Reasons for oily hair

Wrong hair product

Dozens of shampoos are available today, and it is not easy to choose the best one. Therefore, the wrong shampoo can make the problem of oily hair worse.


Brushing stimulates hair follicles and produces sebum (oil). Therefore, excessive brushing can also cause oily hair.

Hormonal changes

Hormones become unbalanced due to pregnancy or menopause etc. Due to this, more oil comes out from the hair roots, due to which the hair becomes oily.

Oily skin

If your skin is oily, then the oil on the forehead can get into the hair. Therefore, try not to allow hair to fall on the forehead.

Tie up hair

Keeping your hair tied for a long time causes oil and sebum to accumulate in some places on the head.

Kesh Art Hair Cleanser is the best solution to various problems related to oily hair.

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