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You like to enjoy sexual activity, but have you ever noticed the color of your semen after having sex? Perhaps the answer to most is no, but according to research, one should pay attention to the color of semen, because information related to men's health can be obtained from the color of semen. Therefore, today we will share the semen color chart with you through this article. This will help you in understanding your health and you will also be able to take advice from the doctor as per need.

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  1. What is semen?
  2. Semen color
  3. Reason for change in consistency of semen
  4. When to contact the doctor?
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for sexual disorders and issues

Semen is also called seminal fluid. This fluid is released from the male reproductive tract, in which sperm cells are present. The female egg is fertilized by this sperm cell. Semen also contains fluids, which together form seminal plasma, which helps keep sperm cells alive. In sexually mature men, sperm cells are produced in the testicles, which constitute only about 2 to 5 percent of the total semen volume. These are the important things related to semen, but it is also important to understand the colors of semen because vitamins, enzymes, minerals, proteinsantioxidants, and sugar are present in it.

(Read More - Semen Analysis)

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According to research, the color of semen can be white, yellow-green, pink, red, brown, orange, or even black. Health-related information is hidden in different colors of semen, which we will understand further -

White semen

If the color of semen is white, then it is considered healthy. The white color of semen is due to citric acid, sodium, calcium, acid phosphates, potassium, and fibrinolysin. Clear, milky white, or cloudy gray semen is considered healthy, but ignoring the changes in it is like unknowingly inviting a serious problem.

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Yellow-green semen

Due to the same path for both semen and urine, sometimes the color of semen can be yellow and this does not have any negative effect on health. Yes, if the color of semen appears dark yellow for several consecutive days, then a doctor should be consulted because such a problem can be due to a urinary tract infectionenlarged prostate, or jaundice.

(Read More - Semen retention benefits)

Pink, red, brown, and orange semen

Pink or red colors usually indicate fresh blood. Whereas brown or orange color indicates old blood. Blood can change to this color due to coming in contact with oxygen. According to research, semen containing blood is called hematospermia in medical terms.

(Read More - Semen fructose Test)

Black semen

Black-colored semen also indicates the condition of hematospermia. This happens especially due to injury to the spinal cord or an increase in lead or manganese in the body.

(Read More - Difference between semen and sperm)

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Healthy semen is usually sticky or jelly-like, but changes in its texture or consistency may be noticed due to the following reasons -

We will understand further the reasons for thick or watery semen one by one -

Thick semen

Thick semen can be due to dehydrationhormonal imbalance, or infection. At the same time, excessively thick semen can also cause infertility, because due to thick semen, it is not easy for the sperm to reach the egg.

(Read More - Sperm count test)

Watery semen

Watery semen indicates vitamin deficiency or infertility. According to NCBI, the number of sperm in watery semen is also less.

(Read More - What is sperm morphology)

Consult a doctor in the following situations -

  • Burning sensation while urinating.
  • Difficulty or inability to urinate.
  • Warmth, heaviness, or swelling in the genital area.
  • Rash or discomfort in the penis or scrotum.
  • Inability to ejaculate properly.
  • Foul odor from the genital area.
  • Noticeable change in the color or texture of semen.

(Read More - Hyperspermia Treatment)

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Do not ignore the color, thickness, quantity, or foul smell of semen, and contact a doctor. Keep in mind that if a doctor is consulted at the right time, any kind of health problem can be diagnosed. Along with this, following the advice given by the doctor properly can also help in curing the disease quickly.

(Read More - What to eat to increase sperm count)

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