Green tea contains vitamin B, folate, magnesium, flavonoids and antioxidants. Therefore, green tea is considered beneficial for health. Drinking green tea can relieve headaches. Apart from this, green tea can also be beneficial for cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's and heart patients, but did you know that green tea can also prove to be effective in reducing weight? Yes, the elements present in green tea can help in reducing weight. Some studies have shown that green tea can help in reducing weight by burning fat.In this article you will learn in detail about the benefits of green tea for weight loss -

(Read more - research based tips for weight loss)

  1. Active Constituents Of Green Tea
  2. Benefits Of Green Tea For Weight Loss
  3. How Much Green Tea To Drink To Lose Weight?
  4. Summary
Doctors for Green Tea for Weight Loss: How It Works and How to Use It

Health experts often recommend drinking green tea to people suffering from obesity, because green tea can help in reducing weight by burning fat. The following compounds present in green tea can work to reduce weight -

Caffeine Benefits For Weight Loss

Green tea contains a compound called caffeine. One cup of green tea contains 24-40 mg of caffeine. Caffeine is a compound that can work to burn fat. If caffeine is taken along with exercise, it can help in reducing weight rapidly.

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Catechins Benefits For Weight Loss

Apart from this, green tea also contains a flavonoid called catechin. It is a type of antioxidant. In such a situation, drinking green tea increases the amount of antioxidants in the body. This boosts metabolism and helps in reducing weight.

In fact, only the compounds called caffeine and catechin present in green tea can help in weight loss, because caffeine and catechin boost metabolism. This helps in proper digestion of the food eaten and keeps the weight under control.

Also, caffeine and catechin help in burning the extra fat stored in the body. Taking caffeine makes the body work more energetically. This burns fat and can reduce weight. However, some studies have also proved that drinking green tea did not have any effect on people who lost weight.

(Read more - Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss)

Drinking green tea can prove to be beneficial for weight loss. Caffeine and catechins present in green tea can be helpful in weight loss. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you can include green tea in your diet -

Benefits Of Green Tea For Fat Burning

The active compounds present in green tea help break down fat cells. When fat cells start breaking down, the weight starts reducing automatically. Let us tell you that the active compounds present in green tea increase the effect of fat-burning hormone (norepinephrine). This helps in burning fat. If you really want to lose weight, then along with drinking green tea regularly, you must also exercise. You can lose weight effectively by exercising regularly and taking a healthy diet. Drinking green tea daily can help in fat burning.

(Read more - Hormones that affect weight)

Benefits Of Green Tea For Increase Metabolism

It is important to have a healthy metabolism to keep weight under control. You can increase your metabolic rate by drinking green tea, but many researches also show that green tea does not increase metabolism. Its effect is different on every person. Therefore, more research is needed to know the relationship between green tea and metabolism.

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Benefits Of Green Tea For Calorie Deficit

Green tea can help prevent calorie increase. Many studies show that by drinking green tea you can burn more calories. According to research, drinking green tea can prevent calorie increase even when resting. Therefore, if you consume high-calorie foods, you can drink green tea. This can prevent calorie increase in the body.

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Benefits Of Green Tea For Belly Fat

Many people have a question in their mind that drinking green tea reduces weight, so can drinking green tea also reduce belly fat? Most people are troubled by belly fat these days. Belly fat can also cause many diseases. Studies show that the catechins present in green tea can prove to be effective in weight loss. It can also reduce belly fat to some extent. Drinking green tea can also help reduce the risk of diseases caused by obesity.

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If you want to lose weight, you can drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily. The amount of caffeine and catechins present in green tea can be helpful in reducing your weight. If you want to lose weight, you can consume green tea in the normal way. For this, take a glass of hot water. Put a green tea pouch in it and then drink it after 2-3 minutes. You should avoid adding sugar in it.

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Green tea is rich in nutrients, so it is considered beneficial for health. Along with this, green tea can also help in weight loss. Actually, green tea contains caffeine and catechin. Both these compounds burn extra fat by increasing metabolism. This gradually leads to weight loss. Therefore, if you are overweight, then you must include green tea in your diet. To lose weight, you can drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. If you do regular exercise and take a healthy diet along with drinking green tea, then your weight will start reducing rapidly.

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

6 Years of Experience

Dt. khushboo fatima

Dt. khushboo fatima

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Dt. Priti Kumari

Dt. Priti Kumari

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Dt. Sonal jain

Dt. Sonal jain

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