears the nasal passage, the allergy-producing elements and itching-irritation elements are not present in it and the mucus also comes out. With its help, the problem of post nasal drip also reduces.

(Read more:Exploring the Link: Can Obesity Trigger Asthma)

Although the problem of cough at night is very common in asthma patients, it can also occur in many other types of diseases.

Acid reflux or heartburn: The problem of heartburn occurs when the acidic elements present in the stomach go back to the food pipe and due to this cough starts and burning sensation is also felt in the throat.

Cough after viral: Usually this problem occurs when someone gets a common cold or upper respiratory tract infection. During this time, a lot of coughing starts, especially at night, symptoms of cough are seen and this happens because there is hypersensitivity in the respiratory tract (airway).

Post nasal drip: This usually happens when there is a cold. The mucus formed in the nose starts going down to the throat, which causes irritation in the windpipe, which leads to coughing. This type of cough increases when you are in a lying position i.e. while sleeping at night.

Smoking: Smoking cigarettes also causes dry cough and breathing problems, which sometimes become more severe at night.

It is very important that you take night cough seriously and get it diagnosed and treated properly. Asthma is one such disease in which symptoms of night cough are very common. It can also be a symptom of worsening of asthma, cough variant asthma and any other disease. Getting proper treatment not only provides relief from the disease but also improves lifestyle.

(Read more: Chronic cough)

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Night cough is a common problem in asthma, which is called "nocturnal asthma". There are many reasons why coughing increases during the night. The airways become narrower during sleeping position, which makes breathing difficult and increases coughing. Also, the body's natural cortisol hormone levels decrease at night, which can increase inflammation and asthma symptoms. Cold air, dust, pet dander, and allergens present around the bed can also trigger coughing at night. Proper medication and precautions are needed to control asthma symptoms.

Dr Viresh Mariholannanavar

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