What is an NT scan?
A nuchal translucency (NT) scan is a screening test that is done during pregnancy to measure the thickness of nuchal fold, the fold of skin at the back of a baby’s neck and to assess the amount of fluid build up in it. This test helps determine the risk of genetic problems like Down syndrome (the baby has an extra copy of the 21st chromosome, which leads to intellectual and developmental delays) in the foetus. However, NT scan cannot be used as a definite procedure to detect such problems in the baby. Other diagnostic tests like amniocentesis (a test conducted on the amniotic fluid to detect genetic disorders, chromosome abnormalities and neural tube defects) and chorionic villus sampling (a test performed on placenta cells to detect genetic conditions and congenital disabilities) are required to confirm the diagnosis of genetic conditions.
The alternative terms for NT scan are Down syndrome, nuchal translucency, nuchal fold test, prenatal genetic screening and nuchal fold scan.