Acidity usually comes with constant discomfort in stomach and unpleasant burping. Excess acid production might also lead to a backflow of food into the food pipe, causing a burning sensation, which is often associated with pain and bloating. People also refer to this burning sensation as heartburn due to the anatomical position of the heart and food pipe (heart in front of the food pipe).

Almost every one of us has suffered from acidity at some point in life. In fact, acidity is so common and prevalent in the general population that it rarely spares anyone. You are lucky enough if you haven't faced it yet.

Reasons for acidity might vary from person to person. Some people are not able to digest spicy and oily food but are fond of eating them leading to acidity. Pathological problems in the gut may also lead to excessive acid production.

Most people tend to look for antacids the moment they start to notice the first signs of discomfort. But if you are not a fan of oral medications you can take certain home remedies to get the needed relief. They usually have a wide range of actions helping you with suppressing acid production while also reducing the pain and bloating caused due to it. 

Going through this article, you will get to know the home remedies that will help you to get rid of the excess acid in the stomach as well as to alleviate the symptoms of acidity.

  1. Home remedies for acidity
  2. Tips to control acidity

Anything that has the capacity to neutralize the excessive buildup of acid in the stomach can help relieve acidity symptoms. You might be amazed to see the potential benefits of simple home-based ingredients in this condition. They are healthy, taste good and unlike commercial drugs, are devoid of side effects. 

  1. Ginger for acidity
  2. Baking soda for acidity
  3. Basil or Tulsi for acidity
  4. Cinnamon for acidity
  5. Black seed (Kalonji) for acidity
  6. Liquorice roots for acidity
  7. Other remedies for acidity

Ginger for acidity

Ginger is one of the most well-known spices for relieving stomach conditions. Whether it is nausea, indigestion or upset stomach, there is nothing a piece of ginger can’t relieve. 

Ginger possesses the potential to combat the accumulated acid in the stomach thereby alleviating the symptoms of acidity. The magic properties of ginger are attributed to the bioactive compounds it contains like shogaol and gingerol. These compounds soothe stomach cell lining and act as a tonic for the stomach, gradually healing the damage caused to the gastric mucosa. They also help reduce the severity of bloating.

Now, how to make the best use of ginger to get rid of acidity problems? Here are a few ways:

What you'll need?

  • Diced ginger
  • Water


Ist method: Chew a cube of diced ginger. You can eat it with a pinch of rock salt if you want to make it more palatable.

2nd method: Have 1 to 2 teaspoon of ginger juice to calm down the acid surge in your stomach.

3rd method: You can also drink ginger-infused water for the same effect. Boil one cup of water with 5 to 6 cubes of diced ginger, keep it boiling for 5 minutes, drink the water once it cools down.

Baking soda for acidity

Baking soda is yet another go-to remedy for acidity. Being basic in nature, sodium bicarbonate or baking soda has the capability to neutralize stomach acids. Baking soda also provides relief from indigestion and heartburn, two of the most common conditions associated with acidity. In fact, this compound is one of the most common ingredients in commercial antacid preparations. But you can use it directly from the kitchen without visiting the pharmacy. Here is how you should consume baking soda to get quick and substantial relief from acidity:

What you'll need?

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 cup of water


  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it to lessen the acid production after a meal
  • You can have this drink 1 to 2 times a day depending upon the severity of acidity


  • Baking soda should not be taken if your acidity is due to overeating
  • Children below 12 years of age should not be given this remedy, there are other home remedies mentioned in the article, use any of them instead 
  • You might release gas and feel increased thirst after consumption of baking soda. In a few cases, baking soda might also cause stomach cramps

Basil or Tulsi for acidity

Basil is an excellent remedy for acidity caused due to excess secretion of stomach juices. Being a demulcent, it makes a protective layer on the inside of your stomach lining, saving it from the harmful effects of excess acid production. 

Moreover, basil relieves stomach gas and promotes longevity of mucosal cells in the stomach. They also promote digestion, thus being the perfect remedy for most common stomach problems. Here is how you can use basil for relieving acidity:

What you'll need?

  • A handful of basil leaves
  • Or 1 tablespoon of basil seeds
  • 1 cup of water


Ist method: Just take a few basil leaves and chew them to decrease acidity

2nd method: Boil a cup of water with a few basil leaves in it for at least 5 minutes. Drink the infused water loaded with benefits of basil leaves

3rd method: Soak 1 tablespoon of basil seeds in a cup of water for 1 to 2 hours, drink the water along with the swollen seeds to reduce acidity

Cinnamon for acidity

Cinnamon is not just another flavouring spice. It holds enormous health benefits right from improving cardiovascular functions to regulating acid secretion in the stomach. 

Studies suggest cinnamon to be an anti secretagogue and anti gastric ulcer herb. This means it reduces the excess secretion of gastric juices and also prevents peptic ulcers. All of these medicinal properties of cinnamon are due to the bioactive compounds like cinnamaldehyde and eugenol found in its bark and leaf respectively.

To use cinnamon in order to alleviate the symptoms of acidity, follow as mentioned below:

What you'll need?

  • 2 to 4 pieces of cinnamon bark
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A cup of water


  • Boil a cup of water with pieces of cinnamon bark or powder, keep it boiling for at least 5 minutes
  • Take the pan off the flame 
  • Sieve the brew into a cup
  • Let it cool down 
  • Enjoy


  • If you don’t like the taste of cinnamon water, just add 1 tablespoon of sugar to make the drink palatable
  • You can also add a pinch of cinnamon powder to a soup or cereal bowl to regulate acid production in your stomach

Black seed (Kalonji) for acidity

Black seeds or kalonji is one of the most well-known remedies for stomach problems. These tiny seeds are loaded with bioactive compounds like nygellicine, nygellidine, thymol, thymoquinone and carvacrol, which make them the best remedy for acidity.

Kalonji decreases acid production and increases mucin secretion in the stomach, protecting your stomach lining from the harmful effects of its own juices. 

In vivo (animal-based) studies indicate that when it comes to acidity, the thymoquinone present in black seeds have almost the same action as that of certain antacid drugs.

Not only do these seeds help relieve heartburn and dyspepsia, but also they are helpful in reducing bloating, nausea and vomiting. In fact, kalonji is widely used in Unani and ayurvedic medicine to treat all these conditions. 

What you'll need?

  • 1 teaspoon of black cumin (kalonji)


  • Simply eat 1 teaspoon of black cumin with adequate water to calm down the discomfort 

Tip: If you suffer from chronic acidity, consider daily consumption of a little bit of black cumin. Sprinkle black cumin on your salads or sprouts or just add it in your meals. A pinch of black cumin goes a long way in keeping your gut healthy.

Liquorice roots for acidity

Another effective ingredient to suppress stomach acidity is liquorice root. It has been extensively used as herbal medicine to treat gastric inflammation. Liquorice acts on the cellular level, and help reduce inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused due to acid reflux, thus providing relief from heartburn. Along with this, liquorice also helps in increasing mucous coating on the inner lining of the gut, protecting it from the harmful effects of excess acid. Here is a simple way to use this herb for acidity:

What you'll need?

  • 2 to 3 small pieces of liquorice roots


  • Simply chew the small pieces of liquorice roots for a while, the juices that it’ll release will aid in suppressing acid production

You can also take liquorice in the form of tablets. Consume liquorice roots twice a day for quick relief

Other remedies for acidity

Apart from the above-mentioned remedies, there are several others which help in relieving acidity to a certain extent. You can either use them alone or in conjunction with each other to get the much-needed relief. This is the benefit of an integrative mode of treatment. It opens your option to many remedies at the same time, with almost no side effects.

  • Sip chamomile tea to reduce the intensity of acidity or heartburn. Chamomile has a soothing effect on your digestive tract. It is specifically effective in relieving stress-induced acidity and heartburn.
  • Eat fennel seeds after having a heavy meal. Not only will it help in better digestion of food but also it prevents indigestion and bloating
  • Eat fresh-cut papaya to cool down the stomach fire caused due to the high acid content

Here are a few tips that will ease the discomfort related to acidity and prevent it from aggravating. Follow as many of them as you can to help yourself:

  • Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol when you are suffering from acidity, these drinks will just worsen your condition
  • Avoid smoking during acidity 
  • Avoid carbonated drinks 
  • Avoid citrus fruits, tomato and onion while suffering from acidity 
  • Avoid mint or peppermint to prevent acidity symptoms from aggravating
  • Avoid heavy, spicy and oily foods 
  • Take a small walk in fresh air
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