Dr. A K Jain
Dr. A K Jain is a well-known doctor based in West Delhi who specialises in Orthopedics. He has over 0 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Hip Replacement, Fracture Treatment, Knee Replacement, Orthopedic Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy for Sports Injury Rehabilitation are Dr. A K Jain’s speciality. Please see Dr. A K Jain's profile for the complete list. Sushrut Orthopaedic & Surgical Clinic - C4H/168-A, Janakpuri, Landmark: Behind Tihar Jail., Landmark: Janakpuri Delhi -
Clinic fee: ₹500.0
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Carpal tunnel surgery in India: cost, hospitals and doctors
How much does Carpal tunnel surgery cost in India?
The cost of Carpal tunnel surgery depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 18000 to Rs. 65000 in India.
- Minimum price for Carpal tunnel surgery in India starts from Rs. 18000
- Average price for Carpal tunnel surgery in India starts from Rs. 40000.0
- Maximum expenses for Carpal tunnel surgery in India starts from Rs. 65000