Dr. Vivek M Agrawal
Dr. Vivek M Agrawal is a well-known doctor based in Nagpur who specialises in Neurosurgery. Dr. Vivek M Agrawal has over 12 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Vivek M Agrawal is a specialist in Pediatric Neurosurgery, Brain Tumor Surgery, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatment, Brain Aneurysm Treatment, Spine Injury, Spinal Fusion. Please see the profile page for a comprehensive list of Dr. Vivek M Agrawal's expertise. Pallavi Hospital - Pushpakunj Complex, Central Bazaar Road, Landmark- Nera Center Point Hotel, Landmark: Ramdaspeth Nagpur -
Clinic fee: ₹300.0
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