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The sperm of a man is very important for a woman to become pregnant. If the sperm is not healthy, it becomes difficult for a woman to get pregnant. Sperm is produced daily in the testicles of men. Many things like sperm count, sperm speed, and sperm shape are important in sperm being healthy. If the sperm is inactive, then the chances of the woman becoming pregnant are negligible.

Click on the link given here and know the treatment for premature ejaculation.

Today in this article we will know what is sperm and what is its importance. Along with this, we will also discuss sperm count, sperm movement, sperm shape, inactive sperm -

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  1. What are sperm and its importance?
  2. What is sperm count?
  3. Sperm movement
  4. Sperm size
  5. Inactive sperm
  6. Takeaway
Doctors for sexual disorders and issues

Sperm may be small cells, but they are responsible for up to 50 percent of a woman's pregnancy. When the sperm meets with the egg of the woman, then the process of fertilization begins. From this, the embryo is formed. For a successful pregnancy, it is necessary that it also has the correct number of chromosomes. Male fertility is affected by two things, the first of which is the sperm count and the second is the movement of the sperm. These donations have been explained further in the article.

Click on the link given here and know the treatment for erectile dysfunction.

(Read More - How to increase sperm count)

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The testicle produces sperm in millions of every day. Sperm count means the number of sperm cells presents in the ejaculation of men. Sperm count tends to decrease with age and male fertility is also affected. Apart from this, factors like poor lifestyle, smoking, and alcohol consumption, heart diseases also reduce sperm count.

The number of sperm in the semen of a normal male can be from 15 million per ml to more than 200 million per ml. If the sperm count in 1 ml of semen is less than 15 million per ml, then it is considered low. This condition is called oligospermia.

(Read More - What is sperm donation)

If we understand the speed of sperm in simple words, it is due to the ability of the sperm to move toward the egg. Poor motility of sperm is called asthenospermia. Healthy sperm move at a speed of at least 25 micrometers per second. Sperm movement can be detected by the semen analysis. Sperm movement is responsible for 40 to 50 percent of infertility cases.

(Read More - Ayurvedic medicine for Low Sperm Count)

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When sperm is viewed under a microscope, three parts are visible - the head, the middle part, and the tail. It is explained below in a step-by-step manner -

  • The head of the sperm contains chromatin, which is the DNA material. This makes up the chromosome. Both the sperm cell of a man and the egg cell of a woman have 23-23 chromosomes. This upper part of the sperm is 5 to 6 micrometers long and 2.5 to 3.5 micrometers wide. Sperm and egg combine to form an embryo with 46 chromosomes. There is also a cap covering the upper part of the sperm, which is called an acrosome. This cap covers 40 to 70 percent of the head of the sperm.
  • Energy-producing mitochondria are found in the center of the sperm. Because of this energy, the sperm cell moves forward.
  • The posterior part of the sperm is called the flagellum. Only the back part helps in moving the sperm toward the egg for fertilization. There is no structure in the middle part or tail of the sperm.
  • When 14 percent or more of the sperm size is normal, the fertility potential is better. On the other hand, when 4 to 14 percent sperm size is normal, then the chances of fertility decrease slightly. In addition, if less than 3 percent of the sperm have a normal size, the chances of fertility are greatly reduced.

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For men who do not have sperm in their semen or it is difficult to count them, then that condition is called azoospermia. This problem is seen in 15 percent of men suffering from infertility. Although there are no symptoms of this problem, if a man is not able to make his partner pregnant, then this problem can be detected. After this, a sample of semen is sent to the lab for examination and then it is confirmed.

(Read More - Semen Analysis)

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Sperm cells are in the testicles of men and are also responsible for the pregnancy of any woman. By moving the sperm, they work to fertilize the egg of the woman. Sperm count and sperm movement can affect male fertility. Due to inactive sperm also, the chances of pregnancy for a woman are greatly reduced. If any man has such a problem, then it is necessary to follow the advice of a sexologist for its treatment.

(Read More - Male Infertility Treatment)

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