Name Prajakt
Meaning God of creation
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 5
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Virgo

Prajakt Meaning

Prajakt The meaning of the name is God of creation. If you know the meaning of Prajakt before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. Due to God of creation the name Prajakt becomes very beautiful. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. Because of the meaning of the name, people named Prajakt are very much liked in society. People with the name Prajakt are exactly like the meaning of their name. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Prajakt, what is its lucky number, and God of creation of the name Prajakt in detail.

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Prajakt's Lucky Number

Prajakt's zodiac planet is Mercury and the lucky number is 5. People named Prajakt are undisciplined but they become successful without any planning. People with the number 5 make their own goals and work according to their wishes. People named Prajakt are interesting. Their mental strength is stronger than others. People with this number are always ready to gain knowledge. You do every work with full enthusiasm. You don't hesitate in any new beginning.

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Prajakt Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Prajakt is Virgo. People named Prajakt do not like disorganized things, they like to keep all the things in the right place. Two forms are visible. People named Prajakt can be successful in fields like communication, media, blogging, and music. Whatever people named Prajakt desire, they get it gradually. People named Prajakt like to wear different types and bright colored clothes.

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Prajakt's zodiac Virgo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Puneeth Pure or holy Hindu
Punish Lord of the pious, Man, The pupil of the eye, Brahman or the supreme spirit Hindu
Punit Pure or holy Hindu
Punita Love, Pure, Sacred, Devout Hindu
Punith Pure or holy Hindu
Punitha Love, Pure, Sacred, Devout Hindu
Punthali A doll Hindu
Punya Good work, The Goddess who appreciates good deeds, Virtue, Purity, Tulsi or holy Basil, Sacred, Auspicious, Fair, Worthy Hindu
Punya-Shlokaya Lord whose praise bestows merit Hindu
Punyaa Good work, The Goddess who appreciates good deeds, Virtue, Purity, Tulsi or holy Basil, Sacred, Auspicious, Fair, Worthy Hindu
Punyabrata Dedicated to the good Hindu
Punyah Supremely pure Hindu
Punyakeerthi Goddess Durga, She who is famous for good deeds Hindu
Punyapriya A loving person Hindu
Punyasloka Sacred verse Hindu
Punyodaya Provider of immortality Hindu
Purab East Hindu
Purahan Lord Shiva, Conqueror of pura Hindu
Purajit Lord Shiva, Conqueror of city Purumitra Hindu
Purajith Lord Shiva, Conqueror of city Purumitra Hindu
Purala Goddess Durga, Guardian of fortresses Hindu
Puran Complete, Successors, Momento, Abundant Hindu
Puranapurushottama Supreme being of the puranas Hindu
Purandar Lord Indra, Fortress destroyer, Name of Indra, An epithet of Shiva, Krishna, Agni and Vishnu Hindu
Purandeswari Hindu
Purandhar Lord Indra, Fortress destroyer, Name of Indra, An epithet of Shiva, Krishna, Agni and Vishnu Hindu
Purandhri Same as Gayatri Hindu
Puranjay Lord Shiva, One who wins the city Hindu
Purav The east, Chanting voice from east at Sunrise Hindu
Purdvi Hindu
Puri City Hindu
Purna Complete Hindu
Purnachandar Full Moon Hindu
Purnanada Complete Joy Hindu
Purnayan Who has born with full of his mother and father Hindu
Purnendu Full Moon Hindu
Purnima Full Moon Hindu
Purnita Complete, Fulfilled Hindu
Purohit A brahmin priest Hindu
Purohith A brahmin priest Hindu
Purshottam Lord Vishnu, Best among men Hindu
Puru Abundant, Name of a king, Mountain, Heaven Hindu
Purujit Conqueror of city Hindu
Purumitra Friend of city Hindu
Pururava The founder of Chandra dynasty Hindu
Purush The omnipotent personality Hindu
Purushaakriti One who takes the form of a Man Hindu
Purushothama Supreme person Hindu
Purushottam Lord Vishnu, Best among men Hindu
Puruva Eastern, Elder Hindu