The procedure is a daycare admission and is a short one. Various procedures can be employed to deal with corn depending on the presentation and cause of the corn. Written consent is taken by the doctor from the patient before the procedure.
Medical care involves paring the corn without drawing blood. The affected area is cleaned with iodine or alcohol and a local anaesthetic is applied. The corn is then shaved off using a sterile scalpel, directed to remove the central keratin core of the corn. This immediately reduces pain.
An alternative procedure is a punch incision, which involves rotating a single-use disposable punch biopsy instrument vertically over the skin with a twirling motion. Upon penetration of the instrument through the dermis into the subcutaneous fat, the instrument is removed.
In the case of diabetic patients, regular debridement decreases the chances of ulcers and, hence, the requirement for surgical intervention.
Laser removal can also be used for paring deep corns.
The procedures above may be used along with certain topical medications and may take more than one session.
In case corns are found to have developed due to deformities or bony bumps, surgery is carried out to correct these. These are directed towards realigning the foot, minimising mechanical stress and preventing painful lesions from occurring. A few of the surgical procedures are:
- Arthrodesis: Parts of the toe that have arthritis are removed. This involves straightening out the damaged joints and removing the cartilage. Thereafter, screws are put in the toe to hold the bones together while they heal.
- Osteotomy: This is typically used to realign the bones around the big toe. Small incisions are made in the bones. Then, the toe joints are realigned using screws and pins.
- Arthroplasty: This surgery is used to restore the function of a joint. It typically involves resectioning or removing a part of the toe.
The above procedures are usually day-care. In case of surgeries, the patient would not be able to drive themselves home post-discharge.