Dr. K K Sethi
Dr. K K Sethi is a well-known Cardiology in Delhi. Having worked with several hospitals, He has 0 years of relevant experience. Dr. K K Sethi is a specialist in Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment, Heart Conditions, Hypertension Treatment, Pacemaker Implantation, Treatment of arrhythmia, Coronary Angiogram. Please view the profile for a complete list of Dr. K K Sethi's expertise. Delhi Heart & Lung Institute - 3-MM-II, Panchkuian Road, Landmark: Near Ramakrishna Metro Station & Opposite Metro Pillar 34 Mandir Marg Delhi -
Clinic fee: ₹1200.0
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Pacemaker Surgery in Delhi: cost, hospitals and doctors
How much does Pacemaker Surgery cost in Delhi?
The cost of Pacemaker Surgery depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 41000 to Rs. 55000 in Delhi.
- Minimum price for Pacemaker Surgery in Delhi starts from Rs. 41000
- Average price for Pacemaker Surgery in Delhi starts from Rs. 50000
- Maximum expenses for Pacemaker Surgery in Delhi starts from Rs. 55000