Beautiful-looking hair is synonymous with health and beauty. Like any other part of the body, hair needs nutritious elements for its health and growth. The truth is that if someone's hair is falling or not growing properly, then the reason for this is the lack of nutritious elements. Although age, genetics, and hormones affect hair growth. Nevertheless, meeting nutritional requirements is essential for hair health and growth. Vitamins A, B, and D are essential for hair growth.

To know the treatment for hair fall, please click on the link given here.

Today in this article, we will know about vitamins for hair growth -

(Read More - Diet for hair growth)

  1. Vitamins beneficial for hair
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for Vitamins for hair growth

If you want beautiful and wavy hair, then it is necessary to consume special vitamins. Research also suggests that the intake of Vitamin D and Vitamin B helps in hair growth. Come, let us know in detail about vitamins for hair growth -

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is necessary for the development of all cells. This includes hair, which is the fastest-growing tissue in the human body. Vitamin A helps the glands of the skin to make an oily substance called sebum. Sebum helps keep the scalp moist and hair healthy.

A vitamin A deficient diet can cause many problems, including hair fallSweet potatoescarrotspumpkinspinach, and kale are rich in beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is also found in milkeggs, curd, and cod liver oil.

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B Complex Vitamins

B complex vitamins are also essential for hair growth. It helps in maintaining metabolism and the central nervous system. B complex vitamins are found in abundance in whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and poultry such as meatfish, eggs, nuts, and avocados.

B complex vitamins are water-soluble, which means the body cannot store them. What the body does not use, it gets out through urine. This is the reason why people should consume water-soluble vitamins daily. Here are the details about B complex vitamins -

  • Research says that Vitamin B12 plays a major role in hair health. Therefore, a deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to hair fall. Anyway, Vitamin B12 is essential for overall health. Meat and dairy can be consumed for the supply of Vitamin B12.
  • According to research, a deficiency of Vitamin B7 or Biotin can cause hair fall. Vitamin B7 is true in small amounts but is found in walnutspeanuts, milk, egg yolk, salmon, mushrooms, cauliflower, avocado, banana, and raspberry.

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Vitamin E

Research on Vitamin E and Tocotrienols shows that Vitamin E is a nutritious element, which acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. According to research, Vitamin E is less in the body of people with Alopecia Areata than those who do not have this problem.

In another study, people with alopecia areata who used tocotrienol supplements saw an improvement in the health of their hair. Vitamin E is found in abundance in spinach, fish, and almonds.

(Read More - Hair Growth Supplements)

Vitamin C

Hair growth can stop due to free radical damage. At the same time, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which protects hair against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Along with this, the body needs Vitamin C to make a protein called collagen, which is an essential part of the hair structure. Vitamin C also helps the body in the absorption of iron. Vitamin C is found in abundance in strawberriesblack pepperguava, and citrus fruits.

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Vitamin D

Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to alopecia, which is a cause of hair loss. Research says that in people who have very low levels of vitamin D, the symptoms of alopecia areata can be more severe. Fish like salmon or swordfish, mushrooms, egg yolk, fortified orange juice, and fortified milk are considered good sources of vitamin D.

Along with this, sunlight is equally important, which helps the body to manufacture Vitamin D. By consuming vitamin D with fat-rich food, it is well absorbed in the body.

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Lifeless and falling hair is not liked by anyone. Hair growth requires vitamins, which can be obtained from food intake. Consumption of Vitamin-A, B complex vitamins, and Vitamin-E is helpful in hair growth. However, consuming more vitamins is also not right, especially when the person is not deficient in that vitamin. Therefore, the doctor's advice must be taken before consuming any vitamin for hair growth.

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