Acupuncture is a traditional medical method, which has been used for centuries. It is a traditional Chinese treatment. With the help of acupuncture, many problems of the body, such as headache, nausea and blood pressure etc. can be treated. Not only this, acupuncture can also be beneficial for the skin. Acupuncture can be much better than expensive cosmetic treatments. Acupuncture can be used to reduce wrinkles on the skin. It can be effective in reducing the signs of aging.In this article you will learn about the benefits, precautions and results of acupuncture for wrinkles -

(Read more - Causes of wrinkles)

  1. Benefits Of Acupuncture For Wrinkles
  2. Precautions Of Acupuncture For Wrinkles
  3. Results Of Acupuncture For Wrinkles
  4. Summary
Doctors for Needles of Youth: Exploring the Anti-Aging Benefits of Facial Acupuncture

Both facial acupuncture and exercise can be beneficial to reduce wrinkles. Let us know what are the benefits

  • Reduces the length of age-related wrinkles.
  • Reduces skin laxity.
  • Effective in reducing muscle thickness.

A 2016 study has shown that melasma can also be significantly lightened from the skin with the help of acupuncture. Another review during 2018 found that facial acupuncture can have the following benefits

  • Increase blood circulation in the face.
  • Corrects face shape.
  • Improves skin condition.
  • Improves skin elasticity.

Other benefits of acupuncture can be as follows -

A 2021 review has shown that acupuncture can be effective in reducing other skin related problems. With its help, skin inflammation and itching etc. can be reduced. Other benefits of doing facial acupuncture on the skin are as follows -

  • Effective in reducing fine lines
  • Skin complexion can improve.
  • It can be helpful in reducing pores.
  • Acupuncture is beneficial in reducing jaw tension.
  • Skin texture can be improved with the help of acupuncture.
  • Looseness of skin can be reduced with the help of acupuncture.

(Read more -Ways To Remove Forehead Wrinkles)

To remove pimples and itching from the skin, definitely use nimbadi churna  by myUpchar.

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Generally, acupuncture therapy done by a qualified professional is safe. The side-effects associated with acupuncture are considered to be quite mild and low. Pain during acupuncture therapy is common. In this situation, definitely consult an expert -

  • Generally, people taking facial acupuncture therapy do not require special care. They can take acupuncture therapy along with their regular activities.
  • For better results, it is important to keep the body hydrated during facial acupuncture therapy.
  • Other injection treatments such as botox and fillers should be avoided during acupuncture sessions.
  • People who take facial acupuncture therapy may also experience minor bruising or bleeding in some cases. Especially people who are taking blood thinning medicines may experience minor bleeding. This can usually be cured in a few days.
  • Some side effects can be seen from taking cosmetic acupuncture therapy, such as itching, skin dryness, bleeding, pain and swelling etc.

(Read more - How to prevent wrinkles?)

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Taking acupuncture therapy for facial or wrinkles can give some great results -

  • Reduction in skin inflammation.
  • Improved skin structure.
  • Improved muscle tone.

(Read more - Diet for wrinkle-free skin)

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Taking acupuncture therapy for wrinkles can be very beneficial. With the help of acupuncture, not only wrinkles are reduced, but other signs of aging from the skin like fine lines, pigmentation etc. can also be removed. However, keep in mind that acupuncture therapy should be taken only from a certified expert. Avoid doing this therapy yourself at home. At the same time, if any kind of side-effect is seen, then definitely consult an expert.

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

8 Years of Experience

Dr. Deepak Argal

Dr. Deepak Argal

10 Years of Experience

Dr. Sneha Hiware

Dr. Sneha Hiware

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Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

7 Years of Experience

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