Over the last few years, the ketogenic diet has become one of the most famous diets as it helps with the management of different diseases and disorders. Several research studies have shown a significant improvement in conditions such as obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and neurological conditions such as epilepsyAlzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease with the adoption of the keto diet.

The ketogenic diet is a high fat and low carb diet that helps achieve a ketogenic state. To reach the ketogenic state, you need to reduce your total carbohydrate intake (to <50gms) and increase the intake of fat and protein.

But planning your meals when also following an Indian diet can be a little confusing for a keto beginner. In this article, we will discuss Indian foods that you can consume in a keto diet and those which you shouldn’t.

  1. What to eat on the keto diet in India
  2. What not to eat on a keto diet in India
  3. Takeaway
Doctors for Indian foods for keto diet

Following are a few Indian food options that you can choose from to plan your meals for when  you go on the keto diet:

Replacing Indian cereals

In a regular Indian diet, wheat, rice and millets are the main source of energy. But since this food group is also rich in carbohydrates, you’ll have to quit it when you go on the keto diet. Cutting out chapattis, bread, noodles and rice can increase cravings and lead to some indulgence so you must find some replacements for them. You can try almond or coconut flour to make chapati, cauliflower to make rice or pulao and zoodles (noodles made from zucchini) or raw papaya noodles in place of wheat flour noodles.

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Protein in an Indian keto diet

Protein is one of the main macronutrients consumed during this diet. Following are some ways to consume it while on keto:

  • Paneer and cheese: If you are vegetarian and want to follow a keto diet, paneer and cheese can be a great option to complete your protein requirements. Cottage cheese or paneer is one of the most common foods found in most Indian kitchens. Just 100 grams of cottage paneer can provide about 12-13 grams of protein and a substantial amount of vitamin B12, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. You can avoid preservatives and extra sodium by making your cottage cheese with full-fat milk at home. You can have this food in the form of a curry, stir-fry, salad, tikka or pakoda.
  • Tofu: Tofu is rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, which makes it an ideal food for the keto diet. There is mixed evidence on the subject of it being rich in phytoestrogens, which can affect the hormone level, so discuss with your doctor before you add it to you diet. (Read more: Phytonutrients)
  • Egg: About 100 grams of eggs contains about one gram of carbs and 12 grams of protein. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, folate and choline, all of which help our body function properly. For the total benefit of this food, have the whole egg. You can have this superfood poached, scrambled, boiled or sunny-side-up.
  • Meat: Chicken and other meat products are standard food options in the keto diet as they’re known for high biological value protein that is completely absorbed in our body.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of chicken contains almost 0 grams of carbs and 27 grams of protein. It also contains a good amount of vitamin Bs, calcium, zinc, selenium, omega 3 fatty acids, etc. To add this group to your diet, try out fatty fish, chicken, mutton and seafood such as prawns, lobsters, etc. Some common and famous meat dishes include fish curry, butter chicken,  mutton kabab, chicken kabab, chicken caesar salad, mutton curry, etc.

Vegetables to have on an Indian keto diet

Vegetables are a rich source of fiber, vitamin A, Vitamin C, folate, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants and more, all of which help our body to work properly, boost immunity levels and fight different types of health conditions such as obesity, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc. There are some vegetables (especially root vegetables) that are high in carbohydrates and starch and having one serving of those vegetables can fulfil the requirement of daily carbohydrate intake. It’s best to avoid such vegetables, including potato, yam, sweet potato, turnip, beetroot, etc.

Having low carbohydrate vegetables can fulfil your daily nutritional requirements and help you stick with this diet for a longer time. These low carb vegetables are:

Fruits to have on an Indian keto diet - Fruits during Keto Diet in Hindi

Fruits are a rich source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and that is why they’re an essential part of our diet. But fruits are also rich in fructose, which can increase the total amount of carbohydrate in your diet. Avocado is a fruit that is rich in fat and low in carb, making it ideal for the ketogenic diet. Some other fruit options that are low in carbs (<10 grams/100 grams) can be added to the daily meal plan. Remember to watch the quantity so you can stick to your daily carb intake. Try to plan your meal with strawberries, watermelon, muskmelon, starfruit, lemon, peaches etc.

Fats to have on an Indian keto diet

As fat is a major part of this diet, the following are some options that can be added as per your requirements:

  • Oil: Different types of oils can help you maintain ketosis. A research study says that coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids which are easily absorbed and metabolized in the liver and converted into ketones. Olive oil is also one of the best options for your food preparation. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which are known to decrease the risk of heart disease. Adding safflower, sunflower and canola oil can also be helpful as they are rich in vitamin E, linoleic acids ad oleic acids.
  • Butter and ghee: White butter, ghee and yellow butter are commonly used in Indian dishes and can be had on the keto diet. They are rich in energy, fat, conjugated linoleic acid, vitamin A and vitamin D. If you like to spread or add peanut or nut butter in your meal or smoothie, switch to an unsweetened one.
  • Nuts and seeds: This food group is rich in calories, fat, protein, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which help you to fulfil the nutritional requirement and achieve your health goals by maintaining the ketosis process. They also help maintain the satiety level and keep you feeling full for a long time so you can avoid carb cravings. You can have almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and sesame seeds. You can add these food items in your shakes, curry, salad or have them as a snack.

Substitute for dairy

Dairy products are one of the most irreplaceable food groups in the Indian diet. But since it is a carbohydrate-rich food, you would have to avoid milk tea, lassi, milkshakes and smoothies. For your beverages, replace dairy with unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk and flax milk; for thickening agents, almond or peanut butter can be used.


Craving for sweets is one of the toughest challenges during the keto diet. To avoid carb intake and harmful artificial sweeteners, you can opt for stevia leaves to sweeten your tea, coffee and other beverages.

Ready-to-eat meals

Due to the popularity of this diet, there are several food companies that offer ready-to-eat meals such as keto dosa, keto cereal, keto upma, etc. Whenever you are buying such food items, carefully check the nutrition label first. Go for low sodium and 0 trans fat options to avoid health-related complications.

If you are planning to go on the keto diet, try to avoid foods that contain high amounts of carbohydrates in your meal plan, such as:

While evidence shows that a ketogenic diet is helpful for many different health conditions, you should discuss your health conditions, vital reports, likes and dislikes and sustainability of the diet with your nutritionist before making any big changes.

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

16 Years of Experience

Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

3 Years of Experience

Dt. Manjari Purwar

Dt. Manjari Purwar

11 Years of Experience

Dt. Akanksha Mishra

Dt. Akanksha Mishra

8 Years of Experience

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