Vitamin B is a water-soluble vitamin, which is also called vitamin B7 or biotin. Biotin is essential for every type of health. Our body does not produce it, so it can be taken from food or as a supplement.

This nutrient plays its role in keeping skin, hair and nails healthy. Still, many people say that taking biotin regularly can help prevent acne.

In this article you will know whether consumption of biotin is useful or harmful for acne.

Read more - (top 10 biotin tablets in india)

  1. Functions of Biotin
  2. Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency
  3. Biotin for Skin Health
  4. Does biotin affect Acne
  5. Does Acne from Biotin go Away
  6. Side Effects of Biotin
  7. Summary

Biotin is an essential part of certain enzymes that are needed to metabolize fats, proteins, and carbs. Thus, it aids in the digestion and energy production of vitamins, which is essential for human growth and development.

Biotin performs some important functions:

  • Interacts with Enzymes

Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in your body. Vitamins are often cofactors for enzymes, meaning they help the enzymes. B7, or biotin, is a key factor for a group of enzymes that help break down and convert fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose.

  • Regulates Gene Expression

Biotin is also important for gene expression. In this process the body makes proteins based on information stored in your genes. Biotin changes and suppresses the activity of certain proteins that convert genes into other proteins.

  • Affects the Immune System

New research suggests that biotin also plays a role in the immune system and affects white blood cell activity.

(Read more -Can biotin help with acne?)


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Biotin deficiency can be caused by inadequate biotin intake or a genetic defect that can lead to increased inflammation and immune problems.

Common symptoms of biotin deficiency

  • hair loss or thinning
  • Red, scaly rash around the eyes, nose, or mouth

  • weakening of nails

  • Depression

  • Tiredness

Biotin deficiency affects hair, skin and nails.

(Read more - Biotin Benefits For Weight Loss)

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Biotin is known to treat inflammation and improve skin health.

Currently, there is little evidence that consuming biotin causes acne. These may be caused by deficiency of pantothenic acid or vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid plays an important role in the function of epidermal skin, the outermost layer of skin. Some people believe that pantothenic acid plays an important role in the cause and treatment of acne.

Also contrary to this, some people believe that biotin can cause acne by blocking the absorption of pantothenic acid.

(Read more – Biotin benefits for hair growth)

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There isn't much research on biotin treatments for acne. You need biotin for general health, but it's not clear whether it causes or treats acne. It's possible that people confuse biotin with vitamin B5, which may have a more significant effect on your skin.

  • Biotin and Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

Biotin helps convert amino acids and plays an important role in making proteins, including a protein called keratin. Instead, vitamin B5 has antibacterial properties and softens the skin.

  • Biotin may interfere with the absorption of B5.

The body absorbs biotin and pantothenic acid, but consuming excessive amounts of B5 blocks biotin and B5 absorption.

  • Biotin may help comedonal acne

One study shows that consuming biotin reduces oil production on the skin and may help with comedonal acne. This type of acne is mostly characterized by whiteheads and blackheads. Biotin can also cause problems like redness, dryness, and flaking during acne treatment.


Although biotin is known to cause acne, some research has found that it may improve comedonal acne, which appears like blackheads and whiteheads on the forehead and chin.

Additionally, this vitamin may be especially useful in controlling skin flaking and relieving irritation from acne, which causes red, scaly rashes on the skin. Biotin and vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, have both shown the ability to treat acne.

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As long as biotin is taken as prescribed by a doctor, it has no serious side effects. Still, it's important to be mindful of the effects when taking these supplements. It may interact with some medications to increase liver-related problems and may reduce absorption of other nutrients. Could.

Additionally, avidin, a protein found in raw egg whites, binds with biotin in the small intestine, reducing absorption of the vitamin. Thus, consuming biotin with eggs may lead to biotin deficiency.


In general, biotin supplements are considered safe when taken at prescribed times. Biotin is an essential water-soluble vitamin that your body can't produce on its own. Therefore, you must consume it in adequate amounts through foods and supplements to ensure optimal metabolism, growth and development. Deficiency of this vitamin can affect hair and skin and can also cause serious symptoms like depression and seizures.

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