Beautiful hair reflects your personality. But, if hair is not taken care of properly, it can cause a lot of damage. A busy lifestyle and increasing stress harm your body in many ways and its biggest impact is on hair. Due to this hair starts becoming weak.

Strong and healthy hair is something that all women desire. But not everyone gets such a golden boon. But, no need to worry, you can strengthen your hair with the right care. Just follow the remedies and tips mentioned below and make weak hair strong.

So let's start with the tips and tricks to strengthen hair -

If hair is becoming weak due to dandruff, then definitely use this dandruff shampoo. You buy it by clicking on the blue link.

  1. Symptoms of weak hair
  2. Weak hair causes
  3. How to check hair strength
  4. Ways to strengthen hair
  5. Home tips to strengthen hair

Some of the symptoms of weak hair are as follows -

  • Generally, hair becomes weak due to excessive hair fall.
  • Hair also becomes weak due to split ends.
  • Dry hair makes hair weak.
  • Curly hair also makes the hair weak.
  • Hair that gets tangled too much also weakens the hair.
  • Thinning hair is also a symptom of weak hair.

(Read More - Oils for strong hair)

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Some of the reasons for weak hair are as follows -

  • Genetic - Genes are considered to be the biggest factor when it comes to the strength and beauty of your hair. Whether your hair is shiny or strong also depends on your genetic condition. Which is given to you by your parents. Hair problems also depend on heredity.
  • Due to chemical products - Chemicals, that change the color or structure of your hair, cause damage to the hair cuticles and thus weaken the hair. Cuticles are the outer layer of hair, which act like a barrier and prevent hair breakage. Once these begin to deteriorate, the hair becomes weak and lifeless. In this way, hair starts falling.
  • Using too-hot tools - Using too-hot tools on your hair can damage the hair cuticles. Along with this, washing hair with very hot water is also very harmful to your hair. This happens because when heat hits your hair, the cuticles expand and they then need more moisture. The growing cuticles cause the hair to lose its elasticity and become unable to protect the hair from other damaging factors.
  • Protein deficiency - Protein is very important for your hair. If hair does not get enough protein, your hair will become weak, brittle, and damaged. Hair fall also occurs due to a lack of protein.
  • Unbalanced hormones - Unbalanced hormones also cause hair fall. For example, hair starts falling due to thyroid disease. Hair also becomes weak due to PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and menopause.
  • Eating habits - A balanced diet is very important to keep hair healthy and strong. If vitamins, minerals, and proteins are deficient in your body then your hair can't become strong.

For good hair growth, start using India's best hair serum from today itself, which is available online at low prices.

There are some easy tests with the help of which you can detect weakening of hair -

  • Method one - Take a section of your hair around your finger and twist it. Keep rotating the hair sections around your finger for a few seconds. Then release the hair sections, if the ends of the hair are still curled then your hair is damaged and weak.
  • Method two - Another way, take one of your hair in your hands and hold it from both sides. After holding it from both sides, pull it from both sides. If hair breaks easily then your hair is weak and in dire need of treatment.

The best way to provide internal nutrition to hair is through biotin-rich tablets, which are available online, so buy them now.

Below we have given some home remedies to strengthen your hair. Your hair will become stronger with these easy methods -

Strengthen hair with honey

Honey helps in repairing weak hair. Apart from this, it also prevents hair breakage. Its nutrients strengthen the hair and make it shiny.

Material -

  • 4 spoons of honey.

Method -

  • You can also take the quantity of honey according to your hair.
  • Now take honey on your fingers and then apply it on your hair and scalp.
  • After applying, massage the scalp and hair for some time.
  • After 15 to 20 minutes of massaging, wash hair and scalp with lukewarm water.

How long to use -

You can use honey daily or use this remedy whenever you are going to wash your hair.

(Read More - How to get healthy hair)

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An egg is the solution to strengthen hair

Eggs are a great way to make hair strong and beautiful. This is because eggs are rich in vitamin E and vitamin D. Due to this both hair and nails become stronger. Apart from this, you can also get full benefits from the consumption of eggs.

Material -

  • An egg.

Method -

  • First of all, break a raw egg.
  • Now apply its yolk on the scalp and hair.
  • After applying, massage the scalp and hair with your fingers for some time. So that the egg yolk gets absorbed properly.
  • After massage, leave the hair like this for 15 minutes.
  • Now wash the hair with cold or lukewarm water. But remember, do not wash your hair with hot water.
  • After washing with water, apply shampoo and conditioner on the hair, so that the smell of egg completely goes away from the hair.

How long to use -

Use this remedy twice a week.

(Read More - Vitamins and minerals for healthy hair)

Make strong hair with eggs and milk

Eggs and milk are rich in protein. It nourishes your hair and strengthens it

Material -

  • 2 to 3spoons of fat-rich milk (you can increase the quantity of milk according to the length of hair)
  • 1 to 2 eggs (you can increase the number of eggs according to the length of hair)

Method -

  • Soak your hair in full-fat milk for two to three hours. After this, take the egg and mix its yolk well.
  • After mixing, apply it to the hair and leave it like this for the next two hours.
  • Then wash the hair with shampoo. Keep in mind, do not use conditioner after shampoo.

How long to use -

Repeat this remedy twice a week to get good results.

(Read More - Natural tips for healthy hair)

Get stronger hair with rosemary

These measures will help keep your hair shiny, healthy, and strong.

Material -

  • 2 spoons of ground celery seeds.
  • 1 or 2 cups of ground rosemary.
  • 2 cups of water.

Method -

  • First of all, boil the ingredients in water for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Now leave the mixture to cool and then carefully filter the mixture.
  • Now apply this filtered mixture on fresh hair. After applying, keep the hair tied with a towel for an hour. Do not wash the hair after this, let it dry on its own.

How long to use -

  • Repeat this remedy once in two weeks.

(Read More - Foods for thick hair)

Onion juice is a way to strengthen hair

Onion juice is known to prevent hair fall. Onion juice strengthens weak hair and also prevents it from getting damaged.

Material -

  • An onion.
  • Mixer.
  • Filter.

Method -

  • First of all, peel the outer layer of the onion and after peeling, wash the onion.
  • Now grind the onion lightly using a mixer.
  • After grinding the onion, take its pulp in your hands and then extract its juice in a vessel.
  • Now apply this juice to your hair.
  • After applying, massage for a few minutes.
  • Then leave the onion in the hair for 30 to 35 minutes.
  • Now wash the hair with shampoo.

How long to use -

To strengthen hair, repeat this remedy twice a week.

(Read More - How to get beautiful hair naturally)

Some of the home tips to strengthen hair are as follows -

  • Do not do chemical treatment - As we told you above, chemicals damage the hair. Due to excessive exposure to chemicals, hair becomes more damaged and weak. Therefore, to prevent hair from becoming weak, keep it away from chemical products.
  • Choose the right products - Choose gentle products that contain proteins and other nutrients to keep hair healthy and strong. When selecting a shampoo, avoid products made with sulfate and alcohol.
  • Do not shampoo daily - Shampooing daily removes the natural oil from the scalp and thus your hair starts becoming dry and damaged. To keep your hair healthy and strong, wash it just two to three times a week.
  • Don't use hot tools - cuticles protect the hair and keep it healthy. Using too hot tools on hair damages the cuticles and thus your hair starts breaking.
  • Increase the amount of protein - Protein plays an important role in keeping your hair strong and healthy. Include protein-rich foods in your diet, such as fish, soy, and eggs. This will help in giving plenty of protein to your hair.
  • Consume Omega-3 fatty acids - Omega-3 fatty acids help in strengthening hair. Daily consumption of Omega-3 strengthens your hair and also makes it grow. You can also take it as a supplement or consume seafood that is rich in fatty acids.
  • Take multivitamin supplements - If you are not able to get enough vitamins, you can take vitamin supplements. This is the best way to nourish hair. However, before consuming it, definitely talk to your doctor once.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables - Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which help fight free radicals. Free radicals damage your hair.
  • Drink plenty of water - If you want strong hair then drink as much water as possible daily. This will keep your hair hydrated and by being hydrated, moisture will also remain in the hair. Drinking water keeps hair and scalp moisturized.
  • Adopt a healthy diet - Eat a diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates daily. For example -

- Fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids, which keep you away from diseases and help in making hair shiny and strong.

- Curd contains protein and vitamin B5, which is very beneficial in growing and strengthening hair.

- Eat green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and bananas which contain vitamin Airon, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C. This keeps your hair healthy and strong.

- Eat sweet potatoes, fruits, and vegetables, such as carrotspumpkins, and mangoes, which contain antioxidants, which keep hair healthy and shiny.

Cinnamon and other spices increase your blood circulation, making it easier for oxygen and nutrients to reach the hair follicles. Be sure to include cinnamon in your daily diet.

(Read More - Onion oil for hair growth)

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