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In the case of sex, if you are not able to understand the changing behavior of your partner, then for your information, let us tell you that there can be many reasons behind it. Sex after marriage is a way to make life happy. But, your partner doesn't need to be ready for this every time. Many times it is seen that women feel so tired due to the burden of their household and office work that they do not feel like having sex.

At the same time, sometimes men also become so burdened by their work and personal problems that they also make excuses for not having sex. But, in this situation, both husband and wife will have to understand the feelings of the partner and behave according to the feelings of the other person.

Let us know about these popular excuses that men and women make for not having sex -

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  1. Common excuses of women about sex
  2. Common excuses of men about sex
  3. Common reasons for abstinence from sex
Doctors for Male and female excuses to avoid sex

Women can make these excuses to avoid sexual activity -

My menses started

When women do not feel like having sex, they often make this excuse. But, sometimes this also happens. During this period of pain, women prefer to spend time in the arms of their partner. If the problems of women are true then men will also have to understand their problems.

Expert Opinion: During periods, men must take full care of their partner. Many people say that women's sexual arousal increases during periods. But men should treat women like good friends at this time. If you want to have sex with them, talk to them about it.

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Religious pretext

In most of the religions of our country, men have more rights than women. In almost all religions, sex or sexual activities are considered impure. This kind of habit is only considered a bad means of enjoyment. Women who participate in worship activities, start staying away from activities like sex to keep themselves pure.

Expert Opinion: There is no need for women involved in religious activities to consider sex as bad and stay away from it. God has given you this body.

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Baby will wake up

It is believed that after having a child, many changes come in the life of most of the couples. After many couples have a child, sex almost goes away from their lives. Even in a joint family, husband and wife may have to face such problems. Women remain more alert in this situation. Whereas after having children, all time of women revolves around children. In such a situation, she does not even think about sexual activities.

Expert Opinion: When such a situation arises, you should prepare a plan to go somewhere with your partner without children. During this time, send the children to a camp or school picnic. When you go out, both of you should experience happy moments with each other.

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Not now, but some other time

It is often seen that women start staying away from sex for purposes like worship etc. To get their wishes fulfilled by God, women often give up their favorite things like watching TV, traveling, and even having sex.

Expert Opinion: People think that if they give up the things and activities of their choice then God will be happy with them and fulfill their wishes. You should make your efforts to fulfill your desires, sacrifice is not the only option, God can provide you everything even with your true feelings. Therefore, do not ignore the needs of your mind.

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Having a headache

In today's era, women have become self-reliant. With women becoming self-reliant, today they have come forward in every field along with men. Women also have to work under the burden of work in the office. His entire day is spent in going from home to office and from office to home. Women become so tired of all these tasks that they start getting headaches. In such a situation, they do not pay attention to sex.

Expert opinion: Women have to understand that sex is a way to relieve their stress. It is natural and effective. Men also feel very tired when they come home after the office. In such a situation, sex works as a simple way to remove fatigue for both men and women.

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I'm getting tired

Whether a woman is a housewife or a professional, all the problems and fatigue leave little chance for her to enjoy. Some research has also proved that women living under stress are not much interested in sex. Apart from this, they also stay away from sex due to worries about sex, fear of pregnancypain, etc.

Expert Opinion: Treat them lovingly and try something new for them. Focus on foreplay.

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I'm not in the mood

Cases of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (disorder without desire for sex) are seen more often in women. This has been proved by a study conducted on women aged 18 to 59 years. A person suffering from this disorder does not have much interest in sex. In the primary stage of this disorder, the woman does not have any desire for sex, whereas in the second stage, she completely loses interest in sex. When the situation worsens, she starts running away from sex. The reason for this disorder can be difficulty in talking to someone, fighting, not getting love, loneliness, etc.

Women think less about sex than men. Their mood needs to be corrected before sex.

Expert opinion: Men should exercise restraint in this situation. When this happens, make your partner feel good to prepare them for sex. For this, praise them and help them to do some work. Treat them lovingly, coercion spoils relationships.

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Men can make these excuses to avoid sexual activity -

I don't have a condom

Men who are fully conscious about sex do not have sex in an unsafe manner if they do not have a condom. Everyone should avoid having this kind of sex. Of course, some men may make excuses for such things, but it is very important not to have sex for this reason.

Expert Opinion: Men who avoid sex due to such problems should buy some condoms and keep them in a safe place in their house, away from the reach of others, so that they do not lose the condom during sex. There should be no problem due to this.

(Read More - Common mistakes during sex)

I have to go to sports practice soon

Many boys feel that if they have sex a few days before a sports match, their performance in the game will deteriorate.

Expert Opinion: It has been confirmed many times that having sex a few days before a match does not make any difference to your sports performance. Rather, having sex gives you mental peace.

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I still have some work to do

When men are busy with some work and if they do not feel like having sex, then they tell their partner that they will come to sleep only after completing the work. If you want to sleep then sleep. Many times, due to your office work, there is distance in your sex life.

Expert Opinion: When the partner says such things, the wife should understand what he is saying; who knows, the husband may have a lot of work. On the other hand, men should also understand their responsibility towards their home and complete their office work.

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I am going with my friends

Most of the men like to hang out with friends even after marriage. He likes to party and have fun with friends. Due to this, many men are not able to give time to their female partner/wife nor are they able to think about sex.

Expert Opinion: There is nothing wrong with hanging out with friends, but if you are ignoring home and wife and spending time with friends regularly, then you will have to be aware of your responsibilities. Even if you have to go out somewhere, take your wife along with you. This will strengthen the mutual relationship between you both.

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I have gas

Having gas in the stomach is a common problem for men and when they feel uncomfortable in this situation, they start avoiding having sex with their partner. For this, they take many measures, but when this problem increases, they go out for a walk as soon as they have food and after a long walk, they come home and sleep.

Expert Opinion: Today many Indians are troubled by this kind of problem and now this problem has started affecting people's sex lives also. To avoid this problem, you should go to the doctor and get it treated.

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Let us now know in detail about some common reasons for avoiding sex -

Some blame lies with society too

In our society, girls are never allowed to open up about sex. In such a situation, there are many questions and dilemmas in their mind regarding sex, due to which many times they are not able to share it with their husbands till long after marriage.

What to do: Get your partner counseled. Try to make them comfortable with this with the help of marriage counseling and some books. Apart from this, pay full attention to foreplay.

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Medicines effect

Medicines taken to relieve anxietystress, and depression also reduce women's interest in sex. Taking birth control pills changes the ovulation cycle of women and this also affects their desire for sex.

What to do: If taking any particular medicine is affecting your partner's sexual activity, then consult a doctor in this matter.

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Role of diet

Food also plays an important role in increasing sex drive. A 25-year-old girl did a lot of dieting to lose weight before marriage. She became thin till marriage, but after marriage, she consumed such a diet which caused fatigue and other problems. After which his attention did not go towards sex. Let us tell you that some diets increase our stamina, while some diets like junk food and caffeine etc. reduce our sexual desires.

What to do: Keep in mind that your partner eats a lot of things like chocolateoatmeal, and walnuts. They increase sexual desire. Also, give them salad instead of potato chips and water instead of cold drinks.

(Read More - Why foreplay matters)

Body shaming

Some women and men find it difficult to take off their clothes in the light and are in a hurry to wear their clothes immediately after sex. This happens only when the female or male partner is not comfortable with his or her body. Sudden weight gain, stretch marks, scars, or a partner's taunts can create an inferiority complex in them.

What to do: Don't ask them to be like any heroine or model. Tell her that despite not being size zero, you find her very beautiful.

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