Dr. Anil Namdeorao Kakde
Dr. Anil Namdeorao Kakde is a renowned doctor in East Delhi. Dr. Anil Namdeorao Kakde specialises in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Dr. Anil Namdeorao Kakde has over 3 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. counsultation in view of obstetrics and gynaecology., ultrasound in obstetrics and gynaecology., advice,treatment in menstrualdisorders,infertility,pregnancy and relateed diseases. are Dr. Anil Namdeorao Kakde’s speciality. Please see the profile page for a comprehensive list of Dr. Anil Namdeorao Kakde's expertise.
Hysterectomy in Delhi: cost, hospitals and doctors
How much does Hysterectomy cost in Delhi?
The cost of Hysterectomy depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 47250 to Rs. 140839 in Delhi.
- Minimum price for Hysterectomy in Delhi starts from Rs. 47250
- Average price for Hysterectomy in Delhi starts from Rs. 86710
- Maximum expenses for Hysterectomy in Delhi starts from Rs. 140839