You must have also realized that these days the weather is changing rapidly, the hot and humid season is ending and the winter season is about to start. Especially in the early morning and at night, the temperature decreases a bit and a light cold breeze is felt. Whenever there is a change in the weather or season, due to this many types of changes start happening in our body. Ayurveda believes that the external environment has a direct effect on our internal health. This is the reason why Ayurveda advises us that we should follow Ritucharya or seasonal routine to fill this gap so that we can avoid falling ill in the changing season and stay healthy.

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Our environment and our nature determine the structure and nature of our body. Changes in temperature or changes in humidity in the air also have a direct effect on our Prakriti or Doshas. For example, living in a cold and dry place increases Vata in the body and also causes dryness in the body. While hot weather increases Pitta dosha, monsoon season works to increase Kapha dosha.

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Often in changing weather, a large number of people suffer from cold, fever, flu or allergies. So if you increase your immunity, you can avoid falling ill. In this article, we are telling you how you should take precautions to avoid falling ill in changing weather and what to eat and what not. Also, what should be done to keep children healthy in changing weather.

  1. What To Eat During Changing Weather?
  2. How To Protect Children During Changing Weather?
  3. Summary
  4. Doctors for Nourish Your Body: Seasonal Diet Tips for Changing Weather

Whatever we eat has a direct impact on our health. Therefore, it is very important to consume healthy and balanced food, especially in changing weather so that your immunity becomes strong and you avoid falling ill. By making just a little change in your diet, you can increase your immunity. In such a situation, in the current season when summer is going and winter season is coming, know here about what you should eat and what things you should avoid:

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  1. Drink Soup In Changing Weather
  2. Eat Fruits And Vegetables In Changing Weather
  3. Benefits Of Ginger And Honey In Changing Weather
  4. Benefits Of Turmeric Milk In Changing Weather
  5. Do Not Eat Stale Food In Changing Weather
  6. Benefits Of Dry Fruits And Nuts In Changing Weather
  7. Do Not Eat Vitamin C In Changing Weather
  8. Gargle With Salt Water In Changing Weather

Drink Soup In Changing Weather

Soup is a quick, hot meal which is considered beneficial for health in many ways. Soup is also considered a complete balanced diet because a lot of vegetables or chicken are also added to the soup which helps in providing all the necessary nutrients to your body. Drinking soup not only helps in maintaining the energy level of the body but also makes the stomach feel full for a long time. Especially in changing weather, hot soup helps in keeping you warm from inside by increasing your body temperature. Therefore, definitely consume a bowl of soup daily. If you want, you can consume chicken soup, tomato soup, veg soup, sweet corn soup, lentil soup as per your choice.

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Eat Fruits And Vegetables In Changing Weather

Fruits and vegetables are considered an important part of a balanced diet. But in the changing season, you should keep in mind that you consume more seasonal fruits and vegetables so that the body's immunity i.e. the ability to fight diseases remains. Right now the month of October is going on and winter is about to start. In such a situation, fruits like papaya, pomegranate, guava, raspberry, custard apple, apple, etc. are available in large quantities in this season. On the other hand, if we talk about vegetables, then vegetables like cabbage, beetroot, carrot, radish, peas, spinach, turnip, pumpkin are the vegetables of this season which you should consume.

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Benefits Of Ginger And Honey In Changing Weather

As we have already said, the problem of cold and cough increases in the changing season. Therefore, prevention is better than cure and hence you should take all the necessary steps to avoid falling ill. To avoid the problem of sore throat, throat pain or cough during the changing season, consume ginger juice mixed with honey twice a day. By doing this you will be protected from throat infection and cold.

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Benefits Of Turmeric Milk In Changing Weather

Turmeric milk can act as a panacea to keep your immunity strong during the changing season. Curcumin present in turmeric is an anti-inflammatory property which can protect you from falling ill by increasing the immunity of the body. Therefore, consume it once a day by mixing 1 teaspoon turmeric and 1 teaspoon honey in 1 glass of milk. Although you can drink turmeric milk anytime in the morning or evening, if you drink turmeric milk before sleeping at night, it will give you good sleep and the healing process of the body (defeating diseases) will also be faster. Turmeric milk, also known as golden milk, will keep you fit and healthy even in the changing weather.

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Do Not Eat Stale Food In Changing Weather

When the weather or season changes, along with cold and flu, problems related to intestine and digestion also start increasing. Therefore, it is very important that you do not consume stale food during this time. As far as possible, prepare as much food as you can eat. Eat fresh food at all three times - breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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Benefits Of Dry Fruits And Nuts In Changing Weather

Dry fruits, nuts and seeds are considered to be nutritious food and also help in strengthening immunity. Especially when it comes to small hunger pangs in between meals, instead of eating things like chips, biscuits as a snack, you can eat nuts, dry fruits and seeds. Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, raisins - all these nuts are rich in antioxidants and vitamin E which help keep you away from diseases.

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Do Not Eat Vitamin C In Changing Weather

Whenever it comes to increasing immunity, most people advise you to increase vitamin C intake because vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight harmful bacteria in changing weather. Lack of vitamin C in the body makes you vulnerable to seasonal diseases like cold and flu. In such a situation, it is important to maintain the level of vitamin C in the body by consuming oranges, capsicum, grapes, kiwi, strawberries etc. but do not consume too many vitamin C supplements as it increases the risk of kidney stones.

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Gargle With Salt Water In Changing Weather

It is not necessary that you gargle only after getting a throat infection. To avoid any kind of throat problem during the changing season, add salt to lukewarm water and gargle with that water every night before going to bed. By doing this, you will be able to avoid problems like sore throat, throat pain.

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It is usually seen that whenever the weather changes, children are the most affected by it. Therefore, you can keep your child safe from diseases by feeding the right food during the changing season. To protect the child from seasonal diseases during the changing season, the following food related things should be kept in mind:

  • Give children plenty of pure water. Make it a habit for children to drink at least one glass of plain water as soon as they wake up in the morning. If the body is well hydrated, it helps in keeping diseases away.
  • Include foods like whole grains, pulses, eggs, etc. rich in vitamins, fiber and protein in the child's diet.
  • Apart from this, include foods rich in antioxidants like garlic, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon and ginger in the daily diet of the child so that their immune system becomes strong and the child can be protected from viral diseases.
  • It is also important to increase liquid intake in the changing season to increase the growth and energy level of children, so make sure to feed fruit juice, hot soup, turmeric milk - all these healthy things to children at least once every day.
  • Also feed nuts, fresh fruits and salads to children. But before feeding raw vegetables or fruits used in salad to children, make sure that those foods are thoroughly washed and clean.

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It is extremely important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet in the changing season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables should be consumed at such times, as they contain essential vitamins and minerals that increase immunity. Hot and nutritious foods, such as soup, porridge, and fenugreek or mustard greens should be eaten in winter. It is beneficial to consume refreshing fruits like watermelon, cucumber, and orange in summer. Include protein-rich foods like pulses, eggs, and non-vegetarian foods. Drink enough water to stay hydrated and drink herbal teas like ginger or tulsi tea. Avoid spicy and fried foods during the changing seasons, and include natural antioxidants like turmeric, ginger, and garlic in your diet. This will help your body adjust to the weather change and keep you healthy.

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

16 Years of Experience

Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

3 Years of Experience

Dt. Manjari Purwar

11 Years of Experience

Dt. Akanksha Mishra

8 Years of Experience

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