Do you also want to reduce your enlarged belly? Have tried many for this and nothing is working? So do not worry because here you are being told exercises to reduce belly.

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These exercises are very easy and anyone can do them. These include some aerobic exercises to reduce belly fat and an exercise plan to lose belly fat. But if you have never exercised before or it has been a long time, then please start them slowly and little by little. As your practice progresses, you can increase the duration of these belly fat loss exercises and do them more times a week.

So let's know which are these exercises by which you can get a slim stomach and a healthy body -

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  1. Stomach reduction exercise is aerobics
  2. Exercise plan to reduce belly
  3. Takeaway

Are you also not able to wear your favorite dresses because of your protruding belly? Because of this, you are sitting in a corner even at a party or a holiday. Belly fat increases even more due to sitting in one place all day, working, or watching TV. Hence, you need a strict exercise regimen to shed the extra weight.

According to a recent study, it has been found that an increase in belly fat is associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular problems. Therefore, it becomes necessary to control the waist size for a long life span.

A well-nourished diet is essential to reduce the accumulation of unhealthy fat in the body. A balanced diet like green leafy vegetablesfruitsdairy products, and lean meats will help in achieving fit and strong abs. Aerobic exercise along with a healthy and balanced diet will also help in reducing belly fat.

That's why you should do the below-mentioned aerobic exercises to reduce belly fat in just 20 minutes -


Running is one of the best ways to get full-body exercise. The balance action during each leg movement causes the core muscles to be engaged during the duration of the exercise. Running works every part of the body! So if you want to reduce belly fat then start running from today itself. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of running.

(Read More - Diet Plan for Weight Loss)

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Water provides natural resistance to the whole body while moving or walking. That's why swimming is an excellent body workout. It is especially beneficial for overweight or old people, as it does not affect their joints. This exercise increases the rate of metabolism and the body burns calories continuously. So if you do not want to do walking or running then you can also reduce belly fat with the help of swimming.

(Read More - Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss)


We all walk every day but still our waistline is not trim. Why after all? This is because we do not walk for more than 10 minutes while walking. Walking is good for the joints and can be used as a form of running. The walk can be quite enjoyable as you will get ample time to enjoy the nature around you. This is the easiest way of aerobic exercise to reduce belly fat.

(Read More - Best Way to Lose Weight in 3 Easy Tips)


Even before this, we have told you many times about the benefits of cycling. But apart from the fuel-saving benefits, it is an excellent fat-burning exercise. Cycling can burn calories continuously.

(Read More - Home Remedies to Burn Fat)

Weight training

Weight training is very simple, just for this you have to go to the gym. Lifting weights and controlling them not only helps you sculpt your body but also helps increase metabolism. Weight training is the only aerobic exercise that promotes the highest rate of calorie burn, even while at rest. But do weight training only under the guidance of a professional trainer.

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Many people have the misconception that a 'core' workout at the gym (core being your inner abdominal muscles) means only focusing on the abs. Actually 'core' doesn't mean abs. It is true that a 'core workout' is an essential part of abs. However, the term 'core' is also used to refer to a much larger area other than the abs. This includes the abdomen, lower back, hips, muscles, etc. Core exercises apart from all this also improve our posture. By doing core exercise, our whole body also remains healthy.

Today we will tell you the exercise plan to reduce belly fat in 3 days. Exercise will start from the beginner level then gradually its level will increase which will help in keeping your whole body healthy. Please be careful while doing all these exercises. Do it according to your physical ability and if possible, do it initially under the supervision of a good trainer.

First day of exercise to reduce belly fat

Day 1 walks you through three simple yet effective techniques to help you build core muscles quickly.

The three exercises are explained in the video for Day 1 below. It is as follows -

Exercise 1 - Skyscrapers

First, get into the plank position to do this exercise. Try that your hips should not too high nor should they be towards the ground. If this happens then there will be a hindrance in the core of your muscles. Remember that in the position of a Plank, your whole body should remain straight. Now keep the right hand straight and rest the body on it and keep both your feet straight as shown in the picture. Slowly move your left hand upwards and keep it straight. You can do this exercise according to your ability. Do this process 4 -5 times on both sides. You can also increase your capacity gradually. Doing this exercise will help in reducing your belly fat.

If you find it difficult to do this exercise, then you can choose another option. Instead of straightening the left hand, one can also rest the elbow on the ground and keep the right hand on the waist as shown in the picture above and the rest of the process will remain the same. While doing this exercise, your muscles will be core as well as it will help in reducing belly fat.

Exercise 2 - windshield wipers

To do this exercise, first of all, lie down on your back and now keep both hands on the side. Now bend your knees. With your knees bent, lift the legs halfway, then bring them by twisting to the right. Try not to raise your hands while taking the legs to one side, keep them on the ground and keep your feet slightly above the ground. Then bring your feet to the left side as well. Repeat this process 5-10 times. As your capacity increases, you can increase it accordingly. While doing this exercise, your body will bend from one side to the other, which will create pressure on the stomach and will help you reduce belly fat.

Exercise 3 - Army Crawls

Like the first exercise, you first come into the plank position. Keep the body straight. Now in the same position take three steps forward and three steps back. After increasing the capacity, you can take seven steps forward and seven steps back instead of three. Keep increasing your step according to your ability. Instead of doing it with straight knees, you can also do this exercise by bending your knees. While doing this exercise, your body will be core and it will help in reducing belly.

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The second day of exercise to reduce belly

On the second day, we will tell you about some more effective exercises, with the help of which you will be able to reduce belly fat easily.

The four exercises are explained in the video for Day 2 below. It is as follows -

Exercise 1 - Breakdancer

To do this exercise, keep your plank position higher than before. Keep your hands straight. Now bring your right foot towards the left and your left foot towards the right foot. Do this process 7-10 times. You can also increase this process according to your capacity.

Exercise 2 - Skydiver

To do this exercise, first of all, lie down on your stomach. Now bend the legs from your knees and keep the hands equal to the shoulders. Now try to lift your legs as per your capacity and also raise your hands as high as you are flying in the air. Come back to your old position and repeat the process. Do this exercise at least 6-7 times and then keep increasing it according to your ability. By doing this exercise, your abdominal muscles are stretched, which helps in reducing belly fat.

Exercise 3 - Dead Bug

To do this exercise, first, lie down on your stomach and bend your legs at the knees. Now raise both hands upwards and keep them straight. Then straighten the legs with the knees bent as shown in the picture. Take your right hand backward and also straighten your right leg. But keep in mind that hands and feet should not touch your ground. Follow the same process with the left hand and left leg. Then do this process with both your hands and feet. Do it 6-7 times in the beginning, then you can increase it according to your ability. By doing this exercise, the core will come into your abdominal, arm, and leg muscles, as well as your belly fat will also reduce.

Exercise 4 - Thread the Needle

To do this exercise, first, stand in the plank position but your body should be higher than the normal plank. Now keep the feet in the same position and turn the body towards the front. Your left hand should be straight on the ground and your right hand should be on the waist. Now slowly bring the right hand to the left while turning the body as well. Try that your hand touches the left and waist. Do the same process with the left hand also. Repeat this process 5-6 times at least in the beginning. Then keep increasing it according to your capacity. Bending the body with the hands will create pressure on the stomach, which will help in reducing belly fat.

Read More - Lifestyle Tips for Weight Loss)

Belly reduction exercise day 3

On day three, you'll be able to do even more effective belly fat-burning exercises.

The four exercises are explained in the video of Day 3 below. It is as follows -

Exercise 1 - Crab Kicks Into Superman

We break this exercise down into two parts, Crab Kicks and Superman Pose. To do a crab kick, first, place the hands and feet on the ground and keep the hips above the ground. As shown in the picture above. Now touch the right foot with your left hand. Then touch the left foot with the right hand in the same way. Do this process 7-8 times. You can increase it according to your capacity.

To do the Superman pose, first, get into the plank position. Now raise the right hand and keep the left hand on the ground. Now raise the left leg along with the right hand and keep the right leg on the ground. This pose of yours will make you look like superman. Repeat this process 7-8 times on both sides. You can also increase it according to your capacity. By doing these two exercises regularly, you will be able to reduce your belly fat.

Exercise 2 - Star Leg Raise

To do the Star Leg Raise exercise, first of all, get into the plank position. In the plank position, your whole body should remain straight. Now bend the body towards the front and instead of straightening the right hand, bend it from the elbow and rest it on the ground. Keep the legs straight. Now lift the left leg upwards in the air and take the left hand upwards as well. Keep in mind that your hand should be straight upwards and you can lift the leg as high as your ability. Do this process 4 -5 times on both sides. You can also increase your capacity gradually. Star leg raise exercise helps reduce your belly fat.

Exercise 3 - Side V-Ups

To exercise side V-ups, first of all, lie down on your back and keep both your hands on the ground keeping a little distance from the body. Now raise your legs and bring them to the right side as shown in the picture above. Now touch your feet with your left hand. And bring your left hand back and rest it on the ground and straighten the leg as well, just don't rest it on the ground. Do the same process from the other side as well. This exercise will be very difficult in the beginning, so do it only 3-4 times. According to the capacity, it can also be increased gradually. This exercise will put pressure on your belly fat which will help in reducing belly.

Exercise 4 - Over/Under

In the last exercise of the third day, you first get into the plank position. Now touch the left toe with your right hand as shown in the picture above. Then touch the toe of the right foot with the left hand. Do this process 9-10 times. Keep increasing it slowly according to your capacity. By doing this exercise, the belly fat will be seen reducing by the third day.

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Maintaining a balanced weight is essential for good health. If the weight remains balanced, then many diseases like high BP and sugar can be easily avoided. This is the reason that in this article we have given different types of exercises to lose weight. A 3-day exercise plan has also been told, which can help you reduce weight. To lose weight, along with exercise, it is also necessary to have a good diet.

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