Boy names starting with

Girl names starting with

Boy and girl names with meanings

Here is a list of names for boys and girls. Along with the names of the children, the meanings of the names are also given in this list. We hope that here you will definitely find a good name for your baby. Apart from these names, there are many other names given on this website, please check them also. So choose a lovely name for your lovely baby from here!

Name Meaning Religion
Shresta The best, Ultimate, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Foremost, First, Perfection, Best of all Hindu
Shrestajna Top knowledge Hindu
Shresth The best, Ultimate, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Foremost, First, Perfection, Best of all Hindu
Shrestha The best, Ultimate, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Foremost, First, Perfection, Best of all Hindu
Shresthi Best of all, Creation, Remembrance, Universe or entire world Hindu
Shrey Credit, Marvelous Hindu
Shreya Goddess Lakshmi, Auspicious, Luster, Prosperity, Pratham, Shrestha, Beauty, Grace, Power, Brilliance, Dignity power, Another name for Saraswati, Sacred, A musical Raag Hindu
Shreyam Hindu
Shreyan Fame Hindu
Shreyank Fame Hindu
Shreyans Fame giver and Lucky, Wealthy Hindu
Shreyansh Fame giver and Lucky, Wealthy Hindu
Shreyanshi Superior, Fame Hindu
Shreyanshu Hindu
Shreyanvi Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Durga Hindu
Shreyars Superior, Fame Hindu
Shreyas Superior, Best, Handsome, Auspicious, Fortunate, Excellent Hindu
Shreyash Good fortune, Prosperity, Welfare, Happiness, Credit of fame Hindu
Shreyashi Good, One who is most beautiful Hindu
Shreyashree Goddess Lakshmi, Shreya - best, Beautiful, Excellent Shri - divine Hindu
Shreyasi Good, One who is most beautiful Hindu
Shreyavi Hindu
Shreyovardhana Best of all Hindu
Shreyus The Hindu version of shreya’s means the superior. the Indian version of Shreyas means the best, Excellent or auspicious Hindu
Shri Goddess Lakshmi, Auspicious, Luster, Prosperity, Pratham, Shrestha, Beauty, Grace, Power, Brilliance, Dignity power, Another name for Saraswati, Sacred, A musical Raag Hindu
Shrigopal Lord Krishna, A protector of the earth, A king, An epithet of Krishna, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a nag Hindu
Shrihari Lord Krishna, Green, Yellow, Tawny, Golden color, A parrot, A snake, Name of Indra, Vishnu, Krishna, Brahman, Yama, Sun, Moon, A Ray of light, Fire, Wind Hindu
Shrikrishna Lord Krishna, Black, Dark-skinned Hindu
Shriansh Hindu
Shrida Giver of beauty, Lord Kuber, Bestowed by Lakshmi, Auspicious, Bringing fortune Hindu
Shridevi Goddess of wealth Hindu
Shridhar Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Shridula Blessing Hindu
Shridulla Blessing Hindu
Shrieya Goddess Lakshmi, Auspicious, Luster, Prosperity, Pratham, Shrestha Hindu
Shrigauri Goddess Parvati, Divine Gauri Hindu
Shrigeeta The sacred Geeta Hindu
Shrigopal Lord Krishna, A protector of the earth, A king, An epithet of Krishna, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a nag Hindu
Shrihaan Lord Vishnu, Handsome Hindu
Shrihan Lord Vishnu, Handsome Hindu
Shrihansu Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shrihari Lord Krishna, Green, Yellow, Tawny, Golden color, A parrot, A snake, Name of Indra, Vishnu, Krishna, Brahman, Yama, Sun, Moon, A Ray of light, Fire, Wind Hindu
Shriharsh God of happiness Hindu
Shrija Goddess Lakshmi, Creative Hindu
Shrijani Creativity, Creative Hindu
Shrijay Lord Ganesh, Victorious or winner of Lakshmi i.e., Vishnu Hindu
Shrika Goddess Lakshmi, Sun child, Bright Sun, Respect, Richness, God, Radiance, Diffusing light, God Lakshmi, Money, Bright light, Fortune, Beauty Hindu
Shrikala Goddess Laxmi, Beauty of Moon, Name of Lakshmi Hindu
Shrikama Goddess Radha, Shri - divine Kama - loveliness, Beauty, Radiance Hindu
Shrikant An epithet of Lord Vishnu, God of wealth or Lord Vishnu or Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Beautiful, Lord Shiva, Of glorious neck Hindu
Shrikanta An epithet of Lord Vishnu, God of wealth or Lord Vishnu or Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Beautiful, Lord Shiva, Of glorious neck Hindu
Shrikanth An epithet of Lord Vishnu, God of wealth or Lord Vishnu or Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Beautiful, Lord Shiva, Of glorious neck Hindu
Shrikantha An epithet of Lord Vishnu, God of wealth or Lord Vishnu or Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Beautiful, Lord Shiva, Of glorious neck Hindu
Shrikar Giving good fortune, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shrikari Another name of Goddess Durga Hindu
Shrikeshav Lord Krishna, Having long or handsome hair Hindu
Shrikirti Lustrous fame Hindu
Shrikrishna Lord Krishna, Black, Dark-skinned Hindu
Shrila Beautiful, Bestowed by Lakshmi, Happy, Fortunate, Wealthy, Eminent fortunate Hindu
Shrilata Lustrous creeper Hindu
Shrilaxmi Goddess Laxmi, Divine Lakshmi Hindu
Shrilekha Lustrous essay Hindu
Shrilesh Hindu
Shriman A respectable person, Beautiful Man Hindu
Shrimant Pleasant, Charming, Royal, Wealthy Hindu
Shrimat Auspicious, Lord Vishnu, Revered Hindu
Shrimate Revered, Lord Hanuman Hindu
Shrimath Auspicious, Lord Vishnu, Revered Hindu
Shrimati Goddess Lakshmi, Fortunate Hindu
Shrimayi Fortunate Hindu
Shrimohan Lord Krishna, Attractive Hindu
Shrina Goddess Lakshmi, Foremost, Best, First, Night Hindu
Shrinand Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna Hindu
Shrinath Lord shrinathji, Lord Vishnu consort of Goddess Lakshmi) Hindu
Shrinay Hindu
Shrinchana Hindu
Shrineel Lord Vishnu, Blue-complexioned God Hindu
Shrinesh Hindu
Shringaravelan Lord Murugan, Beautiful Velan, The one who dresses up Hindu
Shringesh Lord of pearls Hindu
Shrinidhi Treasure, Wealth, Prosperity Hindu
Shrinika Lotus in the heart of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi, Night Hindu
Shriniketan Lord Vishnu, Abode of beauty, Lotus flower, Abode of Lakshmi, Epithet of Vishnu Hindu
Shrinish Hindu
Shrinitha Goddess Lakshmi, Sri - prosperity, Happiness, Good fortune, Success, High rank, Dignity, Sacredness, Glory, Fame, The insignia superhuman power - Nita - led, Guided, Righteous, Well behaved Hindu
Shrinivas Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth Hindu
Shrinkhala Born in the month of Shravan, Series Hindu
Shrinkhla Series Hindu
Shripad Lord Vishnu, Divine feet Hindu
Shripadma Lord Krishna, Lotus-hued Hindu
Shripal Lord Krishna, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shripati Lord Vishnu, Consort of Shri (Shri - Lakshmi) Hindu
Shrirajat Hindu
Shriram Lord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful Hindu
Shrirang Lord Vishnu, Holy color, Name of Vishnu, Name of Shiva, Name of a king who founded the city of seringapatam, Name of a vaishnava temple near trichinopoly Hindu
Shriranga Lord Vishnu, Holy color, Name of Vishnu, Name of Shiva, Name of a king who founded the city of seringapatam, Name of a vaishnava temple near trichinopoly Hindu
Shriranjan Lord Vishnu, Amusing Lakshmi, Epithet of Vishnu Hindu
Shrish Lord of wealth, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shrisha Goddess of wealth, Lord Vishnu, Lord of fortune Hindu
Shrishail Lord Shiva, Lord of the mountains Hindu
Shrishakthi Hindu
Shrishti Universe, Nature, World Hindu
Shristhi Best of all, Creation, Remembrance, Universe or entire world Hindu
Shristi Best of all, Creation, Remembrance, Universe or entire world Hindu
Shrita Goddess Lakshmi, Dressed, Prepared, Mixed Hindu
Shritama This name means like the Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Shrithik Lord Shiva Hindu
Shrivali Goddess Lakshmi, A kind of plant Hindu
Shrivalli Lord subramanyas wife, Goddess Lakshmi, A kind of plant Hindu
Shrivara Lord Vishnu, Consort of Shri, The divine boar Hindu
Shrivarah Lord Vishnu, Consort of Shri, The divine boar Hindu
Shrivardhan Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva Hindu
Shrivas Lord Vishnu, Dwelling with Shree, Epithet of Vishnu, Epithet of Shiva, A lotus Hindu
Shrivatsa Lord Vishnu, Beloved of Sri Hindu
Shrivatsav Lord Vishnu, Abode of wealth Hindu
Shrivatsava Lord Vishnu, Abode of wealth Hindu
Shriveni Hindu
Shrividya Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Shriya Goddess Lakshmi, Auspicious, Luster, Prosperity, Pratham, Shrestha, Beauty, Grace, Power, Brilliance, Dignity power, Another name for Saraswati, Sacred, A musical Raag Hindu
Shriyadita The Sun Hindu
Shriyam Lord Vishnu, He who is the embodiment of Sri Hindu
Shriyan Lord Vishnu, Combination of first 3 letters of Sriman and last 3 of Narayan Hindu
Shriyans Fame giver and Lucky, Wealthy Hindu
Shriyansh Fame giver and Lucky, Wealthy Hindu
Shrizal God Hindu
Shrmila Hindu
Shrot Hindu
Shroti Expert in Vedas, Insight, Knowledge of the Vedas Hindu
Shruja To Love Hindu
Shrujal Hindu
Shrujan Creation, Creative Hindu
Shrujana Creative and intelligent girl Hindu
Shrujeshwari Goddess of creativity Hindu
Shrushti Universe, Nature, World Hindu
Shrusti Universe, Nature, World Hindu
Shrut Known, Glorious, Celebrated, Knowledge, Scriptures Hindu
Shruta Lyrics, Musical notes, Known, Glorious, Celebrated Hindu
Shrutakeerti Renowned, Reputed, Famous, Whose fame is all over, The youngest sister of Goddess Sita. and youngest daughter of janaka Hindu
Shrutakirti Renowned, Reputed, Famous, Whose fame is all over, The youngest sister of Goddess Sita. and youngest daughter of janaka (she was the wife of shatrughna) Hindu
Shrutaly Lyrics, Musical notes Hindu
Shrutee Expert in Vedas, Insight, Knowledge of the Vedas Hindu
Shruthi Expert in Vedas, Insight, Knowledge of the Vedas Hindu
Shruthik Goddess Parvati, Derived from Shruti, Shruti - audition, Sound, Oral account, Intelligence, Scriptures, The knowledge in form of hearing Hindu
Shruthika Goddess Parvati, It is another name of Goddess Sharada, As Shrut Devi Hindu
Shruti Expert in Vedas, Insight, Knowledge of the Vedas Hindu
Shrutik Goddess Parvati, Derived from Shruti, Shruti - audition, Sound, Oral account, Intelligence, Scriptures, The knowledge in form of hearing Hindu
Shrutika Goddess Parvati, It is another name of Goddess Sharada, As Shrut Devi Hindu
Shrutiprakasha Illuminator of the Vedas Hindu
Shrutkirti (Shatrughna's wife and King Janak's daughter) Hindu
Shrutuja Auspicious Hindu
Shruva Hindu
Shryansh Hindu
Shuayb A prophets name Muslim
Shuba Morning, Beautiful Hindu
Shubadha One who brings goodness Hindu
Shubam Good Hindu
Shuban All auspicious Lord, Name of Lord Ganesh, Brilliant Hindu
Shubankar Virtuous Hindu
Shubendra Lord of virtue Hindu
Shubh Fortunate, Brilliant, Attractive, Auspicious, Wealthy Hindu
Shubha Fortunate, Brilliant, Attractive, Auspicious, Wealthy Hindu
Shubhabrata Auspicious vow Hindu
Shubhad Auspicious, Fortunate Hindu
Shubhada Giver of luck, Auspicious, Fortunate Hindu
Shubhadra (wife of Arjun) Hindu
Shubhagunakanan One who is the master of all virtues Hindu
Shubhaksh Lord Shiva, Auspicious-eyed, Epithet of Shiva Hindu
Shubham Good, Auspicious Hindu
Shubhan Praising Allah, Holy, One who is auspicious Muslim
Shubhanan Good looking Hindu
Shubhanand Good bliss Hindu
Shubhang Lord Shiva, Handsome limbed, Beautifully formed, Elegant, Epithet of Vishnu and Shiva Hindu
Shubhangi A beautiful lady Hindu
Shubhank Hindu
Shubhankar Auspicious Hindu
Shubhaprada Granter of auspicious things, Goddess Laxmi Hindu
Shubhashis Blessing Hindu
Shubhasunad Blessing Hindu
Shubhay Blessing Hindu
Shubhdeep An auspicious lamp Sikh
Shubhendu Auspicious Moon Hindu
Shubhi Good luck, Auspicious Hindu
Shubhika Excellent, Great, A garland of flowers, Auspicious Hindu
Shubhit Hindu
Shubhkaram Good fortune, Virtuous deeds Sikh
Shubhojit Handsome Hindu
Shubhra White, The Ganga, Attractive, Brilliant, Heaven, Another name for the river Ganges Hindu
Shubhranil Hindu
Shubhranshu The first drop of nature water, The Moon, White Hindu
Shubhratho Well-born Hindu
Shubhrita Hindu
Shubhung Beautiful Hindu
Shubiksha Hindu
Shubojith Handsome Hindu
Shubpreet Auspicious Love Sikh
Shubranshu The Moon Hindu
Shubratha White Hindu
Shuchaye Chaste Hindu
Shuchet Hindu
Shuchi Pure, Bright, Holy, Worthy Hindu
Shuchih He who is spotlessly clean Hindu
Shuchika Pure, Sacred, Virtuous, an apsara Hindu
Shuchismita One who has a pure smile Hindu
Shuchit Person with a sound mind, Sensible, Intelligent, Informed, Pure, Focussed, Another name for Brahma Hindu
Shuchita Good picture, Beautiful, Holy, Auspicious, Informed, Sensible Hindu
Shuddhashil Well born Hindu
Shuddhavigraha One who has a pure body Hindu
Shuddhawati Pure Hindu
Shuddhi Goddess Durga, Purity, Holiness, Acquittal, Accuracy, Truth, Certainty, Name of Durga, Name of one of the shaktis of Vishnu Hindu
Shudhir Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright Hindu
Shuha Star Muslim
Shuhayma Small arrow, Virtuous Muslim
Shuja Calmness, Quietness, Brave, Bold, Valor Muslim
Shujana Brave, Strong, Virtuous person Muslim
Shujath Belonging to a good clan, Good birth Muslim
Shuk A parrot, Bright Hindu
Shukar Gratitude, Prayers Sikh
Shukarian Gratitude, Prayers Sikh
Shukla Goddess Saraswati, Bright or white Hindu
Shukra Resplendent, The venus planet, Friday, Bright, Pure, White, Another name for agin Hindu
Shukrajyothi Name of a Raga Hindu
Shukri Thankfulness Muslim
Shukrita A person who does good things, Made good Hindu
Shukti Pearl oyster Hindu
Shuktij Pearl Hindu
Shula Flaming, Bright Muslim
Shulabh Easy to get, Natural Hindu
Shulandhar Lord Shiva, The one who bears the shul Hindu
Shulank Marked by spear, Distinguished, Another name for Shiva Hindu
Shulda White, Bright, Pure, Another name for Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Shuli Lord Shiva Hindu
Shulin One who has a trident, Lord Shiva Hindu
Shulini Goddess Durga, Epithet of Durga, Holding spear Hindu
Shulka Goddess Saraswati, The one who gives Hindu
Shumaila Beautiful face Muslim
Shumaisiya Town in Makkah where the pilgrims used to dorn their ehrams Muslim
Shumayl Complete Muslim
Shumaylah (The first woman in Islam who wore colored garments, Wife of al-abbas and she was also the first to prepare perfume, Again the daughter of Ali bin Ibrahim was a narrator of Hadith) Muslim
Shumaysah A narrator of Hadith Muslim
Shun Good-natured, Auspicious, Another name for Vaayu and Indra Hindu
Shuna Lord Indra, A water pot Hindu
Shunah Muslim
Shunaya Very just, Well-behaved Hindu
Shuneal Traveler Muslim
Shur Valiant, Bold, Mighty, Brave, Lion, Tiger Hindu
Shurafa Noble Muslim
Shurahbeel A narrator of Hadith Muslim
Shuraj The Sun, Illuminating Hindu
Shurayh A narrator of Hadith Muslim
Shuraym Split, Cleavage Muslim
Shurooq Dawn, Sunrise Muslim
Shurpanakha The word means one having finger nails like winnowing baskets sup (Ravan's sister whose ears and nose were cut by Laxman) Hindu
shurthi Ear, Veda Hindu
Shurya The Sun Hindu
Shushant Very silent Hindu
Shushil Good character Man or well behaved, Good conduct Hindu
Shushila True beauty and kindness. a lover of good. genuine and caring Hindu
Shushma Fragrant Hindu
Shutradevi Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Shuvenkar Hindu
Shvant Placid Hindu
Shveni White Hindu
Shveta White, One who is as pure as the white colour Hindu
Shvetambar One who wears white clothes Hindu
Shvetang Fair complexioned Hindu
Shvetank Having a white mark Hindu
Shvetanshu The Moon Hindu
Shvetavah Lord Indra, Borne by white horses Hindu
Shwam Lord, Supreme spirit Hindu
Shwenu Hindu
Shwet White Hindu
Shweta White, One who is as pure as the white colour Hindu
Shwetahardik God Hindu
Shwetambar One who wears white clothes Hindu
Shwetambari Goddess Saraswati, The one who wears a white garment Hindu
Shwetang Fair complexioned Hindu
Shwetanshu The Moon Hindu
Shwetavahanan Another name of Arjun, One with white horses mounted to his chariot Hindu
Shwetbhanu The Moon Hindu
Shwetha White, One who is as pure as the white colour Hindu
Shwethaketu Son of Aruni and udhalaka Hindu
Shwetika White Hindu
Shwiti Fairness Hindu
Shya Future Hindu
Shyalin Spot Hindu
Shyam Dark blue, Black, A name of Lord Krishna Hindu
Shyama Black, Dark blue, Dark as cloud, Goddess Kali Hindu
Shyamak Lord Krishna, Dark, Name of a brother of Vasudeva, A kind of plant Hindu
Shyamakalyani Name of a Raga Hindu
Shyamal Dusky Hindu
Shyamala Dusky, Blackish Hindu
Shyamali Dusky Hindu
Shyamalika Dusky Hindu
Shyamalima Dusky Hindu
Shyamanga Dark skinned one Hindu
Shyamangi Dark complexioned Hindu
Shyamantak A jewel of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shyamari Dusky Hindu
Shyamasri Dusky Hindu
Shyamini A creeper with dusky leaves Hindu
Shyamlata A creeper with dusky leaves Hindu
Shyamsundar Lord Krishna, Cloud colored and beautiful, One with the beauty of evening Hindu
Shyamsundara Lord of the beautiful evenings Hindu
Shyamsunder Lord Krishna, Cloud colored and beautiful, One with the beauty of evening Hindu
Shyanti Hindu
Shyjith Hindu
Shyla Another name of Goddess Parvati, Who is living in mountain Hindu
Shylaja A river, Daughter of mountains, Name of Goddess Parvati, Wife of Shiva Hindu
Shyli Hindu
Shyma Sister if prophet Mohammed Muslim
Shyoji Yashshavi Hindu
Shyreen A narrator of Hadith from the prophet (Saw), Another narrator of Hadith by the same name was the sister of mariah al-qabtiyah, Al-maqooqus of egypt Muslim
Sia Goddess Sita, White moonlight, A handsome woman, White doorvaa grass, Arabian Jasmine, Candied sugar Hindu
Siamak Silver flame Hindu
Sian Very intelligent loves horses and her life has lots of friends enjoys riding horses and being with her best Pal tahny Hindu
Siana Princess, Wise
Siara Unique Hindu
Sibanarayan Hindu
Sibani Goddess Parvati, The consort of Shiva, I.e., Durga, Parvati Hindu
Siben Hindu
Sibhi Name of a king Hindu
Sidak Wish Hindu
Sidanth Principle Hindu
Sidarth One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Siddak Lord Shiva, The Shal tree, A type of tree also named as sindhuvara Hindu
Siddanagouda Love Hindu
Siddanth Principal Hindu
Siddarth One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Siddartha Lord Buddha, One who has accomplished An aim, Successful, Prosperous, Epithet of the great Buddha or shaakyamuni, The founder of the buddhist religion, Epithet of Shiva and Vishnu Hindu
Siddeeq Just, True, Sincere, Truthful, Upright Muslim
Siddesh Lord of the blessed, Another name of Lord Shiva Hindu
Siddeshwar Lord Shiva, Siddha - accomplished, Perfected, Fulfilled, Gained, Successful, Sacred, Holy, Divine, Eminent, Shining + Ishwar - Lord Hindu
Siddeswara Lord Shiva, Siddha - accomplished, Perfected, Fulfilled, Gained, Successful, Sacred, Holy, Divine, Eminent, Shining + Ishwar - Lord Hindu
Siddh Name of Lord Shiva, Good Deva Hindu
Siddha Name of Lord Shiva, Good Deva Hindu
Siddhadev Lord Shiva, Perfected deity, Epithet of Shiva Hindu
Siddhali Siddhi Prapti Hindu
Siddhama Goddess Durga, Siddha - name of one of the eight yoginis, Name of a medicinal plant Riddhi, Ma - mother Hindu
Siddhan Lord Murugan, Accomplished, Perfected, Fulfilled, Gained, Successful, Valid, Emancipated, Endowed with supernatural powers or faculties, Sacred, Holy, Divine, Eminent, Shining, An epithet of Vishnu and Shiva Hindu
Siddhanath Mahadev (Lord Shiva) Hindu
Siddhangana Accomplished, Female saint, Divine, Pure Hindu
Siddhani Blessed Hindu
Siddhansh Hindu
Siddhant Rule, Principals Hindu
Siddhanta Rule, Principals Hindu
Siddhanth Principle, Lord Krishna Hindu
Siddhantha Principle, Lord Krishna Hindu
Siddharatha For righteous task, Mission, Purpose Hindu
Siddharth One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Siddhartha One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Siddharthan Lord Murugan, One who has accomplished An aim, Successful, Prosperous, Epithet of the great Buddha or shaakyamuni, The founder of the buddhist religion, Epithet of Shiva and Vishnu Hindu
Siddhesh Lord of the blessed Hindu
Siddheshwar Lord Shiva, Siddha - accomplished, Perfected, Fulfilled, Gained, Successful, Sacred, Holy, Divine, Eminent, Shining + Ishwar - Lord Hindu
Siddheshwari Lord Shiva, Queen of siddhas liberated, A deity of this name at banaras, Goddess of accomplishments Hindu
Siddhi Achievement, Lord Shiva, Perfection or completion Hindu
Siddhipriya Bestowed of wishes and boons Hindu
Siddhid Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva Hindu
Siddhidhata Bestowed of success & accomplishments Hindu
Siddhik Lord Ganesh, Supernatural power Hindu
Siddhiksha Goddess Lakshmi, A religious ceremony Hindu
Siddhima Achievement Hindu
Siddhipriya Bestowed of wishes and boons Hindu
Siddhivinayaka Bestowed of success Hindu
Siddhnath Mahadev (Lord Shiva) Hindu
Siddhraj Lord of perfection Hindu
Siddhran Perfection Hindu
Siddhu Lord Shiva, One who has achieved Hindu
Siddi Achievement, Lord Shiva, Perfection or completion Hindu
Siddiksha Goddess Lakshmi, A religious ceremony Hindu
Siddiq Just, True, Sincere, Truthful, Upright Muslim
Siddiqa Trustworthy, Honest Muslim
Siddiqah Strictly veracious, Honest Muslim
Siddique Just, True, Sincere, Truthful, Upright Muslim
Siddra Like a star Muslim
Siddrath Hindu
Siddu Lord Shiva, One who has achieved Hindu
Sidhanath Lord Shiva, Siddha - accomplished, Perfected, Fulfilled, Gained, Successful, Sacred, Holy, Divine, Eminent, Shining + Nath - Lord Hindu
Sidhanth Principle Hindu
Sidharath Hindu
Sidharta One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Sidharth One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Sidhartha One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Sidhdesh Lord of the blessed, Another name of Lord Shiva Hindu
Sidhesh Lord of the blessed Hindu
Sidheshwar Lord Shiva, Siddha - accomplished, Perfected, Fulfilled, Gained, Successful, Sacred, Holy, Divine, Eminent, Shining + Ishwar - Lord Hindu
Sidheswar Lord Shiva, Siddha - accomplished, Perfected, Fulfilled, Gained, Successful, Sacred, Holy, Divine, Eminent, Shining + Ishwar - Lord Hindu
Sidhharth One who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes Hindu
Sidhi Achievement, Lord Shiva, Perfection or completion Hindu
Sidhima Achievement Hindu
Sidhu Hindu
Sidiksha Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Sidra Name of a tree Muslim
Sidrah Name of a tree Muslim
Sidvitha Hindu
Sifet Quality Muslim
Sihaam Arrow of Love, Intelligent Muslim
Sihag Sword Hindu
Sihah Faultless Muslim
Siham Arrow of Love Muslim
Sihi Sweet Hindu
Sija Lotus Hindu
Sijal Correct Sikh
Sijh The Sun Sikh
Sijil Glazing Hindu
Sikandar Victorious, Sikander is also the Persian and hindustani version of the name alexander, After alexander the great Muslim
Sikander Victorious, Sikander is also the Persian and hindustani version of the name alexander, After alexander the great Muslim
Sikanya Hindu
Sikata Sand Hindu
Sikh Disciple, Student, Seeker, Perpetual learner Sikh
Sikha Flame, Peak, Light Hindu
Sikhal Pinnacle Sikh
Sikhar Mountain peak, Peak, Ultimate Hindu
Sikhi Peacock Hindu
Sikta Wet Hindu
Siladitya Sun of stone Hindu
Silah Arms Muslim
Silamban Lord Murugan Hindu
Silpa Stone, Shapely, Multi-coloured Hindu
Silviya From the forest Hindu
Sima Boundary, Border Hindu
Simaab Muslim
Simak Arcturus star Muslim
Simanchal Hindu
Simant Margin, Limit, Light Hindu
Simanta Parting line of hair Hindu
Simantika Light Hindu
Simar Gods favorite Hindu
Simardeep Lamp of remembrance Sikh
Simarjeet Victory in remembrance of God Sikh
Simarjeev One who lives with remembrance of God Sikh
Simarleen Absorbed in remembrance, Forever absorbed in God Sikh
Simarnaam One who remembers God Sikh
Simarpreet Love for remembrance of God Sikh
Simbala Pond Hindu
Simbiat Brave woman Muslim
Simha Joy Hindu
Simhala Name of a Raga Hindu
Simhikaprana Bhanjana slayer of simhika Hindu
Simi Limit Hindu
Simika Beloved Hindu
Simin Silvery, Made of silver Muslim
Simit Confined Hindu
Simleen Absorbed in remembering (God) Sikh
Simmi Muslim
Simonee To listen, Obedient Hindu
Simoni To listen, Obedient Hindu
Simra Heaven Muslim
Simran Meditation, Gift of God Hindu
Simranashu Hindu
Simranjeet Victorious in contemplation, Meditative in God, Remembrance, Prayer, To achieve, Translated upon interpretation Sikh
Simranjit Victorious in contemplation, Meditative in God, Remembrance, Prayer, To achieve, Translated upon interpretation Sikh
Simrankaur Sikh
Simranpal Protected by remembrance Sikh
Simranpreet Lovingly remembering God, Love for meditation Sikh
Simrat Remember, Remembering through meditation Hindu
Simratdeep Light of lords remembrance Sikh
Simratjeet Victory in remembrance of God Sikh
Simratpreet Love for remembrance of God Sikh
Simrita Loved and honoured by all, Meditation Sikh
Sina Gods gift, Ankle bells, Brightness Muslim
Sinan Spear head Muslim
Sinap Wisdom Sikh
Sinchana Spurthi Hindu
Sinda Gratitude Sikh
Sindhana Always thinking Hindu
Sindhoori Kumkum Hindu
Sindhu Ocean, River Hindu
Sindhuja Goddess Lakshmi, Born of the ocean Hindu
Sindhunath Lord of the ocean Hindu
Sindhura Hindu
Sindhurini Sinthoor Hindu
Sindhusha Hindu
Sindu Ocean, River Hindu
Sinduja Goddess Lakshmi, Born of the ocean Hindu
Singaravelan Lord Murugan, Beautiful Velan, The one who dresses up Hindu
Singh Lion Sikh
Singhajit Defeater of lion Hindu
Sinha Hero Hindu
Sinhag Lord Shiva, Epithet of Shiva, Going like a lion Hindu
Sinhayana Goddess Durga, One who rides the lion Hindu
Sinhvahan Lord Shiva, The one who has a lion as his vehicle Hindu
sini A woman having a white complexion, To shine among all, Sparkle to life Hindu
Sinjan Sound of Nupur Hindu
Sinjeet Hindu
Sinjini Sound of ankle bell Hindu
Sinkitha Hindu
Sinsapa Ashok tree Hindu
Sinthuran Hindu
Sinu Positive energy, Horseless Hindu
Siona Stars Hindu
Siopareet Inspires Love Sikh
Sipla Sikh
Siraaj Lamp, Light Hindu
Siraj Lamp, Light Muslim
Sirania Hindu
Sirat Inner beauty, Fame, Desired or longed for Sikh
Siravan Tamil name means eligible, Good Man Hindu
Sireen A narrator of Hadith from the prophet (Saw), Another narrator of Hadith by the same name was the sister of mariah al-qabtiyah, Al-maqooqus of egypt (She was the daughter of Ibn Abdullah Ibn Masood) Muslim
Sireesha Flower name, Sacred Hindu
Siri Goddess Lakshmi, Wealth, Gods gift of Love Hindu