Name Simran
Meaning Meditation, Gift of God
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 11
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Simran Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Simran, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Simran means Meditation, Gift of God. By naming your child Simran, you can give a new direction to his/her life. The name Simran is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. By keeping the name Simran, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. It is believed that if your name is Simran and its meaning is Meditation, Gift of God, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. The zodiac sign of the name Simran, the lucky number of the name Simran, and the personality of the people with the name Simran or the meaning of this name, etc. are explained further.

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Simran's Lucky Number

Girls named Simran have the lucky number 8 and come under the planet Saturn. Girls whose name is Simran and lucky number is 8, they have no shortage of money. Girls named Simran with the number 8 make their own rules in life. Girls named Simran love music. Women named Simran work hard and make efforts themselves to achieve success because they do not like to depend on luck or get help from anyone. If your number is 8 then you are kind. Girls named Simran get success late.

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Simran Personality

The zodiac sign of a girl named Simran is Aquarius. Girls with the name Simran are self-controlled, talented, and soft-hearted. Girls named Simran associated with Aquarius are very proud of themselves because they have no lack of intelligence. Aquarius women whose name is Simran are not easily understood by anyone. Although women named Simran are social, they take caution while choosing friends. Women of Simran whose zodiac sign is Aquarius are sympathetic towards the needy and also help them.

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Simran's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Saachar Yahweh has remembered, Appropriate, Well-mannered Hindu
Saachee Beloved, Grace, Truth, Following, Companion, Another name for Agni Hindu
Saachi Beloved, Grace, Truth, Following, Companion, Another name for Agni Hindu
Saadar Attached, Respectful, Thoughtful Hindu
Saadhaka Proficient, Magical, An aspirant, Seeker Hindu
Saadhan Work, Achievement, Worship, The shelter, Fulfilment Hindu
Saadhana Long practice, Study, Fulfilment, Work, Achievement, Worship Hindu
Saadhav Simple, Loyal, Decent, Peaceful, Worthy, Chaste, Devout worthy, Noble Hindu
Saadhik Winner, Pious, Proficient Hindu
Saadhika Goddess Durga, Achiever, Pious, Proficient Hindu
Saadhin Achievement, Work Hindu
Saadhvi Religious women, Courteous, Polite, Simple, Loyal, Decent, Worthy, Chaste, Devout worthy Hindu
Saadhya Accomplishment, Perfection, Feasible, To be accomplished, Ascetic, Seeking salvation Hindu
Saadri Chief or leader or judge, Conqueror Hindu
Saadvitha Hindu
Saagar Sea, Ocean Hindu
Saagarik Belonging to the ocean Hindu
Saagarika Wave, Born in the ocean Hindu
Saagnik One who wins the fire, Fiery, Passionate, Married Hindu
Saagnika Fiery, Passionate, Married, With fire Hindu
Saahana Raaga or patience, Queen Hindu
Saahas Valour, Bravery, Happy, Laughing Hindu
Saahass Adventure Hindu
Saahasya Mighty, Powerful Hindu
Saahat Stong, Powerful Hindu
Saahil Sea shore, Guide, Shore, Bank Hindu
Saahithi Literature Hindu
Saaj One who worships God, Beauteous tranquillity Hindu
Saakar Manifestation of God, Shapely, Concrete, Formal, Attractive Hindu
Saakash One with a light shone upon him, Illumination, Brilliance, An enlightened soul Hindu
Saaket Lord Krishna, Having the same intention Hindu
Saaksh True, Witness, With eyes Hindu
Saakshee Witness, Evidence Hindu
Saakshi Witness, Evidence Hindu
Saalan One of the kauravas Hindu
Saaman Morning, Goddess of sound, Dawn, Early morning Hindu
Saamant Bordering, Leader, Universal whole, Near, Omnipresent Hindu
Saamanta Equality, Bordering, Name of a Raga Hindu
Saamod Pleased, Happy, Fragrant Hindu
Saanal Fiery, Energetic, Powerful, Vigorous Hindu
Saanavi Sanvi or Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Saanidhya Abode of God, Nera Hindu
Saanjali Hand clasped in prayer Hindu
Saanjh Evening Hindu
Saanjya Unique, Incomparable Hindu
Saanvi Goddess Lakshmi, One who will be followed Hindu
Saanvika Goddess Lakshmi, One who will be followed Hindu
Saara Princess, Noble lady, Precious, Firm, Pure, Excellent, Sweet smelling, Veil (Wife of the prophet Ibrahim) Hindu
Saaran Surrender, Injuring, Running, Lily, Yard of a sail Hindu
Saarang A musical instrument, Distinguished, Brilliance, Light, Jewel, Gold light, The earth, A musical Raag another name for the Love God Kaama and Shiva Hindu