SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) के लाभ
- SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) Benefits in Hindi
SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) इन बिमारियों के इलाज में काम आती है -
SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) के नुकसान, दुष्प्रभाव और साइड इफेक्ट्स - SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) Side Effects in Hindi
चिकित्सा साहित्य में SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) के दुष्प्रभावों के बारे में कोई सूचना नहीं मिली है। हालांकि, SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) का इस्तेमाल करने से पहले हमेशा अपने डॉक्टर से सलाह-मशविरा जरूर करें।
SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) का उपयोग कैसे करें?
- SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) को अपने हाथ में लें और उंगलियों की मदद से अपने चेहरे पर लगाएं। SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) को सौम्यता से चेहरे पर गोल-गोल घुमाकर एक मिनट तक रगड़ें। फिर पानी से धोने के बाद तौलिये से पोंछ लें।
SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) से जुड़े सुझाव।
- चेहरे को सामान्य या गुनगुने पानी से धोएं।
- SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) उपयोग से पहले अपने हाथों को साबुन से साफ करें।
- SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) उपयोग करने के बाद मॉइश्चराइजर लगाएं।
- अपने चिकित्सक के निर्देशानुसार ही SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) का उपयोग करें। इसका अधिक उपयोग न करें।
- SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) को ठंडे, सूखे स्थान पर रूम टेंपरेचर या इससे कम तापमान पर रखें। SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) को फ्रिज में रखें से बचें।
- SWOSH Apple Cider vinegar (Apple extract) foam face wash integrated brush help to cleanse softly and skin care solution perfect for everyday use, Suitable for all skin types. (2 Items in the set) के उपयोग के समय खूब सारा पानी पीने की सलाह दी जाती है। इसके साथ ही प्रभावित क्षेत्र को रगड़ने या खरोचने से मना किया जाता है।