If the zodiac sign of Boy is Virgo, then its influence is also noticeable in their life. The nature of Boy is reflected in their zodiac sign, i.e., the Virgo zodiac. Boy chooses their career or business path based on this zodiac sign, providing insights into the Virgo zodiac. You can also learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your zodiac sign, as astrology reveals characteristics for all zodiac signs. Using the zodiac, one can determine how well Boy's nature aligns with their zodiac sign and the level of trust and affection they hold. How successful a person will be in their life, in which field they will succeed, and when they might face failures can all be indicated by their zodiac sign. If your zodiac sign is Virgo, many mysterious aspects of your nature can be revealed through it. Every individual aspires to pursue a career of their choice. However, at times, even after putting in significant effort, achieving one's dreams can prove challenging. This difficulty may be related to your Virgo zodiac sign. In such circumstances, your zodiac sign can help you determine the most suitable area for your career and identify the potential obstacles you may encounter despite working in a particular field. Based on your zodiac sign, you can gain insights into various aspects of your life. These include the quality of your married life, the extent of your family's support, your approach to relationships, and whether you are inherently hardworking or tend toward laziness. Many similar questions about your personality can find their answers within the realm of astrology. If you wish to understand your nature better, start by identifying the ruling planet or lord of your zodiac sign (Rashi). A deep study of the zodiac's ruling planet can provide valuable insights into your personality. Essentially, each zodiac sign has its ruling planet. If the nature of the ruling planet of a zodiac sign is assertive, then the individual associated with that sign is likely to possess an assertive nature as well. Conversely, if the ruling planet of a zodiac sign is gentle, the individual connected to that sign is likely to exhibit a calm and gentle demeanor.

Boy names starting with

Girl names starting with

Boy names of Virgo with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Praneeth Praneeth is the name derived from the Sanskrit word praneetham which means calmness Hindu
Praneet Humble boy, Likeable, Sanctified, Modest, Leader Hindu
Praneep Hindu
Praneel Lord Shiva, Life giving Hindu
Pranayaa Leader Hindu
Pranay Romance, Leader, Love Hindu
Pranava The sacred syllable Om, Originator of the syllable of Om, The mystic syllable Om Hindu
Pranav Lord Vishnu, The sacred syllable Om, Kind of musical instrument, An epithet of Vishnu, Son of nighna, Grandson of ananutra and brother of shatrajit, Very much fresh or young, Epithet of Shiva Hindu
Pranand Happy life Hindu
Pranam Salute Hindu
Pranad Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Brahma, Life giving Hindu
Pranab Lord Vishnu, The sacred syllable Om, Kind of musical instrument, An epithet of Vishnu, Son of nighna, Grandson of ananutra and brother of shatrajit, Very much fresh or young, Epithet of Shiva Hindu
Pranaav The sacred syllable Om, Auspicious, Originator of the syllable of Om, The mystic syllable Om, Sacred Hindu
Pranaam Salute Hindu
Prana Soul, Spirit Hindu
prannath Lord of life, Husband Hindu
Pran Breath of life, Life, Spirit, Energy, Might, Another name for Brahma and Vishnu Hindu
Pramukh Main Hindu
Pramud Happy Hindu
Pramsu A scholar Hindu
Pramoth Hindu
Pramodan Lord Vishnu, Excessive Joy, One of the 8 perfections in the sankhya philosophy, Pleasure personified as a child of Brahma, A strong perfume, Name of An attendant of Skand, Name of a nag Hindu
Pramoda Delight, Lord of all abodes, Pleasure Hindu
Pramod Delight, Lord of all abodes, Pleasure Hindu
Pramjeet Hindu
Pramit Consciousness, Moderate, Sensible Hindu
Pramesh Master of accurate knowledge Hindu
Pramath Horse, Wise, Prudent Hindu
Pramat Horse, Wise, Prudent Hindu
Pramadhan One of the kauravas Hindu
Pramad Joy, Pleasure delight Hindu
Pralesh Finishes bad things Hindu
Pralay Himalaya Hindu
Pralamb Garland of flowers Hindu
Prakunj Hindu
Prakul Good looking, With a beautiful body Hindu
Praktan Destiny Hindu
Prakshal From Jain literature - Pratima ji ka Abhishek Hindu
Prakrut Ancient Hindu
Prakriti Original, Nature, The personification of brahman or the supreme spirit Hindu
Prakrith Nature, Handsome Hindu
Prakrit Nature, Handsome, Natural Hindu
Prakhyat Famous Hindu
Prakhil Hindu
Prakher Intelligent Hindu
Prakhar Shape, Summit Hindu
Praket Intelligence, Understanding Hindu
Prakat Manifested Hindu
Prakasha Light, Bright Hindu
Prakash Light, Bright, Brilliance, Success, Fame, Appearance Hindu
Prakam Joy, Desire, Achievement Hindu
Prakalp Project Hindu
Prajyot Hindu
Prajwat First Ray Hindu
Prajwal Shining, Brightness Hindu
Prajvala Eternal flame Hindu
Prajval Shining, Brightness Hindu
Prajul Hindu
Prajualraj Hindu
Prajnay Hindu
Prajnan Intelligent, Wise, Clever Hindu
Prajjwal Bright light Hindu
Prajith Victorious, Conquering, Defeating Hindu
Prajit Victorious, Conquering, Defeating Hindu
Prajin Kind, Swift, Air Hindu
Prajesh Lord Brahma, Leader of men Hindu
Prajeeth Victorious, Conquering, Defeating Hindu
Prajeet Victorious, Conquering, Defeating Hindu
Prajas Born Hindu
Prajapati Lord of all creatures, King, Brahma Hindu
Prajapathi Lord of all creatures, King, Brahma Hindu
Prajan Hindu
Prajakt God of creation Hindu
Prajaapatih The Lord of all creatures Hindu
Prahlav With a beautiful body Hindu
Prahlada Extreme joyful (Son of hiranyakashyap) Hindu
Prahlad Excess of Joy, Happiness Hindu
Prahival Hindu
Prahasit Name of Lord Buddha, Laughing, Cheerful Hindu
Prahas Smiling girl, Cheerful, Joyful, Laughter, Colourful, Brilliance, Another name for Shiva Hindu
Praharsh Famous rishis name Hindu
Prahar Hindu
Prahan Person who is very kind and generous Hindu
Prahallada Bliss (Son of hiranyakasipa) Hindu
Prahalathan No specific meaning. but he was considered to be the best disciple in Indian mythology Hindu
Prahalad Bliss (Son of hiranyakasipa) Hindu
Pragyan Greater knowledge, Wisdom Hindu
Pragyaan Greater knowledge, Wisdom Hindu
Pragun Straight, Honest Hindu
Pragnyan Wisdom Hindu
Pragnit Hindu
Pragnesh Intelligent Hindu
Pragnay Famous, Scholar Hindu
Pragnan Intelligent Hindu
Pragathish Hindu
Pragadeesh Lord Shiva, Very great, Or huge in a monolithic piece Hindu
Praful Blooming, Happy, Expansive, Playful Hindu
Prafool Blooming, Happy, Expansive, Playful Hindu
Pradyut Light, Lit, Brilliant Hindu
Pradyun Radiant Hindu