Name Swarangi
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 11
Length 3.5
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
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Swarangi's Lucky Number

Girls named Swarangi have the lucky number 8 and come under the planet Saturn. Girls with name Swarangi are adept at saving money, hence they always have money. Girls named Swarangi with the number 8 make their own rules in life. Girls named Swarangi love music. Girls named Swarangi with the number 8 do not achieve success through the help of others or luck but through their hard work and efforts. Compared to other people, girls with the name Swarangi of this number have more compassion. Success does not come easily to them.

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Swarangi Personality

The zodiac sign of the name Swarangi is Aquarius. Girls named Swarangi have self-control and are very soft-hearted. There is no dearth of qualities in them. Women named Swarangi are intelligent as well as proud of their wisdom. Understanding women named Swarangi is not within everyone's reach. Although girls named Swarangi are very social, they choose their friends carefully. Girls named Swarangi have a sympathetic personality and always help the needy.

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Swarangi's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Savitashri Luster of the Sun Hindu
Savitendra The Sun Hindu
Savith The Sun, Sweet Hindu
Savitha The Sun, Bright Hindu
Savithry Another name of Saraswathi Hindu
Savitri A Ray of light, Hymn, A form of the Devi Hindu
Saviya Peace Hindu
Savya Lord Vishnu, Left hand, Southern, Reverse, Name of An aangirasa, An epithet of Vishnu Hindu
Savyasachi Another name of Arjun, Ambidextrous Hindu
Savyamoonth Savyamoonth comes from An Indian word meaning, Defender of people Hindu
Savyasachi Another name of Arjun, Ambidextrous Hindu
Savyashachee Ambidextrous while shooting Hindu
Sawan The fifth month of the Hindu year, One who offers a sacrifice to God, Rain during monsoon season Hindu
Sawant Hindu
Sawera Morning, Goddess of sound, Dawn, Early morning Hindu
Sawini Pertaining to the month of Saavan, One who prepares Soma Hindu
Say Gift Hindu
Saya Shelter, Shade, Influence, Evening, Close of day Hindu
Sayak Weapon, Kind and helpful Hindu
Sayalee It is a name of a flower. it is a white small delicate flower with nice scent Hindu
Sayali It is a name of a flower. it is a white small delicate flower with nice scent Hindu
Sayam Evening Hindu
Sayan Friend, Kind heart Hindu
Sayanika Goddess Hindu
Sayantan Brave Hindu
Sayantani Twilight Hindu
Sayanti Hindu
Sayantika Arising. the raised one Hindu
Sayantini Evening Hindu
Sayantoni Hindu
Sayee Friend Hindu
Sayeesha Shadow of God Hindu
Sayesha Shadow of God Hindu
Sayli A white colour small flower Hindu
Sayona Starting letters of 3 big priest of swaminarayan sampradai, Decorated Hindu
Sayshaa Hindu
Sayshanth Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Good peace Hindu
Sayshika Hindu
Sayukta Hindu
Sayuri Flower Hindu
Scanda Lord Murugan, Leaping, Flowing, Quicksilver, Name of Kartikeya the son of Shiva and God of war, Epithet of Shiva, The bank of a river, A clever or learned Man Hindu
Seanthan Youthful with divine qualities Hindu
Seaya Shadow Hindu
Seejoy Happy Hindu
Seema Boundary, Border Hindu
Seemanta Parting line of hair Hindu
Seemanti Parting line, A white rose Hindu
Seemantini Woman Hindu
Seena Hindu
Seentahna Strength and courage Hindu