Most people face different allergies and irritations in all seasons. In the spring season, one has to face many types of allergies. During the summer season, other allergy problems keep increasing rapidly. Similarly, in autumn, allergies occur due to dust and with the arrival of winter, allergy problems have to be faced due to pollution. Apart from weather, there can be many other causes of allergy.

Common symptoms of allergy are runny nose, sore throat, cough, itching in eyes and skin rashes. People who are troubled by allergies according to the season can protect themselves before this problem starts. However, if you see symptoms of allergy, then you can also try easy and effective home remedies to avoid this problem. So let us tell you some home remedies for allergies –

(Read more - Foods to help fight allergies)

  1. Home Remedies For Allergies
  2. Summary

Benefits Of Salt Water For Allergies

Upper-respiratory allergy is a very common allergy. To cure this condition, you can clean the allergens and irritants by washing the nose with saline solution. According to a 2008 research, cleaning the nose with saline daily helps in improving the symptoms of rhinitis allergy.

How to use saline solution –

  • First of all, take a teaspoon of non-iodized salt and a pinch of baking soda and then mix them in a quarter of hot water. Then keep the mixture aside to cool.
  • Now bend towards the sink and put ten drops of this mixture in one of your nostrils. Then take this mixture out either from the nose or from the mouth.
  • Do the same process with the other nostril as well.
  • Repeat this process once or twice a day until the symptoms go away.
  • Instead of making your own mixture, you can also take this solution from outside.

Benefits Of Peppermint For Allergic Reaction

The essential oil present in peppermint acts as a decongestant and reduces allergy symptoms. Peppermint has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that reduce allergic reactions.

Use peppermint in two ways –

First way –

  • To make peppermint tea, first boil one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in a cup of water for five minutes.
  • Then strain this mixture and leave it to cool.
  • Now add one teaspoon of honey to it before drinking it.
  • Enjoy peppermint tea two or three times a day until you get relief from the symptoms.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, you can keep your face on a cup of peppermint tea for five to ten minutes.
  • This will help clear mucus from your nose and throat.
  • Adopt this remedy whenever you have such a problem.

(Read more - Allergies in children)

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Benefits Of Steam For Allergies

Steam helps in relieving many symptoms of allergy. It provides relief from irritated sinuses and also clears mucus and other irritants from the nasal passage.

How to use steam -

  • First of all, put as much water as possible to boil and boil it until good steam comes out of it.
  • Now take this water in a large vessel. Now add three to four drops of eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, rosemary or tea tree oil in it.
  • Now put a towel on your head and bend carefully near the vessel. Then take steam from hot water for ten minutes.
  • Repeat this process once or thrice a day until your symptoms subside.

Note - Keep your face a little away from the boiling water.

(Read more - Skin Allergy)

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Allergies

Apple cider vinegar is a very old remedy for allergies. Its antibiotic and antihistamine properties help treat allergic reactions. It treats the causes of allergies and also cures symptoms of frequent sneezing, blocked nose, itching, headache and cough.

How to use apple cider vinegar -

  • Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Then add one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and one or half teaspoon of honey to it and drink it.
  • Drink this mixture three times a day until you get relief from its symptoms and allergies.

(Read more - Allergy Test: Procedure, Purpose)

Benefits Of Nettle Leaf For Allergy Relief

Nettle leaf is very effective for chronic seasonal allergies. Being a natural antihistamine, stinging nettle stops the body's production of histamine and then ultimately helps in relieving many allergy symptoms.

Use stinging nettle in two ways -

First way -

  • First of all, put one teaspoon of dried stinging nettle leaves in a cup of water.
  • Let this mixture boil for five minutes.
  • Then filter this mixture and now add some honey to it and drink it.
  • Drink this tea two or three times a day.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, you can also take stinging nettle capsules. But before taking it, talk to your doctor about the dosage and for how long.

(Read more - Home remedies for eye allergy)

Benefits Of Garlic For Allergy Relief

Garlic contains natural antibiotics which are very effective for allergies. The antiviral and immunity boosting properties of garlic keep you away from the doctor.

How to use garlic -

  • Eat two or three cloves of garlic daily for one or two weeks.
  • If you do not like the smell of garlic, you can take garlic supplements after asking the doctor.

(Read more - Medicine for skin allergy itching)

Benefits Of Lemon For Allergy Relief

Lemon is a natural antihistamine and a good source of vitamin C. It also has antioxidant properties. It also works like an antitoxin. Lemon is very beneficial for the problem of allergy.

Lemon can be used in two ways -

First way -

  • Before the allergy starts according to the season, start drinking fresh lemon juice by squeezing it in a cup of water every morning.
  • Keep drinking this mixture daily until the allergy season is over.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, take one or half a cup of lemon juice.
  • Then add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of red chili in one cup of hot water.
  • Drink this mixture daily to help your body flush out toxins.

(Read more - Home remedies for allergic rhinitis)

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Benefits Of Turmeric For Allergies

Turmeric contains curcumin which acts as a decongestant and helps relieve allergy symptoms. Turmeric also has effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that treat allergies from the root.

How to use turmeric -

  • Put six teaspoons of turmeric powder and honey in a clean glass jar.
  • Stir the mixture well.
  • During allergy season, consume one teaspoon of this mixture twice a day.
  • Along with this, use turmeric in your food and also take turmeric supplements after consulting your doctor.

(Read more - Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever))

Benefits Of Honey For Allergies

Most people have said that eating local honey gives them relief from allergy season symptoms. Local honey made by bees helps in relieving allergies. To get relief from the symptoms of allergy season, eat one or more teaspoons of honey three or four times a day. To get good results, start eating this local honey one month before the allergy season starts.

(Read more - Elimination diet for allergies: Benefits and Risks)

Benefits Of Hot Water For Allergies

Another effective home remedy for allergies is hot showers. When you stay outside all day and your hair and skin get mixed with dust, it increases allergies even more. So to get rid of the source of allergy, take a bath with hot water and wash your hair thoroughly after coming from outside. Along with this, bathing with hot water also helps you in opening your sinuses, so that you can breathe easily. Hot water gives you relief and also helps you sleep. So these are drug-free methods that will help in treating your allergies. However, if the symptoms start increasing, then definitely consult your doctor.

Home remedies for allergies can include many methods that are effective and simple. First of all, it is important to know what causes the allergy and try to keep it away. Consume a teaspoon of honey daily, as it helps in boosting natural immunity. A mixture of turmeric and milk is also helpful in reducing inflammation and itching. Inhaling steam can also help clear nasal congestion and sinuses. Apart from this, consuming basil leaves and drinking lemon water is also beneficial. These remedies can relieve allergy symptoms and improve health.


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