Anemia is a problem in which the level of hemoglobin in the body decreases. Although anemia can occur due to many reasons, some research has proved that vegetarian people have a higher risk of anemia. Actually, non-veg contains more iron and vitamin-B12. In such a situation, people who do not eat non-veg or are vegetarians may have iron and vitamin-B12 deficiency. In such a situation, symptoms of anemia can be experienced due to iron and vitamin-B12 deficiency. In this article you will learn in detail about the relationship between vegetarian diet and anemia -

(Read more - Which vitamin deficiency causes anemia?)

  1. What Is A Vegetarian Diet
  2. Relation Between Vegetarian Diet And Anemia
  3. Causes Of Anemia For Vegetarians
  4. Summary
Doctors for Are Vegetarians More Prone to Anemia? Exploring the Facts

A vegetarian diet is one in which meat foods are not included.. Whereas, people who take a vegan diet, only foods obtained from plants are included in it. Meat, eggs, dairy products and honey are also not included in it. Although some people may face anemia on a vegetarian diet, it is also a fact that vegetarian people have a lower risk of heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

(Read more - Treatment for Iron Deficiency Anemia)

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Many researches have proved that vegetarian people may be more likely to have anemia than non-vegetarian people. Anemia occurs mainly due to lack of iron and vitamin-B12 in the body. At the same time, vegetarian people have more iron and vitamin-B12 deficiency than non-vegetarian people. Therefore, vegetarians are more likely to have anemia.

Non-vegetarian people get iron and vitamin-B12 from chicken, mutton, fish and eggs. In comparison, vegetarian people are not able to get iron and vitamin-B12 in large quantities from vegetables and fruits. In this situation, the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells starts decreasing. This can cause anemia.

(Read more - Anemia diet)

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Vegetarians do not get nutrients in large quantities, whereas non-vegetarians get more nutrients by eating less. Therefore, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals is found more in the body of vegetarians than in other people. In such a situation, vegetarian people may have to face deficiency of iron, vitamin-B12 etc. The reasons for anemia in vegetarians are as follows -

Anemia Due To Iron Deficiency

Iron is one of the most essential nutrients for the body. Iron deficiency is a major cause of anemia. Actually, when a person does not get an adequate amount of iron from food, red blood cells are not produced in the body. Due to this, the level of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body, also starts decreasing. When hemoglobin decreases, symptoms of anemia start appearing in the person. Let us tell you that hemoglobin is a protein present in red blood cells.

Iron is available in two forms - heme and non-heme. Heme iron is easily used by the body. It is found in meat, chicken and fish, while non-heme iron is found in vegetables. In such a situation, people who do not eat non-veg may have heme iron deficiency. Whereas non-vegetarian people get both heme and nonheme iron. In such a situation, the chances of anemia are less in these people. At the same time, the risk of anemia can be quite high in vegetarian people.

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Anemia Due To Vitamin-b12 Deficiency

Like iron, vitamin-B12 is also an essential nutrient for the body. Symptoms of anemia can be experienced if there is a deficiency of vitamin-B12 in the body. Vitamin-B12 is found in high quantities in fish, mutton and chicken. At the same time, vitamin-B12 is found in very low quantities in vegetarian food. In such a situation, vitamin-B12 deficiency can be found in people who are vegetarian. In such a situation, these people may also have to go through the symptoms of anemia.

Actually, vitamin-B12 plays an important role in making red blood cells. In such a situation, when there is a fulfillment of vitamin-B12 in the body, then the formation of red blood cells also continues. This also keeps the level of hemoglobin high and anemia can be avoided, but vitamin-B12 is less in vegetarian food. Therefore, vegetarians may be at a higher risk of anemia.

(Read more - Anemia in Pregnancy)

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Let us tell you that anemia can happen to any person, whether he is non-vegetarian or vegetarian, but vegetarian people have a higher risk of anemia. These people have more deficiency of iron and vitamin-B12 than non-vegetarian people. Lack of iron and vitamin-B12 in the body are considered to be the main causes of anemia. Therefore, if you are a vegetarian, then it is important to take a balanced diet to avoid anemia. At the same time, if symptoms of anemia are felt, then in this situation, definitely contact the doctor.

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

6 Years of Experience

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Dt. khushboo fatima

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Dt. Priti Kumari

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Dt. Sonal jain

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