Dr. Harshavardhan Hegde
Dr. Harshavardhan Hegde is a well-known doctor based in Delhi who specialises in Orthopedics. Dr. Harshavardhan Hegde has over 36 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Functional Orthopedics, Joint Replacement Surgery, Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement, Neck and Spine Biopsy, Spine Injury are Dr. Harshavardhan Hegde’s speciality. Please see Dr. Harshavardhan Hegde's profile for the complete list. Fortis Escorts and Heart Institute - Okhla Road, New Friends Colony, Landmark: Sukdhev Vihar Metro Station Okhla Delhi and 2 more clinics ➤ -
Clinic fee: ₹1000.0
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