Name Muthuvelan
Meaning Lord Murugan, Muthu - Pearl, Velan - name of murugas spear
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 11
Length 5
Zodiac Sign Leo

Muthuvelan Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Muthuvelan, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Muthuvelan means Lord Murugan, Muthu - Pearl, Velan - name of murugas spear. Due to Lord Murugan, Muthu - Pearl, Velan - name of murugas spear the name Muthuvelan becomes very beautiful. The name Muthuvelan is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. After knowing the meaning of the name Muthuvelan, you can easily name your child Muthuvelan. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Muthuvelan in their nature. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Muthuvelan, the lucky number of Muthuvelan, and the Lord Murugan, Muthu - Pearl, Velan - name of murugas spear of this name are briefly explained.

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Muthuvelan's zodiac Leo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Munikrishna Sage Hindu
Munindra Best among saints Hindu
Muniraja Lord Kuber Hindu
Muniraju Lord Kuber Hindu
Munisansutasanstuta Worshipped by sages Hindu
Munish With God, Lord Buddha, Chief of army, Chief of the sages Hindu
Muniswaran Hindu
Muniya Name of a bird Hindu
Munjal King of gujarat Hindu
Munmun Hindu
Munna Little boy Hindu
Murad Desire, Will Hindu
Muraj Hindu
Murali Flute Hindu
Muralidhar Lord Krishna, The one who bears the flute Hindu
Muralidhara Hindu
Muralimanohar Lord Krishna, Attractive one who has a flute in his hand Hindu
Murari Lord Krishna, Killer of the demon mora Hindu
Murarilal Lord Krishna, Murari, The beloved Hindu
Murgan Hindu
Murgesh Lord Kartikeya, Lord Murugan Hindu
Murli The flute Hindu
Murlidhar Lord Krishna, The one who bears the flute Hindu
Murlimanohar The flute playing God Hindu
Murthi An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Hindu
Murthy An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Hindu
Murti An idol, All auspicious Lord, Lord Vishnu, Statue Hindu
Muruga Lord Murugan, God of war Hindu
Murugavel Lord Murugan, Muruga - God of war, Vel - spear Hindu
Murugadas Bright Hindu
Murugan Tamil God Hindu
Murugappan Lord Murugan, Muruga - God of war, Appan - father Hindu
Murugavel Lord Murugan, Muruga - God of war, Vel - spear Hindu
Murugesan Hindu
Murugesh Lord Kartikeya, Lord Murugan Hindu
Murugeswari Hindu
Murugu Lord Murugan name, Youth, Handsome Hindu
Murukan Lord Murugan, God of war Hindu
Musikvahana One who has mouse as charioteer Hindu
Mustu Hindu
Mutha Obeyed, Pure or like a Pearl Hindu
Muthammal Pure, Like a Pearl Hindu
Muthanna Lord Shiva Hindu
Mutharasi A queen which is adorned in pearls Hindu
Mutholi Shines like a Pearl Hindu
Muthu Pearl Hindu
Muthulakshmi Hindu
Muthunagai Smiles like a Pearl Hindu
Muthuselvi Happy prosperous daughter. she is worth as Pearl Hindu
Muthuvelan Lord Murugan, Muthu - Pearl, Velan - name of murugas spear Hindu