In the case of normocytic anemia, the amount of red blood cells in the body decreases, whose job is to carry oxygen in the body. When a person has normocytic anemia, he feels tired all the time and may also have a headache. This can be due to any chronic disease, blood loss or hemolysis. For its treatment, the doctor may ask for blood transfusion, surgical repair or treatment of the disease that causes normocytic anemia. In this article you will know what is normocytic anemia. Also, what are the symptoms, causes and treatment of normocytic anemia -

(Read more - Which vitamin deficiency causes anemia?)

  1. What Is Normocytic Anemia?
  2. Symptoms Of Normocytic Anemia
  3. Causes Of Normocytic Anemia
  4. Treatment Of Normocytic Anemia
  5. Blood Transfusion
  6. Surgical Repair
  7. Erythropoietin
  8. Treatment Of Other Disease
  9. Consumption Of Medicines
  10. Summary
Doctors for Normocytic Anemia: When Red Blood Cells are Just Right

A common type of anemia is normocytic anemia. Anemia is a condition in which a person does not have enough red blood cells to provide adequate amounts of oxygen to his organs and other tissues. There are some types of anemia in which red blood cells change, which helps the doctor to understand the condition. Whereas in normocytic anemia the size of red blood cells remains normal, but it can be detected through a blood test. Having a serious disease like kidney disease or rheumatoid arthritis can also be an indication of normocytic anemia.

(Read more - Home Remedies for Anaemia)

You can use multivitamin with probiotic capsules to increase immunity, provide nutrition, improve gut health and eliminate weakness.

Normocytic anemia can range from mild to severe, depending on the red blood cell count. Besides, the role of other medical conditions is also important. If normocytic anemia is progressing slowly, its symptoms increase gradually, but if normocytic anemia is developing rapidly, its symptoms can be severe. Symptoms of normocytic anemia can be as follows -

  • Feeling Tired All The Time
  • Feeling Of Weakness
  • Yellowing Of Skin
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Difficulty With Memory And Concentration
  • Lack Of Motivation

Apart from this, there are some other symptoms, which are not directly related to normocytic anemia, but definitely signal the cause of anemia -

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Normocytic anemia occurs when the amount of red blood cells becomes less than normal. This may happen due to bleeding, chronic disease or less production of red blood cells. There can be many serious reasons for this. The common causes of normocytic anemia are as follows –

(Read more - Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Anemia)

Let us know in detail about the treatment of normocytic anemia -

This is needed when the red blood count remains very low. In this therapy, donor blood is directly transfused. If anemia has occurred due to trauma, after transfusion the red blood cell count may return to normal and bleeding may also stop.

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If there is any injury due to trauma, then it does not heal on its own. In such a situation, immediate surgical repair is required to stop the bleeding.

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This is a hormone which the kidneys stimulate to produce red blood cells in the bone marrow. It is also used as a medicine in case of chronic kidney disease or cancer. This helps in increasing red blood cells.

If anemia is caused by some disease, then it is treated first. It can be any kind of disease, like liver disease, heart disease, kidney disease or cancer. Treatment of these diseases can also increase the red blood cell count.

Iron deficiency can also be the cause of anemia. For this, it may be advisable to take iron supplements.

(Read more - Iron Deficiency Anemia)

Normocytic anemia is considered a form of anemia. In this condition, the red blood cells in the body are reduced and the organs do not get enough oxygen. Always feeling tired, feeling of weakness and yellowing of the skin are some symptoms of normocytic anemia. Chronic kidney, heart or liver disease, excessive menstrual bleeding, chronic bleeding and obesity etc. are the causes of normocytic anemia. For its treatment, doctors may recommend blood transfusion, surgical repair and taking special medicines. If a person always feels tired, he should immediately consult a doctor.

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