Name Kantarav
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 7
Length 4.5
Zodiac Sign Gemini
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Kantarav's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the name Kantarav is Mercury and its lucky number is 5. People with the name Kantarav are very lucky, intelligent, and sharp-minded. People with the lucky number 5 like to be independent, they do not like to make promises to anyone. People named Kantarav make work easy by working hard and can become good businessmen. People with the number 5 are lucky and exciting. People with the name Kantarav associated with the number 5 lack patience and sometimes make decisions in haste.

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Kantarav Personality

Those whose name is Kantarav, their zodiac sign is Gemini. People of this zodiac sign like to stay busy in their business and meet new people. People of this zodiac sign like challenges, hence they choose only challenging tasks for themselves. People named Kantarav like to do new things every day. These people start feeling burdened with only one work. People named Kantarav like career fields like education, sales, writing, acting, and journalism. People whose zodiac sign is Gemini are often considered untrustworthy.

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Kantarav's zodiac Gemini Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Kanjri Bird Hindu
Kank Scent of the lotus, Heron, Fragrance of the lotus Hindu
Kanka Fragrance of the lotus Hindu
Kankalini One with necklace of bones Hindu
Kankana A bracelet, Bangle Hindu
Kankangi Gold Hindu
Kankeya Bull Hindu
Kanmani Precious like An eye Hindu
Kannagi Hindu
Kannaki Devoted and virtuous life Hindu
Kannan Another name of Lord krishna Hindu
Kanraj Hindu
Kansa (Maternal uncle of Krishna who usurped the throne from his father, Ugrasena. He was killed by Krishna. Details of his life are found in the Bhagavata Purana.) Hindu
Kansh Whole Hindu
Kansha Hindu
Kanshika Indian king Hindu
Kanshikha Hindu
Kant Husband, Adored, Precious, Pleasant, Spring, Beloved by the Moon, The Moon pleasant Hindu
Kanta Beautiful, Ever-radiant Hindu
Kantamani Name of a Raga Hindu
Kantarav Hindu
Kanth Husband, Adored, Precious, Pleasant, Spring, Beloved by the Moon, The Moon pleasant Hindu
Kantha Beautiful, Ever-radiant Hindu
Kanthan Lord Murugan, To desire, Lovely, Well inclined, Spring, Beautiful, Lover, Husband, Moon, A precious stone, An epithet of Krishna, An epithet of Skand, Vishnu Hindu
Kanthi Beauty, Desire, Splendour, Ornament, Another name for Goddess Lakshmi, Luster, Loveliness Hindu
Kanti Beauty, Desire, Splendour, Ornament, Another name for Goddess Lakshmi, Luster, Loveliness Hindu
Kantilal Lustrous Hindu
Kantimoy Lustrous Hindu
Kanu Lord Krishna, Kanu means handsome Hindu
Kanupriya Goddess Radha, Beloved of Kanha - Lord Krishna Hindu
Kanuja Hindu
Kanupritha Goddess Radha, Soothing Hindu
Kanupriya Goddess Radha, Beloved of Kanha - Lord Krishna Hindu
Kanush Beloved Hindu
Kanushi Beloved Hindu
Kanv Name of a saint, Skilful, Intelligent, Admired Hindu
Kanvak Son of a talented person, Born of a skilful person Hindu
Kanvan A sage, Father of Shakunthala Hindu
Kanvar Young Prince Hindu
Kanvi Flute, Name of Radha Rani Hindu
Kanwaljeet Lotus Hindu
Kanya Daughter Hindu
Kanyana Maiden Hindu
Kapali Lord Shiva, He turns unworthy to most worthy and accommodates him Hindu
Kapalin One who wears a necklace of skulls Hindu
Kapalini Another name of Goddess Durga Hindu
Kapardini A Goddess Hindu
Kapeesh Lord Hanuman, Lord of monkeys, Name of Sugreev Hindu
Kapeeshwar Lord of monkeys Hindu
Kapeeshwara Lord of monkeys Hindu